April Poker Goals Thread

Posted 8 years ago

My goals for April are pretty much the same as March's goals. They worked, so I'm gonna ride the wave.

1. Play at the casino 3x/week, and home games at least twice this month. This one is a bit bigger than last month, but the weather is getting nicer so home games may dry up a bit.
PLAN: Casino nights are Mon, Tues, Thurs. Home games crop up on Fridays when they happen. If there is no
home game for 2 straight weeks, fight the crowd and go to casino 1x that weekend.

2. Live hands database: Continue to build a database of all vpip hands from casino
PLAN: 1. Tues/Wed and Friday I will go to cafe and enter all hands
2. In addition to entering hands, it's time to categorize everything. Mostly a cut-and-paste process,
but time-consuming nevertheless. 1 day/week work on this, should be able to get up to date by 3rd
week of April.

3. Satty into WSOP Circuit event in Montreal
PLAN: Weds are my designated day for this. First 2 Weds of the month, take my shots in both sattys. Total
outlay: potential $130 depending on R&A. Eat the cost, asshole, you're currently swimming in winnings
and you know you want this!

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Posted 8 years ago
Ok mine are:
1. Play 70-80k hands (yes that's not a typo! - 12 tabling 4 hours a day for 5 days should get me there👍🏻)
2. Improve my cbetting / 3 betting (at 10nl) utilising pokerVIP info/advise.

3. Post at least 2 hands per day for review/advice having played.

4. Improve focus when playing via mindfulness medication (yes again that's not a typo😆).

5. By the end of this month submit a decent sample size for PokerVIP coach Adam Jones to evaluate via the other thread regarding database analysis.

6. Submit, if i can, a video of me 4 tabling for critique etc.
Posted 8 years ago
1) Play 20k hands
2) TAKE MY TIME - Slow and steady wins the race! Rushing decisions is never good
3) Study more on 3bet pots
5) Review hands more
Posted 8 years ago
Oh wow just came on the forum to create this thread - NICE WORK Smile

So for me my goals are

1) Win the OPL (currently 5th)
2) Eat more things which are good for me.
3) Go get my back pains looked at.
4) Crush Poker
5) crush work

and of course all the usual see family and be happy goals!

Lets do this VIPPPPPP
Posted 8 years ago
Since we are just talking poker goals here, I am mostly an MTT player and don't play nearly as much as what I used to, so maybe setting a few goals for this month would do me some good.

1. Make time to review HH's and discuss hands with others at least a few times a week. I don't do this nearly enough and no doubt it is the reason my game has suffered over the years.
2. Have a healthy lifestyle away from poker, eating right and exercising at least 5 days a week. Whilst this isn't a poker goal it does tie in with it and will help my energy levels and focus in general.
3. Make time to play at least 16 sessions this month without distractions, even if they aren't long sessions and just a few hours each time.
4. Exercise good BRM and stick to it.
5. Taking time with decisions. This is a great one and for so many years now it's just clicking buttons because it is second nature, it's lazy and stops us from improving.
6. Play less tables, 4 max and make notes.
7. Win money.

Thanks for this, I am going to stick to these. I don't have the time I had before for poker but I am still a winning player even if it's just at the lower stakes, so I really do want to put in the time to improve and play well and hopefully make some money out of it. Good luck everyone with their goals.
Posted 8 years ago
Make it to may without going bust Rolling on the floor laughing
Posted 8 years ago*
Make it to may without going bust Rolling on the floor laughing