Playing weak pairs as aggressor
As I know there are two main reasons for betting.
1. For Value (Our hand is stronger than villains calling range)
2. As a bluff (Our bet size generates enought fold to be profitable)
The third reason is mentioned to be forcing an opponent to fold his equity share. So, how do I decide if it's worth betting to fold his equity, or good enought to call and try to get to showdown? What are the factors to make this decision?
Example: We have 97 on 78A board. Vs unknown we are not getting value and bluffing seems not an option. So do we bet here of do we check? If we have stats on villain what stars we should be looking at to make this decision?
1. For Value (Our hand is stronger than villains calling range)
2. As a bluff (Our bet size generates enought fold to be profitable)
The third reason is mentioned to be forcing an opponent to fold his equity share. So, how do I decide if it's worth betting to fold his equity, or good enought to call and try to get to showdown? What are the factors to make this decision?
Example: We have 97 on 78A board. Vs unknown we are not getting value and bluffing seems not an option. So do we bet here of do we check? If we have stats on villain what stars we should be looking at to make this decision?