Matt VIP

PSYC Expert at

0 Videos172 Articles Since 2015

Matt is predominantly a mental game and planning expert, with a terrific knowledge of science, meditation, practical methods of improvement and of course, a good level of poker skill! Look out for his strategy articles and follow him for his nobel-prize winning forum posts! Follow MattVIP here.

Prior to working with PokerVIP, Matt was a hand evaluation coach at PokerStrategy and worked as a poker writer for a number of distinguished websites, including
Poker Mental Game & PlanningMike Matusow Poker Strategy

In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the famous hands involving Mike and try to figure out what makes his game tick.

Matt VIP 8,927 Views on 13/12/16

Texas Hold'em No Limit IntermediateTraps and Pitfalls to Avoid on a Wet Board

In this article we're take a closer look at the traps and pitfalls you might come across when playing on a wet board.

Matt VIP 11,533 Views on 9/12/16

Texas Hold'em No Limit AdvancedHow to Read Board Texture

In this article, we're going back to basics to try to answer the seemingly simple question: "How to read board texture".

Matt VIP 32,064 Views on 6/12/16