Raise flop, examples.

Posted 8 years ago

Almost always, when I post a hand I get the advice to just call the flop vs a c-bet.
Arguments for that is:
Villain will not fold a better hand and, keep his bluffs in, and if we have a draw we do not want our raise to get reraised so we have to fold and stuff like that.
Now to the question.
Can you give me some examples of good hands to raise the flop?
Of course the flop should be raised sometimes when we have hit the flop hard if the board is wet etc.
But I want to know good spots to raise when we don´t have made a strong hand.

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Posted 8 years ago
You could think about raising some bare gutshots, possibly even gutshots with an over/overs to the board. Its a'lot easier to let go of those type hands when we face aggression back than it is with our stronger draws that have a'lot of equity. These type hands don't have great equity to be calling with but they have good enough equity to use as bluffs.

Posted 8 years ago
Good answer.
Anyone else has something to say about this?
Posted 8 years ago
Hey, I think your question is too general. There is more than one concept about raising the flop. Do you mean x/r as defender? Raise as caller IP?

As a general rule there is firstly nothing wrong with it raising your nuttish hands on the flop and add 2 bluffs for every valuecombo on the flop. The bluffs shouldn't be random, you should raise top-fold/bottom-call hands like gutshots with backdoorflush-draw, bottom pairs with backdoorflush stuff like that.

Some hands are good to raise for equity deny, mabye there is a low board you has A8s on the button with backdoorflushdraw and villain cbets too much, nothing wrong with raising because he can't defend enough, you often make better Ax fold, or Qx Kx hands which have some equity.

But it really depends on the spot, the board, the ranges involved.

I think IP it is more often right to just call the bet and oop there are more spots which you want to x/r.