All About Nutrition

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

They say we are what we eat and different diets, eating schedules etc. are all the rage right now. We hear a lot about keto, low-carb, high-protein, vegetarianism, veganism, gluten-free, 6 meals a day, intermittent fasting etc. etc. Are you guys following one of those diets? What are your views on the subject?

I'm a vegan (there I said it!) and I recently started experimenting with intermittent fasting because my weight loss basically stalled for a month and I thought that it might be a good idea to add something new to my routine (while going back to what's actually the most important - counting calories and making sure I'm in a caloric deficit).


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Posted 8 years ago
Intermittent fasting is a great way to reset our immune system as well. Although I believe for those kinds of results we would have to fast for a couple of days(minimum 24 hours to three days). The example you gave us Matt however is great for the average person who doesn't want to do that. Depending on your occupation and your current health status it might have to be tweaked a little for the individual.

I was a personal trainer for many years and still train clients from time to time and one of the first questions after "how much is this going to cost?" is. How much should I eat if I want to lose weight? My answer is always the same. It's not really how much your eating but what you're eating and how you're combining foods together. If you eat mostly clean, not made in a laboratory, not processed, stay away from to much sugar,in my opinion limit your dairy consumption, consume living foods(vegetables and fruits) along with a properly manufactured multi vitamin or at least a really good vitamin C, combined with a little activity you can't go to far wrong. Sounds like a long list but it's really not.

Great post Matt! Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on health and anything else.
Posted 8 years ago*
How odd, I was thinking about intermittent fasting between 9pm - 9am.

Currently I'm doing a low carb (sub 70g) and high protein and high fat diet. My goal is to stop the afternoon body crashes where I feel like going to bed.

It's not cheap, basically all I can eat is meat and fat:

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Posted 8 years ago
I have always found fasting or drinking shakes or something just makes me crash and makes me super unproductive which I guess is either just down to the size of me or maybe my blood sugar levels? These were things I stuck at for 3-5 days so it wasn't feel shit for one day then stop type thing I gave them all a chance.

But I just can't afford to be exhausted by 3pm and feeling super low all the time!
Posted 8 years ago
@Harvie I'm no expert when it comes to keto and I have no intentions of trying it (it's tricky when you're vegan but not impossible), but it looks solid on paper. I'm curious about your experience. Also, I'd read up on keto first and maybe even invest in those 3 bucks a pop ketone test strips because getting into ketosis isn't that easy, but you can fall out of it lightning fast which in turn means that many people attempt to go keto because it's fashionable and don't really get the benefits of it.

@Jon-PokerVIP With so much misinformation and 'people trying to sell you stuff' out there I basically treat myself as my own science experiment and test what works well on me. I found that feeling well throughout the day is as simple as eliminating trash from my diet (mainly sweets, fast food, soft drinks) and exercising.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm not doing keto, that's pretty much no carbs, too hard to do that without spending quite a bit of money on shopping as all you can eat is protein and fats. One of the few good things about carbs is that they are usually cheap (sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats etc). Already feeling a big difference to lowering my carb in-take.

Have more energy and not feeling as hungry as I used to. Will see if it carries on like this.

Posted 8 years ago
I'm no expert and I haven't read many studies on keto but is it even worth it going high fat if you fail to release ketones into your bloodstream? I'm sure you know more about this than I do + as long as it's working for you I don't see any reason to obsess about it but I'm really curious.
Posted 8 years ago
I want to to cut down on carbs as the body turns it into sugar which leads to my body crashing, that leaves me with protein and fat. I don't want to release ketones I just want to stop the crashes I get from eating too much carbohydrates (cereals, breads, pasta etc).

Carbs I'm eating currently are bran flakes, oats, sweet potatoes and brown rice from time to time.