Anyone watching the Olympics?

Posted 8 years ago

Can't say I watched much in the first week but it's getting fairly decent now they are showing some of the track events. Just watched Japan win the relay in 37.68 seconds, wtf?

Just as intersting to watch is what's happen away from the events, check out this attacks:


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Posted 8 years ago
That video is just insane - literally no fear and they are just filling their boots whilst this is on. Guess it's the best time of their lives and it's worth the risk to them. I would legit shit myself if I knew I was being followed or someone just ran up on me and grabbed a phone or chain.

I am watching the olympics but not heavily. I will basically just have it on whenever I am in front of the tv which is approx 1-2 hours per day. My friend trains team GB so watched his boys get Gold and he will let us know if someone else is on who he trains.

I really love the olympics tho and very impressed with the footage of this one.
Posted 8 years ago*
I thought the games were super good and lots of 'one off' moments to remember. Crowds were really disappointing of course but I expected that.

Highlights were the Brownlees, damn those two are rock hard. Usain and Mo of course and that ridiculous opening run by the mighty atom Ayana who stands about 2 ft tall, weighs in at a mighty 16 grams and knocked about 3 days of the record, just amazing.
Phelps the porpoise probably needed a wheelbarrow to get his medals home and the British girl getting bronze in gymnastics and studying GCSE in between events.

Did like the awesome dancing girls at events like the archery and stuff, whew, no wonder Rio was so hot.

Didn't like the Brazilians booing the French guy during pole vault, or the Judo guy pumping his gums for getting disqualified - he broke the other dudes arm after all in a dirty move the div.
Didn't like a lot of the officiating, boxing aside some of it was petty and very borderline rigged imo.
Didn't like the tap dancing for horses either, how is that even a thing?
Didn't like the opening ceremony, too much singing and it sounded like they were under a duvet.

So many great happenings and I watched as much as I could, but all that running around and stuff tired me out just watching. I love it all.

Your friend the GB trainer must be damned good is all I can say, what a job he did! Bowing