Twenty years after the initial Online Poker Boom in 2003, real money online poker in the USA continues to be a growing sports market on broadcast media but also a lucrative pastime for some. With more and more real money poker websites available than ever, letâs review some of the key details within the contemporary American online poker market.
Current Player Market
While sources differ on the exact figures, itâs estimated that there are around 100 million registered online real money poker players across the globe â with 60 million of them residing in the US. Thatâs over half of the global market! Of course, there is conjecture as to what constitutes the definition of an âonline poker playerâ. Some user accounts may have been created a long time ago and are inactive, the numbers may be double or triple counting the same users whoâve simply signed up for multiple services. Dormant accounts are closed after set durations, however, are often replaced by new customer signups â regardless if they are online poker virgins or not.
Remember, itâs not just the likes of Espen Uhlen Jørstad, Sam Grafton, and Jake Schindler playing online real money poker. It was reported in 2012, that 1 in 168 of all American internet users is an online poker player. That number will have only grown in the last decade with the global pandemic taking away the appeal of bricks-and-mortar casinos and firms cashing in on the stay-at-home market. Lots of everyday Americans you work with, you see at the store or elsewhere are enjoying a hand or two of online poker in their free time.
How much will be spent by the players?
Many blogs and Twitter users claim to tell you how to win riches in online real money poker games. What these people are less inclined to tell you is how much you have to spend in the process.
Whilst it is impossible to predict how much players will wager each hand, there are metrics to gauge the average spend. Custom Market Insights, a US-based market research firm stated that the online poker market measured at $76 billion in 2021 on a global scale. With the USâ 60% share of all players, that means the American online poker market is worth around $45.6 billion. The same report believes that this figure will more than double by 2030. Of course, this is a gross estimate of the overall revenue, and should another pandemic or economic crisis take place, the market could change rapidly.