This year is MY year

Posted 8 years ago

Hi all, my name is Jordy and i have been playing poker for 5 years now. I started when i was at the age of 14 and played winning poker since i got 16. I used to crush 5 & 10nl on a large sample of hands (the games were way softer then they are now) At this moment i set a goal for myself to play (and beat) 25nl at the end of the year. Since im studying and don't have much money... Im still looking for someone to stake me, i still have some good graphs of 2nl with good bb/100 results, and some 5nl graphs. This way i hope someone can stake me and maybe could sweat or review some sessions of mine to make me a better & winning player at 5nl. I will try to keep you guys updated about how my graph looks everyday. Good luck on the tables!


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Wait what...14 years old? How does that happen? You one of these wonder kids? I am amazed!

As for staking you can apply Here

Will look forward to speaking with you.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Wait what...14 years old? How does that happen? You one of these wonder kids? I am amazed!

As for staking you can apply Here

Will look forward to speaking with you.

Hi Jon, i have watched a couple of videos of you. Im really enthousiast about your videos. Actually i already applied for staking yesterday, but if you didn't receive it i can always make a new one just let me know. Oh by the way, i saw that you don't stake pokerstars players is that right?

And yes, i started playing at the age of 14 but was not a winning player back then.. Started at 16 years old winning poker.
Posted 8 years ago
Hmm I didn't seem to receive the email - could you email all your info directly please

Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Hmm I didn't seem to receive the email - could you email all your info directly please


Hi Jon,

I have send all the information you asked for in your staking apply

I hope to hear soon from you

Kind regards,
