UFC 207 (Spoilers Inside)

Posted 7 years ago


I'm sure there's an alternative universe in which this fight lasted two rounds and Ronda submitted Nunes with her signature armbar, but this goes to show that sometimes you simply can't get something no matter how hard you try. Variance is everywhere. Apparently, Rousey was all business this time around, working super hard and trying to avoid another Holly Holm situation but it happened anyway and in arguably even more devastating fashion.

I'm very interested in Rousey's reaction, not perversely so, I certainly didn't enjoy watching her break down after Holly Holm debacle, but it's fascinating how this much fame and money can affect the ego.

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Posted 7 years ago
Nunes summed it up in the post fight interview, Rousey's coach for some reason has convinced her she can box, and she can't. As a fighter I've always been a Rousey fan, but as a person she's always seemed like a stroppy little bitch. She came across terribly on the Ultimate Fighter. And her reaction to the Holm loss was pathetic. Then to demand no press leading up to this fight, like she's still the champ and can make demands. She's done now. I was hoping she'd get KTFO and was very happy to see it. Nunes is a beast. Loved Tate's quote, "told you she hits hard". I'm also a huuuge Joe Rogan fan but hoping at least now he will stop talking about Ronda like she's a god.
Posted 7 years ago
Do you really think Joe Rogan is biased when it comes to Rousey? I mean he's obviously biased to some degree (we all are) but I was under the impression that Ronda was unhappy with him because he kept things relatively real calling her out on trying to box with Holy (which was obviously a bad decision) etc.

I'm a sucker for redemption story and even though I know how frail the grasp we think we have on our lives actually is I think I'd like to see her efforts and serious attitude rewarded. Oh well. I don't know enough about fighting to comment on Rousey's gameplan but since she was called out numerous times for trying to kickbox with Holm by people much more knowledgeable than I am I suspect she made a similar mistake. That being said Nunes was incredibly explosive and like Iron Mike once said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth".