Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: Yeah it's a 92% call and you win 112% of the time.

I don't even need to look back in the thread to see what you are talking about to know that.

@Jon-PokerVIP will back that up.

Looks correct to me
Posted 8 years ago

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Posted 8 years ago
Couple of good sessions takes my account balance over the £700 mark. Nice milestone. Smile

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Posted 8 years ago
Added a journal page to my blog where I'm keeping track of every session played. Only 2 so far:

Thu 23 Jun 2016 – Sky Poker 10NL 4h 20min 1172 hands Winnings: £24.90

Longest session I’ve played and maintained 4 tables for most of it. Concentration lapsed towards the end so tilt set in a little. Trying to be more patient and less results oriented but I’m still checking the cashier to see if I’m up on the session. Something to work on.

Spent some time reading Dusty Schmidt’s Treat Your Poker Like A Business. Motivational more than anything.

Fri 24 Jun 2016 – Sky Poker 10NL 3h 00min 929 hands Winnings: £56.62

Good session despite feeling ill. Plenty of action on Friday nights. Got lucky in a couple of hands but other wise felt like I played ok. Takes my Sky balance over £700 so it’s a good milestone.

I then put the data into some csv files and embedded Tableau views into a Progress page. (doesn't work well on mobile though).

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Posted 8 years ago
Nice work bro and sick to see it in graph form Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Sat 25 - Sun 26 Jun 2016

No poker this weekend. But did finish reading Treat Your Poker Like A Business by Dusty Schmidt. It's motivated me to start grinding hard to move up the stakes quickly. Also got back to reading Professional No-Limit Hold'em Vol 1.

Mon 27 Jun 2016 - Sky Poker 10NL 2h 30min 983 hands Winnings: -£2.43

I normally avoid playing Monday's as I seem to have the worst results. But there seemed to be plenty of action so I fired up some tables. Problem was I tried playing more tables than I am used to so I rushed decisions and missed some spots.

Tue 28 Jun 2016

Movie night. Planning to get some big sessions in for the rest of the week.

Think this is the first time I've stacked a villain with a straight flush!

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Posted 8 years ago
Funny story about Dusty

Posted 8 years ago
Monthly Roundup:

June saw my first shot at 10NL and I’m pretty happy with how things are going. Mid month I was breaking even but a solid finish sees me up 13 buy-ins. That puts my Sky Poker balance at £731.78, not bad considering I started the year with £93. I’m playing regularly and starting to play longer sessions and at better times when there are more recreational players online. I’ve had a few sessions where I’ve tried to jump into playing too many tables too early in the session but I’ve learned from that.

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The plan is to move up through the micros as quick as I can, aiming for 50NL by the end of the year. With a solid winrate and playing roughly 5k hands a week I think that’s achievable. The games certainly appear soft enough. I have watched some of the 20-50NL tables and a lot of the bad regs are playing multiple tables across all those levels. I think that bodes well for a few reasons:

a) The more tables they are playing the less attention they are paying. One thing I’ve learned playing on Sky is that at these levels, good observation and picking the right moments to extract maximum value, will make far more money than trying to play a dozen or more tables and missing spots. Some regs seem to hardly play a hand. I don’t think it’s because they’re nits, I just think they’re playing too many tables to spot the good iso and steal spots, as well as max value spots. It’s hard to take good notes when there’s always another hand on another table demanding your attention.

b) They generally aren’t very good. Some of the regs I see multi-tabling across multiple levels, playing most days, should have crushed these stakes and moved on by now. Some of them I even recognize from PokerVIP coaching videos from last year. And they’re still playing microstakes and making the same mistakes again and again. I have no fear of moving up to play them at 50NL, I just need the bankroll.

Once I hit £1000 I’ll start sitting down at 20NL and 30NL tables. It will then be case of trying to double up to £2k to start 50NL.

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Bought and read Dusty Schmidt’s Treat Your Poker Like A Business. There wasn’t anything in there I didn’t already know or think on some level, but it certainly lit a fire under my ass! I know making a living from poker is hard and largely unachievable for most people. But part of me thinks “Why the fuck not!?” I mean there really isn’t anything else I want to do, so I’m going to put in the hard work, strive to get better and better. Then who knows, maybe I’ll make it to the high stakes.

Goals for July:

1. 5k hands a week minimum.
2. Plenty of study.
3. Crush 10NL.
4. Break £1000.

Posted 8 years ago
this sky place seems to be good for you Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Cream rising to the top of the milk is all. Cool
Posted 8 years ago
Pwll: Cream rising to the top of the milk is all. B)

Posted 8 years ago

Wed 29 Jun 2016 - Sky Poker 10NL 2h 45min 1142 hands Winnings: £11.69

Swingy session. Down 2 buy ins in the first few hands, eventually up 5 buy ins, then lost a huge pot. Left me kind of tilted so I stopped it there.

Thu 30 Jun 2016

No poker. Wrote my monthly roundup blog and planning for July.

Fri 01 Jul 2016 - Sky Poker 10NL 2h 20min 850 hands Winnings: £21.54

Not as much action for a Friday but still ok. Got Aces in pre for the first time in ages, against KQo. Flop came KKx and that's all she wrote. Also called an all in with a set on the turn when villain was repping a flush. He had it and I kicked myself. Other than that I think I played pretty solid.

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15 buy-ins up at 10NL, 25 to go...
Posted 7 years ago

Sat 02 Jul 2016 - Sky Poker 10NL 3h 30min 1015 hands Winnings: £5.42

Frustrating session. Getting so much value with preflop iso bets getting called really wide. Then bricking every flop or getting rivered. Certainly didn't play great either, made some poor call downs and maybe played too loose trying to chase some pots.

Sun 03 Jul 2016 - Sky Poker 10NL 3h 00min 1072 hands Winnings: £30.55

Have to be pleased with that since I was down a buy-in after the first hand. Got it in good set vs 2 pair on the turn and villain rivered the better full house. Again a few poor calls. But also found myself bluffing good spots and getting hero called every time.

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Posted 7 years ago
Do you have a handle on why you may be keeping on chasing, or was it just a single session thing?
I used to call down when I was having one of those dry sessions where I couldn't hit a flop for toffee, not even some backdoor this or draw that, nothing, so when I got the chance to draw I called like the station I was to 'get some back' and to try to make something happen - and lost even more obviously. Doh!
Posted 7 years ago
I played some sky games this past week and made a couple of videos in the 20-50nl pools and my god the games have not changed have they! Still just complete madness. One thing I found was the gifts the fish were giving - guy 4b rips in 120bb with q2os facing a squeeze from the BB. Then I saw a guy obj 100bb into a 15bb pot with the queen high flush vs my full house.

Posted 7 years ago
Pwll: Do you have a handle on why you may be keeping on chasing, or was it just a single session thing?
I used to call down when I was having one of those dry sessions where I couldn't hit a flop for toffee, not even some backdoor this or draw that, nothing, so when I got the chance to draw I called like the station I was to 'get some back' and to try to make something happen - and lost even more obviously. (doh)

Purely out of frustration/lack of patience. It's getting better the more I play. I used to play for like 1 hour or so and expect to win in that time every time. Now I play longer sessions I'm more patient but every now and then...
Posted 7 years ago*
Jon-PokerVIP: I played some sky games this past week and made a couple of videos in the 20-50nl pools and my god the games have not changed have they! Still just complete madness. One thing I found was the gifts the fish were giving - guy 4b rips in 120bb with q2os facing a squeeze from the BB. Then I saw a guy obj 100bb into a 15bb pot with the queen high flush vs my full house.

It's amazing how willing some people are to throw their money away! It does make me wonder though am I only winning against the very worst of players. Without tracking it's hard to know what mistakes I am making consistently and where I am getting owned by the not so bad players.
Posted 7 years ago
Not sure if it's rake race or Sky rewards payment but a few more quid just popped in the account CashSmile

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Posted 7 years ago
jongordon84: Not sure if it's rake race or Sky rewards payment but a few more quid just popped in the account CashSmile

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Actually I'm sure that's Sky rewards. Should be another £15 ish to go from rake race.
Posted 7 years ago
Mon 04 Jul 2016

Didn't play today. Watched some Doug Polk stream and coaching videos. Found them very useful. Also got a £7 Sky Rewards bonus. Every little helps Smile

Tue 05 Jul 2016 - Sky Poker 10NL 3h 30min 1028 hands Winnings: £30.04

Session started terribly. Lost all ins set over set and flush vs full house. Couldn't seem to win a pot and was quickly down 3 buy ins. Normally I might stop there but I didn't feel tilted at all and thought I was making sound decisions, just running into the nuts a few times. So I kept playing and had some run good. Stacked villain after villain. Takes the balance over £800, another milestone and ever closer to the £1000 target.

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