JJ 20nl squeeeeezzzeeee

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Was really not sure if my play was good here................after 3 bet and call I felt I had to squeeze as JJ plays awful multi way..............when I get jammed on I literally spew..............but committed so just punt and hope...........ignoring the result what do we think..?? My 3 bet was to 5.40 if it makes any diff.......

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG Player 5 $20.90
UTG+1 Player 6 $30.50
COHero $22.22
D Player 2 $20
SB Player 3 $10.16
BB Player 4 $20.60
6$0.30Hero is COJJ
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.60, Player 2 raises to $1.80, Player 3 calls $1.70, 1 fold, Hero raises to $4.80, Player 2 goes all-in $18.20, Player folds, Hero calls$14.60
2$42, 1 all-in 963
2$42, 1 all-in 9
2$42, 1 all-in J
Final Pot$42
Hero shows JJ
Player 2 shows KA

Hero wins$41.40 (net +$26.80)
Player 2 lost $20
Player 3 lost $1.70

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
When you 4bet JJ you should ask yourself - am I happy to go all in vs any player?

If yes, then 4bet and call a shove.
If no, then flat the 3bet.

4bet and then folding to a shove isn't great because often we'll see AK and a few times AQ/TT which we are ahead of.

Better hands to 4bet/fold here are AQ AJ/ KQo

Posted 8 years ago
preflop: I would just call.
postflop: Here I would decide according to flop structure. I would try to continue slow on the boards when I have overpair. And give up on boards with overcards.

is it too straight forward?
Posted 8 years ago
@Harvie nailed this one. Maybe not even player dependant unless you know 3 bettor is a total nit, this situation I'm 4b calling off as standard 100bbs deep most likely, JJ doesn't play well multi way without position in a 3b pot so when we have an over call I'm always going to be looking to 4b this hand for value especially vs the Btn 3b that can be super wide.
Posted 8 years ago
i agree with Curl-1-out-the-boss Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I thought this one was ok but when you get shoved on you just cant help get that sinking feeling Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I don't like 4 betting JJ at these stakes at all. Players rarely stack off worse than QQ+ AK and hardly ever 5 bet bluff.

Although JJ will give you problems in multiway situations the fact it's now 3 way gives you much better odds to call and makes it likely that the BTN will play more honestly post flop giving you an easier time.