When to move up?

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

So I'm beating 50nl on stars at 4.5bb/100, only over 17k hands mind you.
So I'm thinking of waiting till I hit about 40k hands when my results are more accurate, which shoudlnt take too long as I 8-10 table.

Is that a good point to consider moving up? What sort of win-rate is typically needed to move up the stakes?

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Posted 7 years ago
Yes 17k is not a sample size. As a pro I'd say 100-400k is a sample and you can move up, but since you play for fun/side income move up when you feel ready, just play 2 tables and have a stop loss, if hit you move back down to 50nl.
Posted 7 years ago
Your win rate is perfectly fine, but I would definitely consider playing at least 50-70k hands before moving up. I found the move from 50NL to 100NL was a big step for me personally and the skill level I thought was a pretty big jump.

Maybe take occasional shots at 100NL and see how it goes but keep grinding 50NL as your main game. And if you were to move up then definitely play less tables and focus on quality over quantity.
Posted 7 years ago
I kinda disagree with so many people regarding this and generally just think you should move up when you want to and feel it's right. Just have a good contingency plan if it fails.
Posted 7 years ago
I don't care what my win rate is at any stake, I'm going to play the highest stakes I can afford without decimating my bankroll if I have a downswing. Everyone goes on a heater at some point, you want to be at the highest stakes you can be when that happens.