I have forwarded this onto our support manager who will check chat logs/emails and see if there is anything we could have done better and more importantly find you a new deal.
Hi Jon,
thx for your support. Now I'm reading my post again it seems like a rant, while I just wanted to give feedback. Probably language barriers But I just really have a bad experience with companies that use 1)hard selling techniques and 2) don't use proper CRM etc. Just shows where the main interests in the company lies, and it isn't with their customers:)
That said, I live in belgium and they are quite strict. They've blocked all sites that aren't regulated so only sites left are PS, Unibet, Ladbrokes(I think it's microgaming network), Bwin and some really small local like Golden Palace.
Unfortunately I have an account at all of them, except Ladbrokes. I do am timing out for 6months on Bwin to get your offer for a retag on Bwin. I haven't ever played on Bwin, or deposit, I only made the account to look at the traffic.
If you guys could hook me up with something for Unibet I would really be delighted as well. 1 problem: i have an active account
And finally, maybe a bit in the gray zone, would you get in trouble by playing through vpn on a site that isn't regulated for Belgian citizens?
edit: just checked latest offers, "be based offers", all sites like bet365, tiger gaming, .. get blocked by my internet provider & give a sign of the belgian gov & gambling commisision. Looks like the offers aren't that BE based ..