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Check Pwll's recent activity and point progression.

Pwll posted in a thread The ONLY Way is - UP!+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread The ONLY Way is - UP!+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread *Insert Amazing Poker Journey Name Here*+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread The ONLY Way is - UP!+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL20 Ah7c+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL20 6s7s+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL20 AhKs+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread NL10 Js7s+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread Does everyone fold on the river? 4NL+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL10 QhJd+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL10 Js7s+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread NL10 AdJh+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread 99 NL10+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll created a new thread NL20 5c5h+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread NL20 Jc8c+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread AQ 3 bet pot nl 10+1 Point

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL10 4s2c+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL10 AdJh+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted a new hand on forum NL20 Jc8c+100 Points

8 years ago

Pwll posted in a thread Calculating EV - a general case?+1 Point

8 years ago