NL10 KdKh

Posted 8 years ago

Anon hudless versus player in most pots one way or another. Definitely fishy and stationey but will bet hard when has it.

I 3bet and we get to it but I should make this bigger OOP I know, I know ...

Flop: Cbet and get a call, villain likely has a piece of it. Good. From utg maybe AJ/KJ QQ/JJ or some soooted flush draw perhaps. Hard to tell with these guys he could have 22 for all I know and floating.
If you think that's a bit far-fetched you should see some of the other hands in this session!

Turn: Not the best obviously but bet again in case our friend has picked up a draw, I'll be told very soon if I'm beat I suspect

River: Thought about this one really didn't think my opp was strong, maybe that Jx with a club I mentioned but I don't see a flush now. So I bet river here very small for some value against a fairly narrow range, if raised I fold, this guy wont bluff I think on this board.

What do you think of that line guys, maybe slow down a bit? Maybe chk/c river instead or chk/f to a big bet?


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
4 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB4
CO Player 6 $166.4BB
D Player 2 $100BB
SB Player 3 $112.8BB
BBHero $102.7BB
4$1.5BBHero is BBKK
Player 6 raises to 3BB, 2 folds, Hero raises to 8BB, Player 6 calls 6BB
Hero bets12.5BB, Player 6 calls 12.5BB
Hero bets21.5BB, Player 6 calls 21.5BB
Hero bets25BB, Player 6 calls 25BB
Final Pot $136.5BB


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Hmm the turn is a pretty crappy card, I may slow down and check it back here, if shoved on we're pretty much behind and stacks are pretty awkward for the river.

However, given you said they are pretty station-like I don't mind your line if you feel from past hands they can turn up with AJ/KJ/QJ here.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah 3bet is way too small unless you've seen him spaz over smaller 3bets. I like your line and sizings broadly. When the turn comes I'm just thinking how to get to showdown the cheapest. X/f would suck, so I like the small blocker bets turn and river from there. Never calling if shoved on. Pair with a club can still call you down for that small size but only the nuts is raising.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes you were both correct. I like a bit bigger 3bet to and @Harvie villain showed up with KhJh. Still a bit of a thin greedy bet on the river though for sure.

Thanks all. Smile