Flop cbet with range, 3BP IP

Posted 7 years ago

I'm wondering about cbetting, x/back parts of our range in this spot. Hand itself is irrelevant, just the spot when we 3bet IP with our range, and get a low board / low coordinated board. What hands you cbet and which ones to x/back?

Thank you!

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Posted 7 years ago

I have so much troubles in these spots. If somebody experienced is answering this. Can you add also OOP cbet/xcall/xraise ideas. pretty please Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Since its not a board that hits our range well we want to check most of the time. That means we need to check alot of our value too. And cbet with a low frequency with good air hands that can continue to barrel and hands that is beating his range but are the most vounorable. Good air hands is hands like JTo with one diamond, T9s ofc, KQ with 1 diamond or spades etc. And good hands to cbet for value is obv the time we hit the board and hands like JJ TT bc they need to most protection and the bigger pairs sometimes too for balance. That should leave us with many good hands like AK AQ and overpairs in our checkback range and we can fight back vs turn stabs.
Posted 7 years ago
@Prostaker And what sizing would you use with the hands you are cbetting with?
Posted 7 years ago
Big since we will be polorized.