GTO Value bet/Bluff/check call ratio

Posted 8 years ago

I am fairly new to the GTO concept and I have just started reading Applications of No-limit Holdem.

I was watching Nick Whittons video: Ultimate 15 Mins Study Guide: PFR GTO, around 19:30 min in to the video he has put up a flop betting/bluff/check call range with consists of around 26% value bets and 44% bluff combos 19% check to call turnbet combos.

So my question is how to come up with the right ratio between these. As I understands it I should aim for making my opponent indifferent to both call with a bluffcatcher and to bluff himself. So lets say the pot is 1$ and I bet 1$ my opponent then get 2 to 1 for calling and should therefore be indifferent to bluffcatch if I bluff 1/3 of the time. I apply the same thought process to make my opponent indifferent to bluff on the turn by checking with the right amount of combos that is strong enough to bluff catch ( I get that you also need to consider that some % of the time you get there on the turn with your weaker check back hands)

With the range in the video though I would bluff closer to 2/3 of the time so this gets me confused. Is it because my bluffs block his calling range? Does it have that big of an impact?

I hope I managed to formulate my question well enough and I apologies for the bad grammar (English is my second language)

Help to clear this out would be very appreciated!

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Posted 8 years ago
Lets call the main man in himself to answer this one........yoyoyo @CrazyCookie
Posted 8 years ago
Stop focussing on GTO is the easy answer. I called it GTO but really it should be balanced. Poker snowie, which is pretty good at guiding you through building balanced strategies, even if the strategy it has isn't winning much, suggest we bluff about 2/3 otf 50% OTT and 1/3 OTR.

This also makes sense as otf we have more equity with our bluffs with two carda to come and villains range is wider so will fold more. OTT we have less equity if we haven't improve and villains range is narrower.

When studying this way i pretty much take my range and say right I'm going to value bet x% of my range and can therefore have 2x that as bluffs OTF. I then take my best semi bluffs, FD, SD over cards, GS btm pair live kicker. I then take my next best bluffs which will block villains calling range. Kq blocks KT and qt on a t43 and has two over cards.

This means that OTT I can keep value betting my value range (assuming no change in board texture) I can keep bluffing with some of my semibluffs and give up with my air hands. OTR I will then bet my value hands and enough bluffs to build my range. The reason I do this is because the EV if checking a bluff is close to or exactly 0 OTR and given I have value hands off we can include bluffs to win the pot more often.

Don't get into the "I bet this ammount with this many value hands and this many bluffs so his call is not +EV." We can't do it and never will be able to as it would mean we have info from villain we don't have and that we can calculate all of this plus equity advantages of betting ranges and calling ranges. Not possible for humans Smile

Also you miss out on a tonne of value!!
Posted 8 years ago
Thank you for clarifying Smile

My example is was way to simple to be applied OTF and OTT for the reasons you mentioned, I guess it can only be applied OTR, so it makes sense to bluff about 1/3 bluffs there as you say.
Posted 8 years ago
Also just remember that GTO should really only be used if you can't exploit villain. So in the majority, the vast vast majority, of spots you shouldn't use it