SB Calling Range vs. BB 3bet

Posted 8 years ago

I often get 3bet by the BB after opening the SB as a steal... Seeing as the BB has position and we have a relatively wide range, they can 3bet relentlessly! What should our calling range be vs. the regular 6-8% 3bet reg? Can't seem to find some solid info on it

Cheers guys Smile

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Posted 8 years ago
I think you should call in @eroticjesus for this one. I think the question can be answered somewhat mathematically. Not sure you can only just look at just a calling range. I think you need to look at it from how much you need to defend against the 3bet so that you cannot be exploited by allowing them to 3bet ATC, because you fold to much. Defending would include your calls and your 4bets, both for value and bluffs.

I do know how to calculate what percentage of your opening range you need to to defend in total but not sure if/how that changes if there 3bet frequency goes up. IIRC from what EJ has said in previous posts, if you have a really well designed defending range, it won't matter that much if they 3bet too much as your defending range will be so strong and they will end up value owning themselves by 3betting with weaker holdings. Not to mention if they are 3betting to much you can always just tighten up the opening range or start to incorporate a SB limping strategy.

I used a heatmap feature on power equilab to look at the equities of the entire SB opening range against a BB 3bet range that I put together. Using that you can start to see how much equity each hand in your opening range has and can start to construct an overall defending range. From what I could see QQ+ AK are obvious 4bets, I think a lot of people 4bet JJ and maybe even TT, but maybe some other coaches or players can chime in on that. AQ I am unsure of. In the ranges I have seen they are 4bets, but maybe some other people have some insight there. From the ranges I have seen most of the middle and low Axs make better 4bet bluffs as well as your middle of the road Kxs like K8s and K9s maybe KTs as well. I don't think you want to be flatting with low PPs below 66, so that leaves pretty much things like AJs, ATs, A9s, KQs QJs JTs T9s 77-TT. Stuff like that, that has some decent equity against an 8% 3bet range. I always just wonder about things like AJo ATo and KQo so I really hope some other people chime in about some of this stuff as it would be a big help.

Anyhow that is the stuff I could figure out on my own in a short time. I am sure some of it is off, but at least it will get the ball rolling for you

Posted 8 years ago
Nice Post @fawltyfelix

The BB can 3bet a lot roughly 16%+ even against a good defender because he has a good position, can't get a cold4bet, and easily can defend by calling and shoving against wide SB Ranges. Against most guys it makes sense to rise up the 3bet range because they fold to much.

In addition to fawltyfelix posts: AJo, ATo and KQo have very good Equity but realize not well, but you can call or 4bet (as bluff) but never fold that high equity against a 3bet.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the info lads! Is 78s, 67s & 56s a call or 4bet/fold?
Posted 8 years ago
I don't personally have them in my range. My SB defend vs BB resteal is ~15%, which I believe is pretty good for the amount that I open with from the SB, although at times I start to get pretty wide from the SB, but typically if i start getting 3bet from the BB a lot I will tighten my opening range first.

I think if you had those in there they would be more for board coverage as the range we discussed doesn't really have much for low coordinated boards. I think it depends on how wide the BB is 3betting as well.

I am pretty sure that you play micros as well as me, so be careful with the 4bet bluffing. Even at 8% 3bet, its still get a fair amount of value in it so you don't want to start going crazy 4bet bluffing with rag Axs and other stuff and getting called and going to the flop OOP and having no idea what to do in an already bloated pot. I typically don't 4bet bluff that often and only start to get into it when these guys are getting over 10% BBvSB, where I know I have some decent fold equity. I think if you are going to start 4bet bluffing you really need to figure out what are your 4bet/fold and 4bet/call are going to be, which I don't have figured out entirely myself, other than the obvious stuff.

I think last bit of advice is: if it is getting really bad and making you really uncomfortable and really uncertain, to the point where you can make a huge mistake that will cost you a lot of chips, then just leave the table. At the micros we have ample player pool and plenty of tables to choose from. Not that you don't want to learn this stuff, but do it gradually. If I get someone that is overly aggressive to my left I will typically just leave, unless there is a bigger reason at the table for me to stay, like a complete whale or maniac.
Posted 8 years ago
I call suited connectors per default, not great raw equity but robust equity.
Posted 8 years ago
eroticjesus: I call suited connectors per default, not great raw equity but robust equity.

Interesting and thanks for that. So are my assumptions about the small PPs like 22 -66 correct. I tend not to call those from SB as it feels like it is just a set mine only attitude. I personally always find it more difficult to actually get paid off on my sets when I am OOP as well, unless the villain is pretty aggressive or actually has a big premium pocket pair that he/she is just unable to lay down