Posted 7 years ago
Hi Keri,

Thanks for the reply. It was on the 1st of March, on Unibet you can have multiple alias (under the same log in name) do you think it matters which one I'm using? It's cool if you havent received a report yet, just wanted to make sure there wasn't a problem.
Posted 7 years ago
For Unibet you just need to ensure you have added your login name to your dashboard as this is what tracks the rake data. If its not correct please remove and then re add your login name. And no you dont need to worry about changing your alias at all, it wont effect anything Smile

If it does not show in the next few days let me know and I can send in to Unibet to have it checked out for you.
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Keri, it's still not showing as confirmed, would you be able to contact Unibet and see whats up?

Posted 7 years ago
Hi there, screenname still unconfirmed for Party Poker, maybe they're just a bit slow or they forgot me. Crying

Maybe the mighty Keri can give them a kick up the - nudge, I meant nudge! Giggle
Posted 7 years ago*
Hey guys!

@Pwll I have heard back from Party and your account was actually not tracked to us, however they have said they will kindly retag it for us, this is in the process of happening now and I will confirm with you once its done.

@Morrizio Please PM me your Unibet login name + email for the account and I will send it in to them to have it checked for you. Its still likely that everything is OK though as we havent had a report from them yet this month so dont worry too much Smile
Posted 7 years ago
,Woah, just noticed this. Thank you very much Party Poker and the ever awesome @CrazyKeri , I will await confirmation. Clap

Thanks again.
Posted 7 years ago
Hi again (guess who Blush )

So BV has withdrawn from the race and I got an email from PokerVIP suggesting I move to GUTS. I am a fish at this stuff (yes yes I know, lots of other stuff to), so the suggestion is I make an account on GUTS and move my money there, then let you know here about SN etc?

If so I will. Thanks. Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Found out that GUTS don't have a licence for uk so they're out for now. Sorry to inconvenience and be such a noob.

I'll stick with Party for a bit when I get confirmation.

Posted 7 years ago
Hey! Yeah unfortunately Guts do not hold a licence for the UK just yet, hopefully they will soon though, keep your eyes peeled Smile

Hopefully it shouldnt be too long before we get confirmation from Party!
Posted 7 years ago*
@Pwll Just a heads up that Guts are opening their doors to the UK on the 28th of March! NoddingMuscle
Posted 7 years ago
Oh nice, thank you. Yes
Posted 7 years ago
Party SN now confirmed. Again I thank @CrazyKeri and Party Support peeps, nice job.

Posted 7 years ago
Excellent! Party
Posted 7 years ago
I guess this would be the right place to put some suggestions about the forum improvments. If it's not please move it or create a suggestion thread. Anyways, it bothers me that when I make a longer comment under a video I can not edit the writing like spaces, make it bold etc. cuz it's very hard to read for the coach, example:
Posted 7 years ago
Hey @TheChampion - Thanks for your feedback and I will pass this on to the team and see what we can do. Yes
Posted 7 years ago
Hello ! Yesterday i created an account via pokervip on StanJames.
Until now i still didn't get the 30% RB deal and my SN still unconfirmed.
Is there something else i have to do ?
Posted 7 years ago
Hi @highyeah could you please PM me your Stan James screen name + email? I will ensure your rakeback is set up correctly. Please make sure you have added the original name you use at the tables to your dashboard as this is what tracks the data. Once you have played and then next report comes in from Stan James it will update.
Posted 7 years ago
Question regarding Rake Race May 2017, my Nickname on the Rakerace is " Kanaxis " , how did i go from raking 2300 points to 1800? please get back to me regarding this, also my prize got lowered for a reason, i can provide cash history reports clearly saying i raked 230 euroes, not 180.

Posted 7 years ago
Hey @Kanaxis - Can you please PM me your details. Include the room you are playing on, your login name + screen name for the account and email used to register. Also can you throw me in the screen shots of the proof of rake and then I can forward it on to the room to query it for you.
Posted 7 years ago
Posted this is the wrong thread. Doh! Needs a little TLC methinks.