Stand-up Comedy

Posted 9 years ago

This is the thread for stand-up comedy enthusiasts. Feel free to post your for favorite bits/show, discuss comedians etc.

I'm a sucker for a good story no matter the medium and the same goes for stand-up. Here are a couple of my favorites:

And lastly the obligatory shoutout to George Carlin. I'm actually a big fan of his earlier stuff when his misanthropy was a lot more subtle. Here's a great example:


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Posted 9 years ago
Louie CK has to the funniest comedian alive at the moment, I think everyone agrees.

I've heard great things about Ari Shaffir although I've not head any of his sets.

My fav bit (sorry Matt this is not me trying to pick a fight with you, really Laugh )

Posted 9 years ago*
@Harvie It's totally fine. I like to think that I'm able to detach myself from my beliefs and, therefore, I don't believe I'm in those annoying 10% of Vegans Joe is talking about in this skit. You don't see me screaming that "meat is murder" in every other post and I don't believe that's the way to go (I'm not a moral authority of any kind and just because I think something is right doesn't mean it actually is). Besides, I really like his stand up. Here's another amazing bit from the same show:

Harvard Business School pitch - priceless.
Posted 9 years ago
Hahahahah that Vegans sketch is completely hilarious. The dog drinking cold milk when its hot outside HAHAHAHA love it! LOl describing Kim Kardashian to aliens is priceless.

Off the top of my head here are my fav 4 or 5 sketches

Bernie Mac

Chris Tucker

Peter Kay

Lee Evans

Posted 9 years ago
Great stuff guys. Going back to @Harvie's statement about Luis CK being the funniest comedian out there... I'm not sure if that's true, but I love his style of comedy. I think comedians shouldn't be censored and stand-up should be the forum where absolutely everything is permitted. I love when comedians use their art to contest reality for us like Luis or Carlin before him. Here's another great bit:

Posted 9 years ago
Ha I just watched the Rogan vegan sketch again and then onto some of his other stuff. This one was hilarious

Posted 9 years ago
I really like Joe Rogan stand-up. Great energy.

Another great story in form of a stand-up skit:
Posted 9 years ago
Good story but gotta say I got a little bored of that one and just wanted it to end - however could just be the mood im in today lol.

Posted 8 years ago
The pacing isn't for everyone so I totally get what you're saying. I also really like the acts when comedian goes from one joke to the other and that reminds me about one guy who's super funny:

Posted 8 years ago*
Micky Flanagan, love this guy! Rolling on the floor laughing (Sorry in advance Americans)

Posted 8 years ago
If we are talking Micky Flanagan then this one has to be one of the best

Posted 8 years ago
I cry at this, everytime!

Posted 8 years ago
I've never heard about Micky, but he seems great (he dealt with heckler expertly in that first video). Speaking of British comedians dealing with hecklers:

Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: If we are talking Micky Flanagan then this one has to be one of the best

Haha this is so true! Us Brits are all the same! I always use the "Oh come on, now you are just stalking me!" line on around the third or fourth time Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Although not a comedy gig standup have to give some love for Ricky Gervais during the Golden Globes

Posted 8 years ago*
I can't believe I forgot to post something by the absolute master Robin Williams. I really love this bit:

Posted 8 years ago*
Man, these are all great acts! I'm a big fan of stand up (might do it myself one day but it's a scary thing to break into).

My favorite of all time is Bill Burr. He's consistent and says it like it is( I guess that's the mark of a great comedian?). He's "Monday Morning" podcast (Mondays and Thursdays) is a hit for me. I can't get enough of this guy!

Posted 8 years ago
I Love Ricky Gervais so much and Jimmy Carr as well, the most offensive joke routine is pretty good

My fav of humour is one liners, so the likes of Milton Jones, Tim Vine and some Tommy Cooper.

Do like some of the old stuff as well, like young Jim Carrey and Tim Allen

Posted 8 years ago
Not a fan of Jimmy Carr really. He comes out with some funny bits when on the like Celeb Juice panel but I would deffs not go to see him live!