NL10 TcTh

Posted 8 years ago

Anon v tight, nitty over 200 hands or so.

Preflop it's iffy even to think of a 3bet v this guy so I took the passive route. It often goes one of two ways with these nits, snap/fold or 4bet, both of which suck.

I would happily (well, fairly happily!) get the money in on the flop, but villain was having none of that.

I don't think I can carry on after the flop, though I usually barrel, it just looks too thin this time to me even with the mighty gutshot to the nuts. I'd probably have folded river even if the board paired and villain shoved.

Any better way of playing this hand?


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $100BB
UTG+1 $36.5BB
CO $135.6BB
D $105.2BB
SB $118.9BB
BBHero $102.5BB
6$1.5BBHero is BBTT
4 folds, SB raises to 2.5BB, Hero calls2BB
SB bets 3BB, Hero raises to 12BB, SB calls 9BB
SB checks, Hero checks
SB bets 30BB, (Hero)?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
If you folded I think you played it spot on.

No need to 3 bet vs a super tight player, though TT is in my default range vs an unknown SB open.

Flop raise for value is easy.

I would check turn also, expecting villain to check a ton of his showdown value hands to us on the river. At these stakes he shouldn't turn a hand such as QJ into a bluff almost ever.

As for finding a reason to value bet turn or river, do you ever feel a nit will bluff catch with two pair? I think it's doubtful.

It may be an idea to make a tiny bet on the turn, something like 5bb, for thin value. W34z3l started me off with lines such as this with massive underbets. I'm sure villain will call with Ax here, and it makes it more likely that he will check to you on the river, allowing you to check behind.
Posted 8 years ago
Well played assuming you folded the river. It's just one of those spots where you're happy to go broke, but the absolute worst card for you shows up on the turn. I kinda like the idea of underbetting the turn at this limit, but equally I don't think the EV will be much different and we don't need to do that given the fact that we have position.
Posted 8 years ago*
Ye I snap/folded, my only chance is, forget it! Laugh

Thank you guys. Cool
Posted 8 years ago
I take a different view to the above posters.

Preflop: I play a mixed strategy with 10s SBvsBB i 3bet about 30% of the time call about 70% of the time.
Flop: Range vs range we are pretty much soul crushed here. Our opponent has all combinations of AAs,QQs,10s,AQ,A,K, A,10,AJ, while we only have KJ,10s, and A,10. So therefore to compensate for this range disadvantage i have i will play mostly all of my range passively and think we should call the flop with 10s. As played though, i don't raising is absolutely terrible.
Turn: As played, check/back turn.
River: I think we have to fold here. On the turn we should be checking back some Kx hands a non 0% of the time also some flushes since our opponent can have flushes so i don't think we have to call this combo of TT.