Posted 8 years ago

When is the money being payed for $55.000 PokerVIP Top 500 March promotion on Betfair? It's the first time that I get into the top500 and I have no clue about the payments.

Posted 8 years ago
Hi @Balonas

The standings will be finalised soon, once the end of month reports are in and updated, so keep an eye as your position may change. Payments will be made by the 14th of the month, usually sooner though Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Hello Support type People!

This could use a little TLC:

Turn Probability and Odds

#1. Probability/Odds of hitting your flush by the river 19.6% (4 -1)

AK should be either AhKh or AcKc othewise someone is going to get there money in awfully bad. Giggle

Thanks. Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
Oh haha nice spot and thanks for bringing this to our attention @Pwll - Now corrected Wink

Attached Image

Posted 8 years ago
Hi peeps,

This looks like a spam bam opportunity to me. Smile

edit: also here and all over the place.

Think I posted in the wrong thread earlier. Sad

Have fun kicking butt. Muscle
Posted 8 years ago
I think I have them all cleaned up. If not anyone please link! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Not a major one, doesn't really bother me but whenever I log in it tells me I have a new Badge (Warrior) when I don't.
Posted 8 years ago
Hey @thetallpaul

Thanks for flagging this up, I will look into it for you and get it fixed.
Posted 8 years ago
why i the poker room Betvictor dissapeared from my dashboard ? Yesterday it was still there.
I also cannot find this room at the deals page ?
Whats going on ?
Posted 8 years ago*
The rake race hasn't been updated in a long time either on the main page, so might just be a few issues in general.

But yes the same is happening for me, it shows all the rooms and I get to the bottom and I circled what it says.

Btw my location on the site is still set to UK (I made sure to check) so not sure what's happened.

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Hi guys,

@Migo14 please bare with us on Betvictor, we are experiencing some issues with the deal displaying on site, that is all that is wrong and the developers are on it right now and will have this fixed soon so don't worry Smile

@Grocker6 We are not getting rake stats from ACR currently so this will not display on your dashboard I am afraid. The message displayed at the bottom of the page, I don't think this is anything you need to worry about, it does not effect anything as far as I am aware, it says the same at the bottom of my dashboard under poker rooms, I will get it looked into for you though.
Posted 8 years ago
@CrazyKeri I wasn't actually talking about ACR, just showing that I had no BV on display and yeah as you've mentioned to Migo, just some issues as I guessed. Thanks Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Ah sorry I misread that! Yes all will be back up and running soon Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Glad to hear that there are no serious problems with Betvictor.
I have the same message at the bottom of my dashboard and I was afraid that they stopped accepting players from Germany or something like this.
Posted 8 years ago
Hi guys,

Can you confirm if Betvictor data is showing again for you please?
Posted 8 years ago
@CrazyKeri Yes it is now thanks.
Posted 8 years ago
Great, thanks for confirming Sun
Posted 8 years ago
Same here, it works Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Good good @Migo14 Glad we are back up and running, thanks guys Yes
Posted 8 years ago
is pokervip support down? no email support no skype support? oO