9-10s NL5

Posted 8 years ago

Can I get your thoughts on this hand? Villain was 28/22 Aggression 1.3 after 91 hands

Flop - With 2nd pair and a Flush draw I could have lead the flop but felt with the villain being the preflop aggressor he would CBet the flop more often than not especially if he was worried about the flush draw.

Turn - Turned 2 pair with a flush draw. Went for a check raise for value. When he comes back over the top I'm not delighted but at the time I though he would be doing that with Sets, Two Pair and also his flush draws (flush draws with gutshots aswell) and also due to his stats felt he may he just fell in love with top pair.

I feel I was blocking a lot of his combos by holding the 10-9s and also with the Ace of spades on the board felt this would have taken away a few of his flush combos.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
8 Players

UTG Dummkobb $5.07
UTG+1 gi-ei joe $5.06
MP1 10dogtags $6.46
MP2 eason867 $2.30
CO roadkill_lai $4.09
D M10beretta $6.09
SB Cyclosbash $5
BBHero $5.99
8$0.07Hero is BB9T
4 folds, roadkill_lai raises to $0.15, 2 folds, Hero calls$0.10
Hero checks, roadkill_lai bets $0.20, Hero calls$0.20

Hero checks, roadkill_lai bets $0.69, Hero raises to $2.24, roadkill_lai goes all-in $3.74, Hero calls$1.50
2$8.20, 1 all-in J
Final Pot$8.20
roadkill_lai shows two pair, Aces and Nines 9A
Hero shows a flush, Ace high 9T

Hero wins$7.86 (net +$3.77)
roadkill_lai lost $4.09

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Looks like a fold pre flop to me against a 80bb stack, learning towards a call if they are 100bb or more.

Turn raise is fine as you said we block some of their sets and two pair combos.

Pre I think is a mistake though.
Posted 8 years ago
Pre flop defend is fine, c/c flop standard. Turn I don't think we want to be check raising here this hand plays much better as a c/c vs villains range.

For value he has all sets and 2 pair which he's never folding when we c/r. (The worst hand you should c/r here is A9) By taking c/c line we get to keep in all his total air - straight draws and flush draws that have us nutted and will likely barell river too when he bricks aswell as AK AQ which will be looking to get value on river blanks. This line mean we get max value when we're ahead and lose the minimum when we're behind.

The river can get pretty difficult/ interesting on certain run outs but the turn is the important part here.

Posted 8 years ago
I've just reviewed this hand/post with my coach and realised I've given some pretty bad advice purely based on how much equity we have vs villains range - I basically discounted the fact that we have direct equity with the flush draw and weighted my decisions based on the fact we have a vulnerable 2 pair on this board.

We can and should be check raising flop with this much equity, we have at least 32% vs the very top of villains range if we have to get it in. We can definitely get villain to fold hands that have us beat either on the flop or when we fire the turn barell.

If we call flop as played then again we can and should be check raising to get max value vs 1 pair hands and draws - calling it off if we get jammed on.

Appologies for my cock up 😊

Posted 8 years ago*
Seems ok to me how it was played. Again can also check raise flop but you've pointed this out yourself. Turn though is always a raise as on top of beating a decent chunk with out made hand now (such as his big aces etc) we have the equity should we ever be behind.

One thing I'd point out though is that he's a shorter stack and we can raise smaller on the turn to maybe 1.60, that way we can make opponent make more mistakes with weaker hands rather than just have him know you're committed for stacks already,

Posted 8 years ago
Pre: I don't mind either three betting or calling here.

Flop: As long as we don't fold here it's hard to go wrong. Check calling is fine, check raising would be OK as well but my preference would be the check call. We will be ahead here with our single pair an absolute ton, and our flush draw blocks a lot of his potential outs so I'm happy to keep his range as wide as possible.

Turn: Again I like the check, when villain double barrels here I would expect him to have an ace almost always and people hate folding top pairs so I like the check raise for value here. We will be ahead a ton and we have a ton of outs to improve if we are beat. I would probably raise a little smaller though with the intention of jamming all rivers that are not a 4. When we get jammed on it's obviously a call then.
Posted 8 years ago
I like the call pre. Not keen on 3 betting a spec hand type against a short stack, but we have enough high card value to make the call vs a CO opening range.

Not keen on the idea of check raising the flop when we're heads up with a short stack on an Axx board, fold equity will be a lot less than normal, I'd much prefer to keep his bluffs in.

On the turn I'm ok with the check raise, but the problem is turn raises get so much more respect than flop raises, and we don't want him folding any weak Ax now, as played I would go barely more than a min raise when we can still make an easy shove on the river.