SB calling range protection

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

HI guys, one question about range protection from SB, a notice that i do not have any suit cards in calling range from SB and i notice that opener can easy value bet almost everything on bords with 3 cards with same color. How you deal with this? i m thinking to put my worse ases in calling range (A6s-A9s) to protect my range. Your thoughts guys?

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Posted 7 years ago
Don't call from SB at all. Just 3b or fold. Use a linear range of x% depending on what position ahead of you opened.

I mean occasionally I call under the right circumstances like opener is super tight and in early position, but generally just 3b. I like it alot and WR is always pretty good from SB, well relatively speaking, SB WRs are always losing.