What can go wrong?

Posted 8 years ago


I am here to blog how things go at the tables and I will share some stories, hands, and graphs. I was going to start building a roll at WillHill with 60% rb but after first week I raked $700 or so on PT4 and was paid $70 roughly for weekly rb so I immediately cashed out as real value rake or what ever it is called is pretty bs. I have now deposited on Iron Poker which is another Ipoker skin where I have been told I will get 45% of the weighted contributed which is what PT4 uses. So if I maintain the type of volume I plan then I make at least $250/wk from rb and hopefully win at the tables.

I will start at 20nl speed playing 6 tables and try to get 100k hands this month which should be around 90hrs play or so. If all goes well then I will go to table selecting 50nl. I deposited $200 so i'll try to keep track of that in order to give more accurate updates. Anyway that is it for the first post so lets see if things get more interesting.

Thanks for reading,

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Niiiiiicee! Looking forward to some great action from the BIGBLACKCLOCK! Let's goooo
Posted 8 years ago
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Not a great start lost my roll pretty quickly. I deposited again I hope it is last time and I can grind it up.
Posted 8 years ago
Keep your head up buddy! Looks like you are upswinging out of it anyways!

Any obvious mistakes?
Posted 8 years ago
I did 3 barrel bluff twice and both cost me a stack. In my mind they were good spots but I also think I should not do 3 barrel bluff at this limit. The first one was on something like J4675 and the flush came in also on the turn and I got called by QJ I thought I will fold a J or worse for sure. The second was 3 bet pot on something like 22872 I thought since I 3 bet vs the button I will not get called by worse than 77 but villain had QQ which I didn't expect. I think it is to premature to change up my game though so I will stick with my game plan but I will hold off on the big bluffs for a while or at least try to.
Posted 8 years ago
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Better than last week but nothing to call home about. I do get about $300 in rb for the week so I got something out of it. I made more mistakes than I can count but that is why I am on NL20. I will try to cut down on mistakes for next week and if I manage then I should win.
Posted 8 years ago
Sounds like some solid profit to me....RB is always a nice way to earn some money!

Which mistakes are you making?
Posted 8 years ago
Not knowing what to do vs the 40bb regs. For example having 66 in the CO facing a 3b or what to do in the SB with QJs vs a BU open. Also vs full stacks who have a maybe 3/3 fold vs 5b from BU and I jam AQo or 88 something like that and they snap it off with KK so. I still have done some 3 brl bluffs when I thought they were weak and either they are not weak or they call with 3rd pair type stuff.
Posted 8 years ago
Nice....always good to just keep writing down what you struggle with and then basically find a solution to it before you play your next game. This way you should never have some big leaks and it forces you to study the correct areas.
Posted 8 years ago
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Another B/E week so I have a few days to see if I can finish up or not but the rb has helped a lot or I would have busted my roll many more times already.
Posted 8 years ago
What do you feel like you are struggling with the most?
Posted 8 years ago
Maybe some small things i'm unaware of. I worked on the issues from the previous week and feel good about it. I will just refine that and do my thing this week and see.
Posted 8 years ago
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First month in the books I played about three weeks. I lost a bit at the tables but made something back in RB.


I withdraw something every week so my roll is still very small but I have a low risk of busting now at 20nl with about $800 roll. When I am somewhere around $1400 I will drop the 20nl speed tables and start playing regular tables of 50nl so I hope that happens soon.
Posted 8 years ago
Wow great work man that is such a solid month and the rake back sounds like such a win!

Good luck in May - any targets or goals?
Posted 8 years ago
My goal for May is to get bankroll for 50nl and win at the tables.
Posted 8 years ago
I never realised how much people can make from rake back. I could never play that many hands in a month so I'm not going to bother. Are you in any of the rake races? as that would add a nice amount!
Posted 8 years ago
No I just have a flat 45% deal.
Posted 8 years ago
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May so far, I made a little so that is not bad but not so much in rb with lower volume.
Posted 8 years ago
I have roll enough for 50nl now so I am glad it didn't take the whole month. Up $750 after rb so roll is now at around 1400 I will take a fairly big shot at 50nl (Won't move down unless roll falls to $700). I will start marking some hands now and making post session notes.
Posted 8 years ago
shot timeeeeeeeee
