Malta cash games

Posted 8 years ago

As some of you know, I'm in Malta for Unibet open. I busted the donkament, so now got couple of days to kill.

I wonder if anyone is interested in staking me for cash games? I have been playing cg's for living and I'll have clear skill superiority over the table. I'm not rolled for them, but want to play. I offer profit split 75/25 IN YOUR FAVOUR!!! I accept just Skrill, and as they have atm limit of 250 EUR/day - that's the stake for 1/1 or 1/2 NL game (I can clarify stakes). No make up.

Post here / pm me and I'll provide my skill email.


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Posted 8 years ago
Would take 20% of it if any others wanted to come along and have a gamble - would obv require some epic pics and videos of the action Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah shit, me too. I'm gonna be totally skint anyway.
Posted 8 years ago
Nice! We got few days to make it happen! I can take 20% of myself as well, so just 40% to gogogogogoggogo!
Posted 8 years ago
20% here.
Posted 8 years ago
That is 80% sold

Anyone for the last 20 ball?
Posted 8 years ago
Already feeling the hype! So they got 0.5/1, 1/1, 1/2. atm just 1/2 is running with 100e min, 500e max. So guess going for 1 bullet 250e buy in is the way to go! If lower stakes will run, I'll prob take them to have more bullets.

20%=just 50eur - do we have our final partner?

As soon as it fills, up, I'll PM everyone with my Skrill email!
Posted 8 years ago
I can take another 10% if anyone wants the remaining 10%
Posted 8 years ago
Ok, I take the last 10%.
So it stands:
MG 30% -75 EUR
@BarraBod 30% - 75 EUR
Jon, Paul both 20% - 50 EUR

I'll PM you my Skrill email now. I don't have 'auto accept payment', so I do it right before I play.

Posted 8 years ago
I think I PM'd everyone involved - let me know if not. Please make the xfer today, as I plan to play tomorrow! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Ok so have a situation - I cannot deposit onto skrill but can send to someone on Stars or bank transfer (UK) if they can send to MG on Skrill

Posted 8 years ago
I'll be off in couple of minutes, but I know that Paul has a Stars acc? And also UK bank acc? I hope you guys can figure it out! I'm not sure one can send money on Unibet, but if yes, I can accept there as well.
Posted 8 years ago
Deffs cant send money on unibet.

I am 100% in for my piece just need to have someone do the skrill in exchange for stars/bank
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah I can do that jon. I'm out at the park now with the kids so will be later. I've not used Skrill in a while but should be fine. You wanna ship me on Stars?
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: Yeah I can do that jon. I'm out at the park now with the kids so will be later. I've not used Skrill in a while but should be fine. You wanna ship me on Stars?

Yeh sounds good whats the sn?
Posted 8 years ago
Lodger21 I think.
Posted 8 years ago
It will be on the video review you did for me but I can't check anything on my phone. I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
Posted 8 years ago
All sent ty

Good luck @MilfGrinder
Posted 8 years ago
I'm having a problem with Skrill also. Its asking me to verify my card (which I'm sure i did a long time ago) and says it can take up to 2 days! If I can send someone the money or I can send on UniBet.
Posted 8 years ago
@BarraBod Maybe you can ship it to Paul's Stars as well as Jon did? If that's OK with Paul of course.

Let's make it happen!