To cbet or not

Posted 8 years ago

You always read, when you have a big hand, bet big.
But lately, in the micro's, when i cbet big for value, i get tons of folds

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

Blinds $0.02/$0.056
UTG Leon116ru $5.79
UTG+1 ComodoNL $2.60
CO LordClefairy $16.12
DHero $8.50
SB nbchiller $8.63
BB WaiT4U $5.63
6$0.07Hero is BTN99
1 fold, ComodoNL calls $0.05, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.20, 2 folds, ComodoNL calls $0.15
ComodoNL checks, Hero bets$0.22, ComodoNL folds
Final Pot $0.69
Hero wins$0.67 (net +$0.25)
ComodoNL lost $0.20

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Not c-betting here is a massive mistake IMO. Sure, we will be folding out a decent chunk of villains range, but the thing here is that the parts of his range that are folding are very unlikely to be investing much money in the pot no matter what we do. Villain will almost certainly peel Jx at least once, especially since they will have a lot of gutshos to go with their pair frequently. If villain has Kx we want to make sure we can get three streets of value then as well. As bet sizes increase exponentially on each street, by betting the flop here we end up being able to make a WAY larger river bet than if we slow play here.
Posted 8 years ago
C-bet here is super standard, drawy board I expect to see the larger part of their range calling. Just happens they had an over pair or some random crap that could not continue.

I believe you're being results orientated.
Posted 8 years ago
The standard answer to your problem is if you're getting to many folds when you bet big for value is to recommend making your bluffs the same size and extending your bluff range. That said I agree with Harvie that you're just being results orientated. C betting here is mandatory. I would be making it 35c
Posted 8 years ago
Another vote for cbet, certainly by default though I could find some fringe cases of players I wouldn't want to bet flop against so it's important to always stay aware and be on the lookout for optimal plays even in trivial spots.
Posted 8 years ago
Pretty much cbet this board with 100% of your range IP.
Posted 8 years ago*
As turlock said, 35c cbet. Think more about what you're getting value from as opposed to simply how often you're cbetting. Think about textures that work better as cbets for our range, if we are protecting our value hand. What people will continue with etc.

For example here we might get a lot of folds from limped small pairs, but hey... we won't expect to get much value from them anyway if we check on this particular board.

But maybe he limps QJ and has a pair and a gutshot and so we want to bet enough to get good value from his lesser hand and draw. And not let any bad turn cards hit for free. Maybe he limps KT or KJ also, or even AA. All of these type of hands might be in a weaker players range so we definitely have lots of reasons to cbet.
Posted 8 years ago
Cbet, and cbet big, 90% of pot or something. It doesn't matter if the guy folds, he's going to fold some of the time. Those times when he folds you wouldn't have gotten any action with a check either in most cases. Betting big is the way we maximise our EV in the long run, so just go for it, and don't worry if he folds.
Posted 8 years ago*
Posted 8 years ago
If you find opponents are folding a lot to your cbets then start exploiting them and cbet more.

In the example above, you should make your cbet bigger. Most villains at 5nl have very inelastic calling ranges in that they will call a bet regardless of the size (up to a point - you can't jam 100bbs on this flop obv). So if your opponent in this example held KT then he would call a 10c bet, a 20c bet and probably even a 2x pot cbet. So you can exploit them by betting bigger when you have it, smaller when you don't. There will be some regs at 5nl (even at 5nl there are decent regs) who might catch on and exploit you but it is a good general rule of thumb to follow.