Absolute vs Relative Hand strnegth

Posted 8 years ago

So I posted a line check on this thread and it brought up an issue I have with this topic. I seem to almost make up my mind on things prior to seeing what really happens.

So in that thread I call a 3bet IP from the Btn with KQo. When I do it i am basically thinking that I want to hit 2 pair, or make straights or whatever. When I do make those hands, its almost like I make up my mind that I am gii. Its like because I hit one of the hands in my head, I think that absolutely I am in great shape, but relatively I am not in as good a shape as I thought. I know this too, but sometimes just continue with it anyway. Like deep down I know what's going on but because i hit one of my absolute hands I cant lay it down, because FFS I have been folding for so long and now I finally have a hand and I ain't laying it down. Its like my mind says well why did you even call the 3bet in the first place ya dummy, if you are just gonna fold the hand you wanted, but that just stupid.

Maybe the example above isn't the greatest example, maybe its closer than I think, but I know there are other times when I am calling and have no business calling. I am such a calling station!! What makes it worse is that in a lot of cases the guys at my stakes just don't have the capability to be soul reading you and be making bluff shoves and stuff like that, so they usually have the nuts.

I was up almost a buy in today, but between this hand and another cooler(rivered straight over topset)I could have been up over 2 bi's. I know I know, coulda shoulda woulda. I don't have control over the cooler but I do over this stuff. So if this happened on a regular enough basis, where I am losing an additional 50bb or something frequently enough it has a huge impact on my win rate.

So question is, anyone who has been grinding a while and had similar problems, if you have any advice on getting better with this. Exercises I can do, things I can practice, etc. I mean I am making a way bigger deal of this than it probably is cuz I certainly have the ability to fold and do, but just feel like I need to get better at it. In addition, I feel like it needs to have balance as I don't want to go all fold crazy and get to the point where I am being super nitty and super passive and weak and not getting any value when I have some good hands. Maybe it sorts itself with time and experience, but would appreciate any feedback.


Fawlty "calling station" Felix

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
This problem is a fault with your mental game rather than technical. My standard answer for anybody struggling in this area is to buy "The Mental Game of Poker" by Jared Tendler Vols one and two.

We also have a resident mental game guru in house @MattVIP who can give you some great advice on the subject.

In terms of my own struggles over the years, one thing which stands out as a big help with frustration is to use more conservative bankroll management so I'm not under any pressure. I also put in a lot of time finding out from other players playing the same formats as me what variance they experience over large sample sizes.

Once you know what to expect and your head is in a good place, it's just a matter of maintaining good self discipline, which I admit is easier said than done.