Short Deck NL Hold’em has taken the high stakes poker world by storm over the last two years
Mark Patrickson• 6,507 Views • on 15/12/21
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Short Deck NL Hold’em has taken the high stakes poker world by storm over the last two years
Mark Patrickson• 6,507 Views • on 15/12/21
Short deck NL hold’em is currently enjoying another ramp up in popularity.
Mark Patrickson• 9,829 Views • on 13/11/18
It’s time to turn to the mathematical side of the game and see just how much difference the 36-card deck makes to pot odds.
PokerVIP Coaching• 17,223 Views • on 24/6/16
If we look at traditional Texas Hold’em starting hands, we would expect to get our beloved AA about once every 221 hands, so what about in our new version of the game?
PokerVIP Coaching• 26,541 Views • on 23/6/16
The following articles will show you how to play this new version, what strategies you need to employ, and just where it differs from the traditional No Limit Hold’em we all know and love.
PokerVIP Coaching• 21,787 Views • on 20/6/16
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