Ranges, exploitative.

Posted 8 years ago

Hello everybody.

I have a question regarding exploitative ranges.
For example I will post my button range vs a middle position open. And it looks like this:

3bet-value (1,7%):

3bet-bluff (4,8%):
T8s, 97s

Coldcall (10,4%):
AQs-ATs, AKo-AQo
T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s

How do you change these ranges vs different type of players:
1. OR is a NIT:
2. OR has low fold to 3-bet:
3. OR has high fold to 3-bet:
4. OR has high 4-bet:
5. Blinds are passive and calls much:
6. One of the blinds are aggro:
7. Other

I also want to know what you think about putting all of my calling-hands into 3-betting hands instead if villain folds as much as +70% and never 4bet. I should probably also add a lot of hands that I normally fold? How wide?
I would love to see some examples of your ranges in that specific situation when villain folds to 3bet is very high because this happends so often.


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Hey man just seen and sorry this has gone unanswered so far.

I know a few guys who can really help with this so let me call them into here for you

Posted 8 years ago
Great Jon. Thanks.
Posted 8 years ago
Here is another situation I struggle with, regarding an exploitative situation that happens frequently.

I open 26% of my hands from the button vs unknowns.
If I have aggressive 3bettors behind me I tighten up a little and if people are tight I open a little wider.

Below are the hands that I defend vs 3-bet when I am IP (12,1%) and OOP (10,4%) vs unknowns.

I don´t know how my defendingrange should look like when i face a 3-bet from a player who 3-bet maybe 8% or more. Do I still have A9s, A5s-A2s, KTs, K9s, QJ, AT in my openingrange when a player who 3bets pretty wide are behind me?
When I face a 3-bet from a player who 3-bets pretty wide, should I 4bet more often with high equity hands like AQs, AJs, AQ, KQs, KQ or should I 4bet more often as a bluff? I have the stats for both 3bet and 3-bet vs hero in my HUD. Sometimes it´s a big gap between those stats and I see that they are adjusting against me, because I fold to 3bets pretty wide. I have noticed that I can 4bet alot in these situations and make them fold.

If villain has a very low 3-bet%, lets say 2% should I take away all my 4bet-bluffs when they 3-bet or put them in my callingrange?

I´m a bit confused and would love to hear what the experts has to say about this.
How do your defendingrange looks like vs different type of opponents?

What stats are also relevant when you make your preflop decision, both for openraise and defending vs 3bet.

Attached Image

Defend vs 3bet
Blue= 4bet for value
Yellow= Call
Red= 4-bet as a bluff

Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
I'll try to give you my take on it while we wait for the big guns to turn up ok! Smile

Disclaimer, I play versus unknowns a huge % of the time so I don't get indepth stats at all.

Q1 BU v MP: I'm much tighter v MP than that and not bothered about admitting it.

Flat: QQ-55, AKs-AJs, AKo/AQo, KQs, QJs, JTs

3bet for value: KK+ (yep, nit)

3bet/fold: T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s

I don't have 3bet/f bluffs with Ax from BU because even for a tightish MP, too many of those in their (assumed) range (~50%). I play nothing at all unsuited here.

Again, since MP is unknown my 3bet for value is nitty but that's just to keep me out of trouble.

Obviously adjustable given villain type, people still to act, table dynamic; my image v villain, that sort of thing, as you have already pointed out yourself ( nice, good thinking)

As for player types:

1,2 and 4 I treat the same with out more imo.
5. Quote: 'Blinds are passive and call much.' unquote. Doesn't really say a lot, maybe they are loose but maybe they are setminers like 20/0 (often easy to spot), or just 'whatever, I call 80/0.' I think you can see where this is going here. They call a lot doesn't say anything yet.

I think the thing here is over how many hands do these guys do this or that or the other.

For example, if I've raised CO the last 4 hands and BU has 3bet me the last 4 hands, I have no idea if he is at it or not if i have been at the table for 50 hands.Yes, I can make a 'guesstimate' given info in other situations, but I can't be confident.

Just a point, I think your question is a little disjointed and confused.

Quote: I also want to know what you think about putting all of my calling-hands into 3-betting hands instead if villain folds as much as +70% and never 4bet. I should probably also add a lot of hands that I normally fold? How wide?
I would love to see some examples of your ranges in that specific situation when villain folds to 3bet is very high because this happends so often. Unquote.

Against whom? And against whom with which blinds type?

Anyway, I'd 3bet nearly anything vaguely playable if villain folded to 3bet 70%+ and the blinds were nitty, but be careful if they're not, we need a postflop playable hand imo.

I can't do more I'm a nit and very tired now.

GL and let's hope this prompted the gurus to turn up! Yes

Posted 8 years ago
I see, Jon mentioned me in this thread and I am back to business! I think I'll have fun with that thread tomorrow or on friday Smile
Posted 8 years ago


I think your Range is flawed. First step should be to find out a better range. Against which sizing is that range? I think 3bb, right?

To find a good range, you have to think about some things. Pot odds preflop, possibility of squeezes from the blinds and a solid MP-Range.

It is not very complicated, to construct ranges, unfortunately this type of GTOish-range-ronstruction is coachingstuff, other people pay for it and dont like it, if I post in detail about it. But some hints should help. I'll show how to built a range but dont post the whole result (but a lot of it Smile ).

Villains opens 3bb, we have to pay 3bb to see a flop with 7,5bb pot. We need around 40% Equity to have a profitable call in vacuum.

Against a tight solid MP-Range it looks like that:

Attached Image

Not ready yet. You have to adjust some hands and think about the other factors, squeezes, playabilty HU and MW.

Firstly: Axo are bad hands in terms of playabilty and cant stand raises, just fold A2o-ATo.

You should built range-buckets (low Axo, mid Axo, high Axo for example, low and mid fall into easy fold category) and work group by group and sometimes hand by hand.

But I can show you this principle with the help of some parts of your range:



TT-77 mid pockets ---> solid equity, can stand squeezes sometimes ---> easy call

33-66 low pockets ---> solid equity, but realize bad (often fold the best hand postflop, setvalue is overrated), often cant stand a squeeze ---> Adjust Equty to 85% realization (because of squeezes and reverse implieds multiway) ---> 66 is the borderlinehand, rest fold

JJ ---> 65% Equity, Value3bet/call

You can create groupings for your own I think, rest of hands:

AQs-ATs, AKo-AQo

I think you can call AQo, AJs, because its good

ATs: 3bet because better hands fold, weaker hands call, weaker hands 4bet bluff
AQs: weaker hands call, a lot of Equity fold, weaker hands 4bet bluff
AKo ---> 3bet!


KQs good as 3bet imo
KJs: if you make it 10 to 3, AQo should fold, AJo fold, KQo fold ---> mabye 3bet
KTs: close between call and fold, because Villain often doesnt have weaker offsuit Tx (12 combos per hand is a lot!)


QJs call, QTs fold


JTs call (no 40% equity but thats okay, because good playability, 4 nutstraights)
J9s bad call

T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s

all fold, cant stand squeezes very well, bad equity, often dominated by better draws/pairs.



okay as default, a bit wide if you take hands from your calling range into 3bet range as "semivalue/semibluff-combinations". AJo should be fold (but good for exploit, later)

KQo ---> like AJo

T8s, 97s

why? T8s makes straights on 9JQ (villain may call KTs), 79J okay thats nice, 679 ---> villain often fold lowboards against cbets and 66 77 are not easy calls if make it 10bb vs. 3bb, which is a good sizing I think. Flushes often dominated by better flushes, same for 97s and it is hard to play pairs with that hands, because the pairs are often midpairs with good showdownvalue and not really barrel-hands if you hit a pair.

Better 3bets as bluffs: low suited connectors which are folds against 3bb openraise, they make more straights and nutstraights and are easier to play postflop and callable against small 4bets.

Now you have some arguments for a better 3bet and call-strategy. This strategy is good against all types of opponents whether openraiser or blinds.


Keep in mind that you're not last to act and there are villains in the blinds who are cold4bet a "naturally" range or as exploit if you go wild.

How do you change these ranges vs different type of players:
1. OR is a NIT: adjust MP-Range 12% or something like that and find it out Smile
2. OR has low fold to 3-bet: All hands play well in 3bet pot, mabye add some hands which are close between call and 3bet, like AQo, mabye AJo becomes value. If he 4bet a lot and call a lot, AQo KQo block 4bet-range a bit, I have no idea^^
3. OR has high fold to 3-bet: It is no problem to fold a lot in that spot against 3bets, villain has to be very leaky against 3bets OOP (70%+ fold) to start exploit him by 3betting more (he can fold often, because OOP and blinds have to defend also against your 3bets by cold4bet). I think adding hands from top fold range is the best choice, KQo, AJo, suited gapper, T9s etc.
4. OR has high 4-bet: Against small-4bets no adjustments, just call a lot instead of expensive jam. Against big 4bets depends on fold23bet-stat. If he fold a lot and 4bet a lot with a big sizing, just take crappy blocker combos, which blocks 4bet-bluffs and value4bets, Ax should be fine, call your easy 3bet/calls, like AJs, JJ instead of 3bet.
5. Blinds are passive and calls much: Call more against fishes in the blinds, broadways increase in value (reverse implieds decrease for low pockets but increase for low suited connectors)
6. One of the blinds are aggro: borderline calls go into fold or 3bet range
Posted 8 years ago
@second post:

Your Openrange in CO also needs a little bit improvement as well as the defend-strategy. Before you start to exploit tendencies you should built a solid default-plan.

Low suited gapper are overrated in my opinion, but this hands are okay, if the villains behind are tight. T7s-Q7s are close from the CO, because often dominated by the BU, good openraises from CO as default are KTo,QTo and A9, because these hands dominate more and make better bluffcatcher because against the BU it is hard to barrel 64s +EV in most situations, but click on check and try to realize Equity with A9o on Axx or KTo on Kxx is much easier + if you not hit, you'll often have showdownvalue, with 64s you have to barrel a lot, good IP not good oop.

Your defend-strategy should firstly always depends on 3betsizing, not the frequency.

Can you explain why you defend that way IP and OOP?
Posted 8 years ago
@Pwll :

If you 3bet the BU 10 to 3 and Villain 4bets 25bb, you'll need around 29% Equity to have a +EV call. Against a nitty 4bet Range, AA-KK AK A5s you have 33% Equity with 65s and more with the hands up to T9s, you should 3bet call this hands.

Mabye you cant realize 100% of your equity with those hands thats why fold against bigger 4bets is okay.