The POT bet

Posted 8 years ago

Listen, if you can't spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table then you ARE the sucker. I guess everyone has watched rounders but this week I have felt like the sucker.

So I have been playing 4nl/10nl on unibet and some of the lines are just so so weird but the pot bet and the min bet and pot river lines are really confusing me.

Line 1 - pre flop - limp any position IF raised call .. this is then followed by 2 min bets on flop/turn and the river with a pot bet Feels like a bluff all the time but I just haven't been able to call very often in this spot.

- I have tried raising if they do donk bet with the min bet but this usually results in a flat or a jam followed by a pot bet on the river.

Line 2 - call a raise/limp Pre Flop - then fire pot bets if checked to or flat the C bet to Pot bet a later street or Over bet/all in turn

The boards can be very dry or very textured, I just do not think i can be running into this many monster hands. I think I am going to go to a more nit like style because making the marginal decisions in these kind of spots does make me fold 70% of the time.

I would love to paste a hand but Unibet is a no hud site, which does drive me crazy when I want to look back on a hand.

Any advice for this whale would be greatly appreciated

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Posted 8 years ago
Well I can't say that I can give you a ton of help or advice regarding this phenomenon. I have seen it on other sites that I play in a multitude of variations but all pretty much along the same lines as you described. A couple things I can offer thought:

1: Sucks that unibet doesn't do tracking for the reason you state, but also could be a blessing in disguise as it will attract those types of players that either don't want to be tracked or are afraid to be tracked and exploited and that may lead to playing against more recreational players. However, if this pot bet thing is happening too often and you aren't able to review it you may want to think about recording some sessions. You could start a poker journey on here and record some sessions and post the vids and try and get feedback from the members.

2. From my limited experience thus far playing both those stakes at other sites, I will say the majority of the time when players at these stakes pot bet, they usually have a hand. What it boils down to, is how good a hand, not to mention, what you and I think is a hand good enough to pot bet and what they think is, could be very different. That being said, they min bet flop and min bet turn and you just call call, it is pretty obvious you don't have much so even if they just have a 2nd or 3rd pair, they may deem that worthy of a pot bet and hope you call. I think from a math perspective you are usually getting pretty crazy odds to call 2 min bets in a row and if you hit a top pair or better it may be worth a call, I don't know. You can raise flop like you do with some semi bluffs or bluffs, but I have done that as well to only have them call it then fire out another min bet on the turn which you can either raise or call to then have them fire the pot size river bet.

You may need to call a couple down with some of your middle type hands or better hands to see what they got. That or just wait for a big value hand and then punish them. Sometimes at these stakes that's all you can do. Some of these rec players play anything and their idea of value is slightly skewed, so you sometimes just have to wait for a big hand and take them to valuetown until you start to really catch on to what they are doing.

Lastly, watch Jon's series on unibet. I remember watching it and I think Jon ran into some players that did exactly what you are talking about. Jon is the best at playing no HUD straightforward poker and he explains it all as he goes. That's assuming you haven't already seen those
Posted 8 years ago
You should use a screenshotting program like This - You can then print screen the chat section as it shows it all there. It ain't perfect but it is better than nothing!
Posted 8 years ago
It really is hard to say what the POT bet is as it is truly different for everyone or near enough but things I look out for are

- Do i have blockers to the nut type hands they are repping?
- Is the board certain enough that people would pot rivers on it: i:e if villain has top set would they do it on a 678J3 board.
- How much is in the pot - are they trying to get the last hope of value or does it look greedy that it could be a bluff.
- Positions.
- Dynamics.
- Past hands.
- Feel. I seem to have gained a lot of good experience over the years in these spots that it just becomes very obvious to me.

It is all quite rough stuff like live poker but all these thoughts need to go threw your mind before deciding.
Posted 8 years ago
LINE 1: When they minbet, they're telling you they don't have much. When you just call them, they think you're telling them that YOU don't have much either.