Posted 8 years ago
Haha yeah I can't believe some of the answers people are getting. I've not heard of 98% of the films being posted on here.
Posted 8 years ago
Is she Felicity Jones? I know I've seen her, just can't place the movie.
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Is she Felicity Jones? I know I've seen her, just can't place the movie.

Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago*
Movie has a mass of famous names. I'm sure you've all seen it.
Posted 8 years ago
MinerBoy23: Movie

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I won't string it out then. There are so many pics I could use for this movie but I'll just throw the quintessential pic right out there Laugh

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Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
I said I was going to be obscure this time, so here we go, it's a movie.

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Posted 8 years ago
Blackout? lol! Rolling on the floor laughing
Posted 8 years ago
Black Screen

You can't get much more obscure than that:P Is this a joke or an actuall movie? And if it's an actually movie we're going to need a clue.
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Last weekend?
Posted 8 years ago
Haha, right here's my proper one, if someone gets it in the first 2 hours and/or first guess then I'm never coming back to this thread.

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Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Last weekend?

Posted 8 years ago
No guesses? It's a movie
Posted 8 years ago
Not a clue. Pretty sure that dude is Scottish but beyond that I'm blank.
Posted 8 years ago
There's a touch of familiarity there but I'm drawing blanks.
Posted 8 years ago
Looks like Nicholas Cage after a major bender where he hasn't seen the sun in weeks.
Posted 8 years ago
It's Alan Cumming but I don't know the movie.
Posted 8 years ago
Haha Nicholas Cage without any sun! It is indeed pasty faced Scottish guy Alan Cumming. Glad no one has got it instantly so I'll put what should make it easy

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