Posted 9 years ago
Nice posts there dude, I think having worked on ya ranges will help immensely for a default play etc. it's so easy to get out of line etc say with ya 3bet bluffs and not have a solid plan and think ah I'll just call and see a flop, but with ya ranges defined ya KNOW your doing something as a bluff and have a plan for the hand and can fold if you face aggression when it's clear in your mind.

Anyway GL dude and keep crushing Wink
Posted 9 years ago
First week of June is done! I have no idea how I did it, but I pulled 35h of play (12k hands or so) + massive amount of study. Very little sleep. I'm not sure how it was money wise, probably +150e or so - depends on how much I'll get from Betfair's promo.

Dropped 100$ on 888. Cashed out my balance after this hand. Total 20$ profit from ~4k hands on that site from initial 10$ deposit.

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem
2 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter

BTN martinbosman ($13.86) 69bb
BB Hero ($20) 100bb

Pre-Flop: (0.30, 2 players) Hero is BBQQ
martinbosman raises to $0.40, Hero raises to $1.40, martinbosman calls $1

Flop:4J7 ($2.80, 2 players)
Hero bets $1.80, martinbosman calls $1.80

Turn:3 ($6.40, 2)
Hero bets $4, martinbosman calls $4

River:5 ($14.40, 2)
Hero bets $10.80, martinbosman goes all-in $6.66

Final Pot:$31.86 martinbosman shows 35
Hero shows QQ

martinbosman wins $26.72 (net +$12.86)
Hero collects $4.14 (net -$13.86)

The positive thing is that I've finally found a heater on Betfai! +250$ today there. Is it the result of work I'm putting in my game or just a coincidence, time will tell. But one is for sure - I feel very confident playing against the regs I respect the most and feared to play a week ago; now I'm able to put them on a correct range and make the best decision. Still a lot of spews when auto piloting tho.

1) Fun hand. On river I went with Zeebo's Theorem, but never expected to see that hand. (Turn check is as a quad draw for promotion)

$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter

UTG Villain ($8) 40bb
UTG+1 hids78 ($25.93) 130bb
CO Dougal5 ($18.10) 91bb
BTN JimDinamite ($24.30) 122bb
SB ranjaan ($30.80) 154bb
BB Hero ($27.37) 137bb

Pre-Flop: (0.60, 6 players) Hero is BB96
[Hero posts $0.30]
Villain checks, 1 fold, Dougal5 calls $0.20, 2 folds, Hero checks

Flop:349 ($0.80, 3 players)
Hero checks, Villain checks, Dougal5 checks

Turn:9 ($0.80, 3)
Hero checks, Villain checks, Dougal5 checks

River:4 ($0.80, 3)
Hero bets $2, Villain raises to $4, Dougal5 folds, Hero raises to $10.24, Villain goes all-in $3.70

Final Pot:$18.74 Hero shows 96
Villain shows Q5

Hero wins $17.93 (net +$7.29)
Dougal5 lost $0.20
Villain lost $8.30

I'm heading to Finland on Friday to run a relay for my Swedish club (all expenses covered), so it will be just a 4 day week for me.

1) Start constructing a default defend range vs 3bets;
2) Watch at least 1 training video a day + take notes on it;
3) No auto pilot. It brings my game 2 levels down;
4) Construct 3bet/cc ranges.
Posted 9 years ago
I started constructing my defend ranges vs 3bets, and I'd liko to hear some advice.

Here is my EP RFI guideline. It contains 168, and I must defend a minimum of 55.44 combos to avoid auto-profit for 3bettor. If I fold optimal 60%, i need to defend 67.2 combos.
Quick sketch on the right contains just 58 combos. A4s, A5s goes as a 4bet bluff vs active 3bettor, and AA/KK/AKs sometimes flats, but mostly 4bets. What about SC's? I'm not a fan of flatting 3bet oop in general, especially with hands like 1010-JJ, so I'd really like to hear some thoughts about optimal defending.

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Posted 9 years ago
You gotta call pp oop v a 3b! If you make it 3 they make it 9 we have to call 6 and their stack is 100...

I call some suited broadways also in some spots to play them aggro OTF and bluff catch two streets on certain board textures. Suited connectors idm calling if they make it small and/or we are very deep.

Also I wouldn't get hung up on defending an unexploutable range. if villain is 3b only Kk+ then trying to defend a tonne of hands to get up to the correct % to avoid auto profit will actually increase his EV.

Also if you begin calling hands then just giving up post then well done you have stopped villain from auto profiting preflop by increasing his winnings when he 3bets by folding more post.

Oh and BTW your opening range is quite tight. A2s+ is fine J9s, Q9s, K9s all fine and some other sc idm opening some of the time. If villains behind are fishy I might open a lil wider if they are Reggy a little tighter.
Posted 9 years ago
@CrazyCookie Thanks for your input! I'm constructing just a general guidelines. All the ranges are very elastic and depended from line up. I feel very comfortable playing in 3bet pots vs most regulars, so I don't plan to just give up post flop.

Well, yesterday was intense!

~11.5h of play divided in two session, with second one taking 9 hours, and finishing 06.30 am. Sick. But couldn't quit earlier, since there was a drunk sponsor. +~100 eur from hand of the week promotion, so a profitable day after all. Made ton of spews during first half and was kinda tiled. Whiskey was the game changer lol.

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Posted 9 years ago
wow 11 hours of poker.......thatis some serious grinding right there buddy!

At the 3k hand mark where you finally saw profit did you think about quitting? II can imagine you thought about it, then the downswing happened again and then you felt sick...or is that a bad read? Bet you felt like a total beast when you finished your say stuck like $20! I don't think there are many better feelings in life than grinding your arse off, getting stuck and then grinding out of it. Feels better than an actual winning day : )
Posted 9 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP No, actually I've gotten past this form of tilt. Everything you mentioned was valid for me few months ago or so, but now I'm not that result oriented as I was. That's good I suppose.

The reason why I grinded for so long was this guy - there's simply too much value when he's having a drunken night. He's the person I've played the most against, and by far my biggest sponsor; here's his graph on my DB.
Attached Image

Anyway, last week I played only Mon-Wed/ I got back from Finland only 7am this morning, and I've kinda lost track on last weeks results, but I think I'm up some 400-500$ for the month.

In Finland, I had my first ever Sports-book experience! I was there with a friend of mine, whose very good at it and has been doing it for last 8 years or so with a hefty profit (hes no a degen). There was a game LAT-NED, and he talked me into betting on it. I knew he was betting massively on it (like mid 3 figures), and I thought of 'You can't win by betting like a bitch' methodology. So I ended up betting 100 eur on at least 2 goal handicap (most of my friends would consider betting more than 20 as a massive degening). Even tho first half ended 0:0, my emotional level was close to 0 all the time, so that's also a good sign for my mental game progress! The game finished 2:0, and I made 50 eur profit. Good enough, but I don't think I'll make another bet any time soon, since I don't like gambling in general.

By the way, I was in Finland to run Jukola. It's 7 leg orienteering relay through the night with astonishing 1700 starting team. Here's start from last years first leg - I'm one of those guys running down there. F-18 hornet over the head was a very special experience!

Now - back on grind!
Posted 9 years ago
This is how you put people on tilt (closing +700 MTD)

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG biannnca $10.64
UTG+1 AliciAA93 $20.73
COPlayer $20.64
D bf002713 $19.64
SB eskemamus $23.30
BB Hero $21.10
6$0.30Hero is BB8T
2 folds, Player raises to $0.60, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.40
Hero checks, Player bets$0.60, Hero raises to $1.80, Playercalls$1.20
Hero bets $3, Player calls$3
Hero bets $6.60, Player raises to $13.20, Hero goes all-in $9.10, Player goes all-in$2.04
Final Pot$41.84 Hero shows 8T
Player shows QQ

Hero wins $39.78 (net +$18.48)
Player lost$20.64

I've gotten my hands on a series of YouDoom training videos. I love his ambition of perfection!
"Did I used this hand to it's absolute fullest potential?'' /This was just brilliant/
Posted 9 years ago
Yeh that is the ultimate tilter right there buddy. Nice line dude! Surprised villain jams on you when the straight and bdfd got there on the river.

You rate yourdoom? He has such a bad reputation online - just haters?
Posted 9 years ago
Many things are out dated of course, but his general mentality is great. Especially for wannabe micro grinder.
Posted 9 years ago
4k hands in a day nice volume dude.... I managed 3k yesterday and another 2k so far today.... how many tables do u usually play?
Posted 9 years ago
6 tables usually. Not more than 8. No zoom.
Posted 9 years ago
Intense day #2
So disappointing final. Hit quads for 50-100 EUR bonus, so actually broke even and should be happy about it. Red line is improving tho. Smile

Session #1 Lost 2 BI's on NL50 table (had only 1 of NL50). Some bad bluffs + lost a 110 eur pot with AK in 3bet pot. Not sure I played the hand bad. Overall felt confident.

Session #2 Frustrating finish - started to run super cold. Quit after lost this hand vs aggro fish. I believe I played it well (maybe x/r a bit bigger). Won QQ>AA vs reg AIPF, so all things even.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem iPoker
4 Players

CO Player1 $6.49
D Player3 $23.91
SB Player5 $20
BBHero $22.11
4$0.30Hero is BBAA
Player1 calls $0.20, Player3 calls $0.20, 1 fold, Hero raises to $1, Player1 folds, Player3 calls $0.80
Hero checks, Player3 bets $2.30, Hero raises to $6, Player3 calls $3.70
Hero goes all-in$15.11, Player3 calls $15.11
2$44.52, 1 all-in 8
Final Pot$44.52 Player3 shows 8Q

Player3 wins $42.52 (net +$20.41)
Player1 lost $0.20
Hero lost$22.11

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Posted 9 years ago
-75$ NoteCaddy premium
-199$ NoteCaddy Edge Ultimate


It puts me at around 400 EUR invested in poker software. Pretty sick for a NL20 grinder, but hey, what can you do. Now I'm prepared to destroy NL50!
Posted 9 years ago

I've been off the grid so far this week to celebrate Midsummer fest. Feels good to be far away from the civilization and just enjoy.

Now I'm back to work. My new HUD is insane. It will take a couple of weeks to get used to it, but when I get fully operative with it, there is nothing that can stop me from crushing. I will cut tables to 2-3 in the beginning to master it as fast as possible.

Time to fasten the seat belt before the weekend's grind!
Posted 9 years ago
Show us the HUD then bro - its like telling a dog u have a treat for him and then leaving the room!
Posted 9 years ago
Small teaser of one of many pop-ups. I don't really want to show everything off since I'm not getting paid for advertising.

There are my stats from the replayer, so feel free to comment on them.

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Posted 9 years ago
You can finally check out how bad I was (am) playing in this video review Jon made.

I will sum up my month tomorrow, but as a cliff I can say that I got sick on Friday / Saturday, my head is blowing up and I'm on painkillers. Tried to grind anyway, but no good after 30-40 min.
Posted 9 years ago
what hud are you using bro
Posted 9 years ago
From notecaddy edge