Posted 7 years ago
So we hit a sad downswing due to some.....poor choices to play poker while severely under the influence. We dropped down to around $1130 or so, then I had a pretty solid sesh today.

After cashing in some more rakeback we're sitting pretty at:

Current BR - $1258

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Hand of the day:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $26.03
UTG+1 Player5 $25
CO Player6 $25
D Player1 $34.99
SBHero $61.39
BB Player3 $26.01
6$0.35Hero is SBKK
1 fold, Player5 raises to $0.56, 1 fold, Player1 raises to $1.75, Hero raises to $5.30, 1 fold, Player5 folds, Player1 calls $3.55
Hero bets$4.45, Player1 calls $4.45
Hero checks, Player1 checks
Hero bets$30, Player1 calls $25.24
Final Pot$75.55
Player1 shows QQ
Hero shows KK

Hero wins$78.31 (net +$38.56)
Player1 lost $34.99
Player5 lost $0.56

Felt that villain shows us exactly QQ here absolutely tons so decided to go for the overbet on the river as I reckoned he'd have a hard time folding it after I checked the turn.
Posted 7 years ago
We also had this hand of misery yesterday that lead me to calling my session early as it happened right at the beginning Laugh

Villain shows down 99.
Posted 7 years ago
Another solid short evening session. I'm really annoyed with myself for spewing off so much last week when I was hammered, I've been really good for not doing that at all anymore (I used to be a fiend for it) but allowed my ego to get the better of me! We've almost repaired the damage from it though.

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Current BR - $1331

Hand of the session:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $26.03
UTG+1 Player5 $25
CO Player6 $25
D Player1 $34.99
SBHero $61.39
BB Player3 $26.01
6$0.35Hero is SBKK
1 fold, Player5 raises to $0.56, 1 fold, Player1 raises to $1.75, Hero raises to $5.30, 1 fold, Player5 folds, Player1 calls $3.55
Hero bets$4.45, Player1 calls $4.45
Hero checks, Player1 checks
Hero bets$30, Player1 calls $25.24
Final Pot$75.55
Player1 shows QQ
Hero shows KK

Hero wins$78.31 (net +$38.56)
Player1 lost $34.99
Player5 lost $0.56

This guy made an absolute Helmuth-esque call. His chips we're in the middle of the table before mine.*
*I may be exagerating slightly, but he called super super quick. Quick enough that it's entirely possible he didn't even look at my bet size and was just hovering over the call button so he could snap call and feel like a badass.

A second, less fun hand in terms of strategy, but still.....Daily quads is always nice.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $34.48
UTG+1 Player5 $65.78
CO Player6 $37.61
DHero $57.96
SB Player2 $22.91
BB Player3 $32.92
6$0.35Hero is BTNJJ
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.62, 1 fold, Player3 calls $0.37
Player3 checks, Hero bets$0.64, Player3 raises to $1.92, Hero raises to $5.76, Player3 goes all-in $32.30, Hero calls$26.54
2$65.94, 1 all-in 7
2$65.94, 1 all-in J
Final Pot$65.94
Hero shows JJ
Player3 shows 6A

Hero wins$63.94 (net +$31.02)
Player3 lost $32.92
Posted 7 years ago
I could use a little of that just about now. Well done on the recovery, now, try not to let it go to waste. Smile

Have a fun weekend.
Posted 7 years ago
I played some of the worst poker of my life today, made a few absolutely god awful stack offs but managed to steady the ship and turn it around for a marginally profitable session.

I also played what was without a doubt, the strangest hand of poker that I've ever played.

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Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $30.32
UTG+1 Player5 $9.44
COHero $79.20
D Player1 $25.65
SB Player2 $28.43
BB Player3 $32.42
6$0.35Hero is COJA
1 fold, Player5 raises to $1, Hero calls$1, 1 fold, Player2 calls $0.90, Player3 calls $0.75
Player2 checks, Player3 checks, Player5 goes all-in $8.44, Hero calls$8.44, Player2 calls $8.44, Player3 calls $8.44
4$37.76, 1 all-in 6
Player2 checks, Player3 checks, Hero bets$25, Player2 folds, Player3 calls $22.98
3$85.74, 1 all-in 3
Final Pot$85.74
Player3 shows 98
Player5 shows TA
Hero shows JA

Hero wins$85.76 (net +$51.32)
Player2 lost $9.44
Player3 lost $32.42
Player5 lost $9.44
Posted 7 years ago
That is a crazy hand but well done for playing it solid, always nice to turn a session around.
Posted 6 years ago
Today was rather unfortunate.

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Definitely lost about 2 stacks more than I should have through awful calldowns, obviously ran like dog shit too though.

Current BR - $1251
Posted 6 years ago
Well, you can't win 'em all. Your results are extremely impressive anyway and the occasional stumble is to be expected. It's never fun to lose money but, It might be a great thing for the challenge, by showing the contrast between how an experienced player deals with that sort of stuff. Micro stakes players often react very poorly to the run bad and end up losing much more than the "downswing tax" the variance demands from them at any given moment. Good luck sir! I'm sure you got this.
Posted 6 years ago
Pretty sick that you had +100bb of non showdown winnings. I would venture to guess that maybe on some level that also means you just weren't getting called very often when you had it
Posted 6 years ago
After all of this stars nonsense I have made the executive decision to bail on Pokerstars and I have withdrawn all my funds there. I've made the decision to move 100(ish)% of my play over to MPN so I deposited my PayPal balance there to start afresh. We started today with €960 and had a solid start to our 50NL adventures over there finishing a short session +€138.

First impressions:
1) I really don't mind playing without a HUD, I've just dropped down the number of tables so I can pay more attention to peoples tendencies.
2) Play there is weeeeaaaaakkkkk.
3) I've missed online poker. 30 hands per hour just does not cut it, even if they are against 50/5 player profiles primarily.

Results will be trickier to post here as not all my hands get tracked as I am playing a combination of reg and anon tables so I'll only be able to post hands from the reg tables as no hand histories are provided for anon.

Hand of the day vs a player who had been playing fairly wild:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTG Player3 $62
CO Player4 $82.68
D Player5 $51.20
SB Player6 $44.06
BBHero $69.34
5$0.75Hero is BB66
1 fold, Player4 raises to $1, 1 fold, Player6 calls $0.75, Hero calls$0.50
Player6 checks, Hero bets$2.25, Player4 folds, Player6 calls $2.25
Player6 checks, Hero bets$5, Player6 raises to $22.50, Hero goes all-in$66.09, Player6 calls $18.31
2$114.40, 1 all-in 7
Final Pot$114.40
Hero shows 66
Player6 shows 7T

Hero wins$138.18 (net +$68.84)
Player4 lost $1
Player6 lost $44.06

Current BR - €1,098
Posted 6 years ago
You can a HUD there Ferg, just need an older version of Hm2/PT4
Posted 6 years ago
HUD works but I don't use it as you only get stats where you have contributed money so there would be a lot of gaps in hands which would skew data.
Posted 6 years ago
Yeh I've found it fairly representative in plo
Posted 6 years ago
Fair enough, might start using it so. I've been questioning the integrity of the data and running through the scenarios in my head. My logic is that the fact that I have contributed money means it is significantly more likely to be a raised pot so that may skew the data involved. I might be exaggerating the impact this will have though,
Posted 6 years ago
I think it just means it would take longer to get a relevant sample, as less hands are used. But the sample itself may be more useful as it's showing how a player plays against you specifically. Against a more exploitative player that might give you some really good reads. But I wonder if you would also need to know how it compares to their stats over all hands to know how much they are adjusting to you and use that info effectively.
Posted 6 years ago
Very interesting point RE: How the data may be more accurate vs an exploitable player who is making adjustments vs me specifically.
Posted 6 years ago
Within the last couple weeks I decided to get back on the Twitch grind, as people don't tend to want to watch a non-Stars stream I made a small deposit back onto Pokerstars and decided to start the BR challenge anew, and this time stick with some correct BRM and show people how it's done instead of just luckboxing my way up multiple limits in one go Laugh

So the BRM rules - To move up limits I need 20 buy ins of the new limit. Once I reach this I can take a 10BI shot at said limit, if I drop back down to 10BI's then I need to move back down.

I threw in €50 which worked out to be something like $58. It took less than 10k hands at 2NL to clear the $100 mark and if I keep going anywhere close to the rate I'm going at I'll be up to 10NL even quicker. Incredibly happy with my game, but also been running extremely well obviously.

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A fun hand:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $21
UTG+1 Player5 $7.63
CO Player6 $5
DHero $13.34
SB Player2 $7.98
BB Player3 $4.31
6$0.07Hero is BTNQQ
Player4 raises to $0.15, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.44, 2 folds, Player4 calls $0.29
Player4 checks, Hero bets$0.58, Player4 raises to $1.70, Hero calls$1.12
Player4 bets $2.25, Hero calls$2.25
Player4 goes all-in $16.61, Hero calls$8.95
Final Pot$34.41
Hero shows QQ
Player4 shows AT

Hero wins$25.75 (net +$12.41)
Player4 collects $15.32 (net -$5.68)

Posted 6 years ago
Villains still play this way? WOW