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PokerBROS Aim High with New Kill Pot Feature

4,155 Views on 23/3/21

Industry-leading play-money poker app PokerBROS has come up with a novel solution to make their fixed-limit games more exciting

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Industry-leading play-money poker app PokerBROS has come up with a novel solution to make their fixed-limit games more exciting. The new action-boosting feature is called Kill Pot and guarantees to make the tables more enjoyable by increasing the size of the pot.

Boosts the Size of the Pot

NL hold’em and PLO are the most popular games of the day, but fixed-limit tables are not dead yet. Certainly not on PokerBROS. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t benefit from some creative thinking to offer added fun to each session.

PokerBROS decided that fixed-limit games would be more enjoyable if the pots were bigger every now and then. This would see players fighting particularly hard when Kill Pot has been triggered.

When Does Kill Pot Activate?

The Kill Pot feature activates when a pot grows large enough—between 8-15 big blinds, depending on the Club owner’s settings.

When Kill Pot is activated the next hand will be run at double the size of the previous hand. The big and small blinds will double and the under the gun player will post a second big blind. This will obviously create a much larger pot that players will fight harder to win.

Example: For a $1/$2 fixed-limit game, Kill Pot activation means the next hand will have blinds increased from $0.50/$1 to $1/$2, with another $2 big blind posted under the gun. This pot might also trigger Kill Pot which will play at the current increased size. Although an indefinitely long chain of Kill Pots can happen they only increase in size on the first activation.

One rule to note is that Kill Pot is not triggered if a pot is chopped, or split in a hi/lo game, regardless of how large it grows.

All Club owners have to do is switch on Kill Pot in the settings, and choose how many big blinds are needed to activate.


There is no doubt that PokerBROS is the best app to come out in recent years. Launching in 2019 it came up with an amazing interface that showcases next generation graphics. It is also one of the most customisable poker apps available today.

Available in any country, PokerBROS offers play-money games to anybody. If you are looking to get involved in poker then either create or join a Club. Simply make an account here and get stuck in.


Mark Patrickson

Mark Patrickson is a professional cash game player grinding stakes up to 100nl 6 Max NL Hold'em13 years experience of poker, across MTT SnG and cash, FL PL NL.Currently living in South East Asia and trying to make it back to mid-stakes befo ... Read More


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