Surprised by equity result

Posted 8 years ago

I am playing the NL2 tables at 888, trying to sharpen up my game with hand analysis. I just played a hand where I raised for 3x from the CO with AhJd, I was 3bet from the BB and called with the resulting flop- Qh Th Ad. I was aware that AJo was likely to be dominated, but the player looked weak so I thought I would call and see a flop- he had played about twenty hands and had already 3bet twice before, so I dunno, I just didn't want to fold it, I basically had it in mind that if I hit an ace I would go with it. Having the gut shot and backdoor flush draw too, I went all-in, and he showed a set of tens and I missed the draws.

Anyway, my first reaction was that I had made a mistake. I have been trying to think in terms of hand ranges and equity in my off table analyses, how the ranges hit the flop etc, trying to be systematic in my approach to the game.When I counted how many cards in an normal overall 3bet range beat me on such a flop ( and people don't generally 3bet lightly at this limit), it came to 9/15, 2/15 we split the pot., I thought I should be crushed. But when I ran the equity calculator, giving the villain a 7.84% 3bet range, I found that I was basically even money on the flop, which came as a surprise.

I think that the conclusion for me is that my feel for equity is pretty faulty, and I am not factoring in the ability to make a nutted hand which was far greater mathematically than I imagined? I thought that writing this would help the lesson sink in! Also, if I am making a mistake in my analysis, I would appreciate the feedback.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.01/$0.02 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG s4moduroff $1.29
UTG+1 michailkashi $1.02
COHero $1.17
D selevich6 $1.72
SB erfurt111 $1.10
BB legrandfe $2.54
6$0.03Hero is COAJ
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.06, 1 fold, erfurt111 raises to $0.16, 1 fold, Hero calls$0.10
erfurt111 bets $0.34, Hero goes all-in$1.01, erfurt111 calls $0.60
2$2.29, 1 all-in 6
2$2.29, 1 all-in 8
Final Pot$2.29
Hero shows AJ
erfurt111 shows TT

erfurt111 wins $2.09 (net +$0.99)
Hero collects$0.07 (net -$1.10)

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'm not sure what exact range you gave V for a 3bet of 8%, but it's hard to see how you're 50/50 vs that range. You can put in the top 8% of hands (linear), or you can give him some bluffs and a smaller value 3bet range (polarized), but either way, I can't get AJo to 50/50. 60/40 is about as good as it's gonna get. I can't really speak to how to crush micros, I don't have much idea of strategy at that level, but it's reasonable to call his 3bet, raise it sometimes, only toss it vs uber nits. But ideally you're not looking to play a huge pot with this hand without the betting lead.

20 hands isn't much data, so always be careful about jumping to conclusions.

On this particular flop, I'd just call tbh. We're ahead of a couple of his PP, and crushed by most everything else. On turn blank, I would fold if he shoves, at that point we're ahead of just hands like A5s that he had in his bluff 3bet range. But if you haven't done so yet, post the hand in the "HH/Line Check" forum, you'll get more responses from people who play micros and can give good feedback.
Posted 8 years ago
Just something to consider whilst doing all this work with ranges etc and also since you are on here trying to get feedback, it looks as though 888 2nl is still capping the buy in to 50bb, based on the stack sizes of everyone at that table. From all that I have heard and read, the way you would play 50bb stacks vs 100bb stacks is going to be slightly different. I don't know exactly how, but you need to be aware and make sure the feedback you are getting is good for those stacks. You are going to be running into all manner of stack sizes. I remember that when playing there. Tons of open shoving or you open and get shoved on by 10bb and 20bb stacks. Its really soft iirc.

Best of luck!!
Posted 8 years ago
You might have 50% equity (or more) against the range that villain sees this flop with. You aren't a favourite against the range that bet-calls a shove.
I think you're doomed to go broke due to the stack size situation, but you should probably just call on the flop, to allow villain to keep betting with worse hands (if that's what he's doing).
Also, folding pre-flop to the 3-bet is a decent option. AJs is an easy call, but AJ offsuit doesn't play so well vs a typical 3-bet range, as you can easily get committed to stacking off when dominated. Also rake is brutal at nano stakes, meaning you lose a bunch of money if you get into a flip.