Posted 8 years ago
Foldenstein: #prayforMG
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Welcome to the forum! Sick first journey to follow. MG is a beast!!!

Posted 8 years ago
Sick volume and yeah that graph is pretty sick
How long are your sessions usually?

#prayforMG Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks guys! I really appreciate your support!

Volume - standard 8-17 working week is 40h (actually way wayyy more, as people tend not to count in traveling time / lunch time etc). As I play full time, 45h is not that much, Jon will smile about these numbers.. Smile
Optimal session length for me seems to be around 1.5h before taking a break. In reality, I usually make 1-2h sessions, with occasional 3-5h ones if stucked, games are good and I'm playing good (very subjective, these long sessions are just a form of tilt really). Breaks are 10-20 min with longer lunch / dinner break. In future, I want to optimize my sessions, so I'm capable of getting in 8h volume, and still having a free evening (read - have a life).

Today I had a day off (after 8 working days in a row), so will be back to damaging NL50 population tomorrow! Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
I do smile about those numbers for sure. You are a professional who treats it in such a way. It is the main thing i did well during my career is to just play more than anyone and make the most of it. I see it pointless to be lazy as we are lucky after all so lets enjoy it!
Posted 8 years ago
Very bad day. I got uber tilted IRL from people who can't do what they are supposed (paid) to do. It pisses me off so much when I get affected from incompetence! It's probably not their fault - they just don't know better. Usually I keep it together, but I've gotten sick (literally), so tilt threshold is lowered (makes sense?). I guess the sickness / life tilt reflected on my game, and I played poorly today. And lost 6 BI's in evening session. I was due to lose 3-4 anyway, but maybe 2-3 BI's can be counted as a spew.

Here's one of the spews (or it's not?). Villain is TAG reg. Actually, I don't hate my play. Villain has to fold 47-48% of time for me to break even, and I think ppl fold over 50% here. Even JJ/QQ goes to muck. Thoughts?
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player2 $50
UTG+1 Player4 $55.12
COHero $61.86
D Player7 $72.07
SB Player9 $65.91
BB Player1 $63.37
6$0.75Hero is COAK
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, Player7 raises to $4.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $11.50, Player7 calls $7
Hero bets$7.85, Player7 calls $7.85
Hero goes all-in$42.51, Player7 calls $42.51
2$124.47, 1 all-in 2
Final Pot$124.47
Hero shows AK
Player7 shows 44

Player7 wins $120.47 (net +$58.61)
Hero lost$61.86

Tasks for tomorrow - tea non-stop, eat a proper meal for a change, take it easy on tables and get better!
Posted 8 years ago
Don't like flop sizing if that turn action is your overall plan, just make it 30/30/rest. Also not sure we should be continuing this card really, I mean there are enough of other (good) cards we can barrel, A/K/Q/J/spades.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh confirmed spew but these things happen bro!

Posted 8 years ago
Dunno, not sure he is calling a 4bet pre with QQ to fold it to turn overship on blank board. Also if he is a reg is that normal reg play to call off a 4bet with 44 pre? Even IP?

Not loving the hand unless reads that he calls 4bets too wide and then plays fit or fold post, which seems unlikely to have without a mega sample.


Posted 8 years ago
^No, it's not normal. It's not even a 3bet lol. Ye, QQ is most likely a call, but I don't think most players call with JJ.

Yet another miserable day. Playing bad, running bad. I'm getting destroyed at TonyBet last couple of days. Games got very tough there, not sure if it is +EV for me to play there anymore. I assume NL200 at 888 is softer than most line ups of TB NL50, but what do I know.

Anyway, I'm only down 2 BI's this week, and there are still 2 days left for perfection!
Posted 8 years ago*
So, week is done. Very bad and painful for me, but finished with a winning day and expecting a heater next week!

MTD. +320 eur from TonyBet in no idea how many hands (lost 115e there last week).
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So yeah, didn't play well and also ran bad. 38h of play. But all in all, results are adequate to volume so far this month.

In other news, I found the most baller flat! Like 200m away from Riga Old town (which contains 100's of bars and clubs, one of the best night life in Europe). 450 eur rent.

Attached Image

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2 rooms, 70m2 and it has an additional dressing room that can be and will be used as an office (war room lol).

So yeah, rent is 450+utilities, which probably are 150 in winter, 50 in summer or so. I pretty much want to snap call this one, but it will be a big hit to my BR. I mean, I've got ~4.3k to my name. I'd have to pay rent for the first and last month (900e) + probably agent fee, 225e. So, I'd lose 25-30% of my roll. But on the other hand, I know it's just 2 week work if I sustain 40h/week. In addition, having this flat has potential to massively improve my social life, therefore improve my happiness. Aaand, it could provide some MilfGrinder stories, if you know what I mean Laugh

The main question is - should The MilfGrinder go ahead, or wait a month for a healthier roll (but this flat will be gone already)?
Posted 8 years ago
Flat looks sick.
Posted 8 years ago
Go ahead, do it and live the dream!

Posted 8 years ago*
I called about the flat - it's still available, but it's 1 year min, therefore ~6.6k eur commitment. I'll make up my mind today. But it's only money... right? I'm leaning towards a green light.

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I've never rented a flat before (except student dorm), so this is a big thing for me.
Posted 8 years ago
Baller flat...go for it!
Posted 8 years ago
LOL love that GIF soooooo much

Do it bro

Posted 8 years ago
Pushed things further about the flat. Gonna take a look at it on Monday, as the agent is abroad. The big downside I noticed is the electrical heating, which is more expensive. Oh, well. I asked agent to forward me some of the previous utilities bills. Funny thing, I've told a few people IRL about that flat and how much it costs, and every one of them said it's too expensive / too big and I should go for a cheaper one. But you know, If I had listened to them not to drop out college (twice), not to play poker - I'd be a bitch making like 800e/month in a dead end job and not even dreaming about a flat like this. So fuck em', I want it! Smile

Poker is going OK this week, not great, not bad - pretty much grinding EV. Looks like I'm gonna grind a lot this weekend, so #prayforMG !
Posted 8 years ago
Haha yeh man you gotta listen to yourself. We as poker players are generally much happier to take risks as we realise that even when things go bad we can still get out of it.

Listen to yourself #prayforMG
Posted 8 years ago
Oh, Rungood, where are you? I need you! Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Oh, Rungood, where are you? I need you! :D

Whats happening MG?
Posted 8 years ago
Nothing extreme, just sad mediocrity.

But thanks to @Jon-PokerVIP got some Rungood! Laugh

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player2 $50
UTG+1 Player4 $59.13
COHero $92.75
D Player7 $64.01
SB Player9 $48.50
BB Player1 $46.18
6$0.75Hero is CO88
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, Player7 goes all-in $64.01, 2 folds,

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Hero calls$62.51
2$128.77, 1 all-in J6T
2$128.77, 1 all-in A
2$128.77, 1 all-in 7
Final Pot$128.77
Hero shows 88
Player7 shows 6Q

Hero wins$124.77 (net +$60.76)
Player7 collects $0.00 (net -$64.01)

Still few hours to go this week! #prayforMG