Posted 8 years ago

PokerStars - $0.05 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 158.6 BB
SB: 121.4 BB
BB: 186.6 BB
UTG: 64.2 BB
Hero (MP): 108.2 BB
CO: 101.4 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop:(pot: 1.4 BB)Hero has A:heart: K:diamond:

fold, [color=red]Hero raises to 3 BB[/color], CO calls 3 BB, fold, SB calls 2.6 BB, BB calls 2 BB

Flop:(12 BB, 4 players) 7:heart: K:club: 5:heart:
[color=red]SB bets 11.6 BB[/color], [color=red]BB raises to 30 BB[/color], fold, fold, [color=red]SB raises to 101.6 BB[/color], fold

SB wins 69 BB

I didn't have any stats on the SB, BB looks like a TAG reg.

I really don't like folding top top on this kind of board but the pot sized lead from the SB and the 3bet by the BB convinced me that at least one of them had me beat and would be prepared to stack off on the flop. I didn't see much value in 4bet shoving to only be called and crushed against a set or two pair.

Does my reasoning hold up or did I miss some value here?

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Posted 8 years ago
Looks like an easy fold to me against what looks like two regs. Can't see us ever being more than 335~% if we get the money in against both players, most like we're up against two pair or better.

I muck this every time against unknown regs in a single raised pot.
Posted 8 years ago
Vs a multiway pot here, I think if the action goes like this especially on a dry board then we can be safe to fold and be happy with it. We're gonna see sets and the occasional 2 pair (57s, or K7s maybe).

It's pretty tough in game but hey...
Posted 8 years ago
Postflop raises in multiway pots at these stakes are rarely bluffs, this should be an easy fold.

With no info on SB his bet size should be setting off alarms too. Even fish tend to be leaning more towards value with their pot size bets.If SB leads for pot and the BB even just calls it's still a tough decision even if we probably still call every time.