The Photography Thread

Posted 8 years ago

Is anyone here into photography? I have always had a love for images and decided recently to try my hand at some photography. My plan is to venture out to some beautiful nearby locations and snap some wildlife and landscape images. I had trip #1 this week and got some lovely pics, I want to do some editing to the images first though before I share.

The camera...

Attached Image

I was actually given this camera which was a touch! Seems like a good one but I don't really know too much about which ones are best. It will certainly serve its purpose for what I want it for though.

Editing software....

I have Adobe Photoshop CS6 but this version is pretty old now and not very user friendly I find. I have been looking at Adobe Lightroom 6 which I think I will invest in soon. Anyone use this and can recommend? Or any other softwares? There are so many tutorials online for Lightroom and it looks nice and simple to use + you can do some really amazing things with it.

Would be great if any photography lovers out there would share some images in here too and we can get a nice thread going Smile


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I literally read the thread as "The Pornography Tread"

I am sure you can imagine my disappointment
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: I literally read the thread as "The Pornography Tread"

I am sure you can imagine my disappointment

Ahaha trust you! Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
I'd imagine that nowadays everyone is a photographer since we're all walking around with cameras in our pockets:) Unfortunately, I don't know much about the subject, but I appreciate a good photo like any other piece of art so I'll gladly take a look at some if you decide to post them in this thread @CrazyKeri

I had a nice chuckle over that one.
Posted 8 years ago
Haha yes thats true Smile Thanks @MattVIP !