Posted 8 years ago
Jon - 10% PAID
Killjoy - 5% PAID
Kravean - 10% PAID
CrazyKeri - 5% PAID
Keithyboy - 5% PAID
Barrabod - 10% PAID
Areanu - 5% PAID
f1zz1cs - 5% PAID

All monies has been received so we are good to go for tomorrow! Let's gooooooooooooooooo!!!
Posted 8 years ago
The day is upon us! Feeling good, up nice and early, been to the gym (pokermon gym of course) and ready to kick off everything in 10 minutes!!

Catch all the action (almost) live at
Posted 8 years ago
Good luck today mate. Will be tuning in later! 😃
Posted 8 years ago
lemme know for next yin
Posted 8 years ago
The dream is over unfortunately. We did not make a profit, we lost some money but not all of it. I'll need to work out the exact amounts but total based off of my rough trackings during the day I bought in for a total buy in of ~450 (missed a few events due to multiple tourneys going on at once) and cashes of somewhere in the region of $235 I think. I'll go through sharkscope and work out the precise results and post them here, cash will be posted back to the accounts I received cash from then in the coming 1-2 days.

Sorry I couldn't do the job today!! Closest we came was a top 40 finish in the hot 16.50out of >1000 runners, a FT would have been awesome but it wasn't to be.

Thanks again to all those who invested!
Posted 8 years ago
Just after founding out that sharkscope is not a fully paid service so I can't work out my exact cashes there without subscribing which I'm not overly keen on. Does anyone have a sub there already? I've looked at and it seems to not be 100% reliable in that only 1 tournament from today is currently appearing there under my name. Any ideas on the best way to go about working out the precise figure otherwise? (didn't note my exact balance prior to playing unfortunately)
Posted 8 years ago
You can request a playing audit from stars software to be sent to your email.
Go to Tools - History & stats - Playing History Audit
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
OK, so by my count I have:

Total Buyins: $460.90 - I skipped the following events: Mini Sunday KO, Bounty Builder 16.50, Big 7.50 and Hot 5.50. Skipped these due to multiple tournies ongoing while they were due to be regged.
Unused buyins = $40.50 from the original $501.40.

Total Cashes: $234.38.

Combined for the day: 234.38+40.50 = $274.88 due.

10% stake = 27.5
5% stake = 13.75

Is everyone happy to receive due funds back to the account they were originally sent from?

Also, if anyone wants to see the full playing audit from the day just holler! (To anyone looking at sharkscope - There were a handful of events played outside of the package. The Million Dollar freeroll was on and I played one micro millions event later in the day plus a few hyper-KO's. Pretty sure I turned a loss on these overall but I did not include them in the figures since they weren't included either way)

Posted 8 years ago
Sounds good. Great stream, shame to run like dog shit early on
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh that's fine mate. Didn't get to see much but what I did see I really enjoyed. I thought you played well!
Posted 8 years ago
hey i am drunk as mf shieet..1
Posted 8 years ago
Next time!....

I'm happy to have funds sent back via Stars.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh fine by me! Good effort
Posted 8 years ago
Great, I'll get everyone's cash sent later on this evening so.
Posted 8 years ago
All moniez have been shipped to their respective pokerstars accounts. Thanks again for the investment guys, sorry I couldn't get the job done!

Hopefully those that tuned into the stream enjoyed the sweat at least. I'll probably do something similar again next month sometime if people are interested again. If you could all let me know that the money gets there OK it would be appreciated Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Received. Cheers mate! Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Posted 8 years ago
Money received, thanks Ferg! Deffo be in again next time
Posted 8 years ago
I'm not quite sure what you are looking for @AtomJapo, can you be more specific?

Thanks killjoy!