Deep Stacked Poker

Posted 8 years ago

Ok all,

Lately I've been playing a lot of the Blaze games on Bet Victor, and I find that it's easy to refresh your table whenever you like as it refreshes time bank, and it doesn't matter anyway as every table is new.

But one thing I've been wondering is that what you guys think are the pros and cons of keeping your stack when you build it to say 200bb+.

I've been refreshing my table whenever I pick up a stack, and I've spoke to some people about this and really not sure if you think there's more value to keeping the stack on the table?

One of the reasons I refresh is because I feel more comfortable with my 100bbs.
Another is that I fee l'm not as experienced playing deeps stack games.

Also I feel like things get kinda sucky in those games when you have 200bbs or more and pick up say KK and vs some maniac you end up AI with 70/30 etc. So a lot of spots can just end up being tricky and risky.

Wondering what peoples thoughts are...


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Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Dan. Nice post curious to see what the pros say. I, as well, have pretty limited knowledge about how to change your play up and possibly even your ranges the deeper you get.

What I do know is that hands with raw equity start to lose there value. So when you are short stacked you want to play more hands with raw equity like Ax, Kx, Qx, PP's. I think when you get deeper that hands that are more speculative or have more robust equity that can make more nutted hands do better with the deeper stacks. That basically means you can set mine a bit more, play more SC's, Suited 1 and 2 gappers etc. Hands that can make sets, flushes, straights full houses. I think this would become very profitable on BV blaze with this promo. Most of the rec players are not going to adjust their game for the stack sizes. So lets imagine that you decide to call a 3bet with a small PP that you wouldn't normally set mine with 100bb stacks. You hit your set and this guy has AA or KK. I bet he is still stacking off pretty easily with his premium holding and you have him crushed.

I am curious to know if it then becomes more profitable to start 3betting more of those speculative hands and if you should be floating them more with backdoor equity or if you essentially play them the same post flop as you would with normal stacks.

I believe you are right in your assumption about stacking off preflop. I definitely think your stack off ranges pre flop will tighten up a bit.

I know another thing that I saw in a video is when the coach was re-raising pre flop, they tended to make the sizing bigger. I would imagine that is due to pot dynamics and trying to set your hands up for stacks when you do make a nutted hand. I don't think the stacks were over 200bb deep in that vid, more like 150ish, but it seems like that is also something to consider, which I am guessing would continue post flop. So be curious to know if post flop you want to make your bet sizings bigger in general or not.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah lots of interesting points. Like I know we like to set mine more with implied odds and play more of the suited connectors etc. I just wonder if when we get it AIPF, that things like KK can become a lot less profitable. But then I guess they can't because as much as AK can suck out, we can also in bigger pots vs them too. So it evens out.
Posted 8 years ago
For me it is simple: I want the most possible amount of chips in front of me. To have everyone covered and being able to win the max in every situation sounds like such a huge positive to me.

BUT many people have not had experience playing in deep games, make huge mistakes and just don't understand the strategy as much behind it so many just like to refresh to 100bb which is fine imo.

It is all about your understanding of deep stacked games and how comfortable you are really being in those spots!
Posted 8 years ago
I don't mind playing deeper these days, I like fish and chips anyway so the bigger stack is just the vinegar. I would say sometimes I do feel my game is a bit off so will just take the stack away and reload, or a bit tilty losing so getting a stack back is a thank you very much dealer I'm off. Blush Ye ye I know, not a super reason to pull the stack but whatever, it's got to be better than playing mental games with myself.
So if I'm comfortable and on my game I stay chipped, as soon as a I don't feel like that I'm outta there.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: For me it is simple: I want the most possible amount of chips in front of me. To have everyone covered and being able to win the max in every situation sounds like such a huge positive to me.

BUT many people have not had experience playing in deep games, make huge mistakes and just don't understand the strategy as much behind it so many just like to refresh to 100bb which is fine imo.

It is all about your understanding of deep stacked games and how comfortable you are really being in those spots!

This is a great answer.

Of course, you'll eventually want to become more comfortable with deepstacked play to progress as a player. An easy way to go about it is to hang on to your stack on the fishier tables and and reload to 100bb at the tougher ones.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm with Jon on this one, the larger the stack the better in my opinion. It's absurd how large mistakes some people make post flop when they are deep. I had a gentlemen happily raise GII for 350-400BB's before with an unimproved KK. If you have an edge on the pool you want to be able to maximise your potential profit from these mistakes.

I get that you might not have much experience with deeper stacks so are wary about it, but the only way to get experience with it is to go ahead and play it! Maybe try dropping down a limit for a few sessions and refuse to drop down your stack to get more accustomed to the dynamics.

Also if your interested - For one of my next 10NL Zoom videos I'm going to do a deep stacked session where I'll build up some 200BB+ stacks prior to recording.
Posted 8 years ago
@fergrberger yes please! I just played a session where we were often over 250bb deep and lost loads of value v bad regs.
Posted 8 years ago
@fergrberger Me too!! I am totally down for seeing a vid on deep stacked poker. Actually, in my response, I wasn't questioning the profitability of doing it. I know it is more profitable to play deeper, or can be. I want to know how one's strategy changes and how to maximize profit at the table when playing deeper and was really hoping someone would give some feedback on that part of it, not just yes its good or no it isn't.
Posted 8 years ago
I like deepstack cash. I`ve played about 250k hands at the PS deep tables with a winrate about 10bb. So yeah, if you have a little competence then playing deepish will grow your winrate.
Though the zoom variants doesnt encourage it, and I think playing in those games the 100bb is probably the way to go.
I`ve never understand why sites let you sit in and out and change your stack in those games, it should be the same way as reg tables with time frames etc. It would be more fun if you couldnt cash out, changes the dynamic more and the game isnt so much in foldin fast anymore.
Posted 8 years ago
Fulltilt introduced an anti-ratholing policy where you had to buy in for 200BB's after sitting out with a large stack. If you were not playing 4 tables it was very easy to get around though, just open a second table before closing the first, etc.
Posted 8 years ago
I played a lot of Zoom over the last few years and found it helped to reset back to 100bb if I was multitabling reg tables at the same time.

If you're totally focussed on improvement rather than volume then gaining experience playing deep stacked has to be the way to go.You're going to increase your edge if you know what you're doing.

It's also helpful if you want to play live where stacks tend to be deeper than 100bb as the norm.