NL5 A6

Posted 8 years ago

Hello to all
clad to be apart of this community .
My question is about my turn push vs villian range and the overall play on the squize

PokerStars - $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

Hero (BB): $5.39
UTG: $5.15
MP: $6.09
CO: $6.21
BTN: $5.05
SB: $4.82

SB posts SB $0.02, Hero posts BB $0.05

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.07) Hero has 7A
fold, MP raises to $0.15, CO raises to $0.45, fold, fold, Hero raises to $1.00, fold, CO calls $0.55

Flop : ($2.17, 2 players) 67K
Hero bets $1.04, CO calls $1.04

Turn : ($4.25, 2 players) 4
Hero bets $3.35 and is all-in, CO calls $3.35


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Posted 8 years ago
I don't like the turn shove after they call the flop. The 4 doesn't change anything and they have less than a pot size bet to call. Yes we turned a FD but I think our fold equity is very low.

I would have bet much smaller on the flop around like 80cents given it's a 4bet pot.
Posted 8 years ago
I like it and I would be taking much the same line if I elected to 4b the A7s.
Posted 8 years ago
Preflop got kinda overlooked and while 4betting with A7s here can be a fine play it's also far from being good by default at NL5. Many players make the mistake of going for those sexy plays and sabotaging their win rate by getting into tough post flop spots. It's just something to think about.
Posted 8 years ago
I think this post flop idea is generally good against a reg. Many at these stakes will call a 4 bet with a lot of pocket pairs which might not fancy calling it off on a king high board.

As played though it's a bit weird because you made a cold 4 bet which isn't standard at these stakes at all. Because of this a lot of players will panic and only call AK here rather than shoving. They feel they can't shove because you're too strong but they can't bring themselves to fold, meaning villain has AK here a lot more often than you'd expect.

So I would prefer a smaller c bet as Harvie suggested, and you should be able to make another small bet on the turn around $1.25
Posted 8 years ago
The idea of this play is firstly to get folds so you need to make this sizing larger considering these is a player already raised, secondly this is a cold 4bet, not a squeeze.

Also I'd not like to see these types of plays made unless you specifically see that the guy folds to this type of play, but at these stakes I really don't think this is a play you need to be making. Squeeze plays are fine, but cold 4 bets into the dark are a bit awkward.

Postflop we're in a pickle really and I think you don't have much FE at all on the turn. Maybe we get QQ to fold but I think just ditch the hand pre and move on.