Posted 7 years ago
Before bed last night I decided to four table some 10NLz for a short bit. It went.......well.

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I cashed in $30 rakeback also which has left me with:

Current BR: $1,142.35
Posted 7 years ago
Also almost drew a straight line with you non showdown. You'll need a ruler next time Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Ha yeh, one unfortunate little blip early on then a few squiggles here and there Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
Before bed time brags! Wp my man
Posted 7 years ago
Been playing off stream a lot more this week. Things have been......successful.

Attached Image

Current BR - $1383.01

I'm off to Vegas for the ME in 3 weeks, I'm going to attempt to put in some hours between now and then and aim to reach the $2k mark before I leave! If I keep running the same way it will be a walk in the park Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Really incredible and inspiring stuff. I would be on you hitting it before you go for sure!
Posted 7 years ago
Ev'rybody crushing, looks like early finish for you Ferg! Bowing
Posted 7 years ago
Grinded out a couple of hours and rescued the session quite nicely tonight. A few sad spots, one AWFUL stack off, then a few very nice spots added up to a relatively OK session.

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I've lent a buddy a few quid on stars so current BR is displaying $1254, he owes me $150 though so we have officially crossed the peak of the challenge so far and are sitting pretty at:

BR - $1404.71

There has been a distinct lack of posting of actual hands throughout this thread so I've decided evrey session I play I will post an update with an interesting hand. The hand can be interesting for whatever reason, nice play, funny outcome, etc etc.

Fun hands of the evening/casual brag Smile

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $60.42
UTG+1 Player5 $45.19
CO Player6 $38.54
DHero $28.73
SB Player2 $20.91
BB Player3 $30.01
6$0.35Hero is BTNKJ
2 folds, Player6 raises to $0.67, Hero raises to $1.90, 2 folds, Player6 calls $1.23
Player6 checks, Hero bets$2.34, Player6 calls $2.34
Player6 checks, Hero checks
Player6 bets $6.77, Hero calls$6.77
Final Pot$22.37
Hero shows KJ
Player6 shows 88

Hero wins$21.36 (net +$10.35)
Player6 lost $11.01

Posted 7 years ago
Mental note, go for thin value vs Fergal, dude calls river as light as he 3bets pre.
Posted 7 years ago
Love that K high call as it makes total fucking sense vs the guys range. Nice work ending on a high also
Posted 7 years ago
Agreed Jon, I struggled to see what he'd choose this sizing with that was for value that plays this way. Unless he's seen some of my outrageous calls previously.....
Posted 7 years ago
@jongordon84 I don't class this as a light 3bet on the BTN really. KJo fairs well vs a CO opening range and taking the betting initiative IP counts for a hell of a lot. Plus it's fun to say Jack King off Kappa
Posted 7 years ago
fergrberger: @jongordon84 Plus it's fun to say Jack King off Kappa

True dat.
Posted 7 years ago
Would you consider bluff raising KJ on the river facing the lead? You block KQ and QJ, and you have AQ, KQ, maybe QJ and once in a blue moon QQ in your range.
Posted 7 years ago
Given the type of range I have assigned villain I think raising makes 0 sense. He won't ever choose this sizing with a hand like A high so raising doesn't make much sense when we have (some) showdown value.
Posted 7 years ago
Todays session was.......Interesting.

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The important thing is that I got it all back, and even some profit including rakeback. It was a seriously rough session, a couple of very unfortunate spots combined with a few ill timed bluffs lead to a very frustrating start. I feel I managed to maintain a cool head and play close to my A-game which I was pleased with. Hand of the session had to go to this one:

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTG Player4 $37.07
UTG+1 Player5 $39.65
CO Player6 $25.35
D Player1 $32.42
SB Player2 $34.18
BBHero $30.49
6$0.35Hero is BBA2
4 folds, Player2 raises to $0.63, Hero raises to $1.89, Player2 calls $1.26
Player2 checks, Hero bets$1.70, Player2 calls $1.70
Player2 checks, Hero checks
Player2 checks, Hero bets$4, Player2 goes all-in $30.59, Hero calls$22.90
Final Pot$64.67
Player2 shows AQ
Hero shows A2

Hero wins$58.98 (net +$28.49)
Player2 collects $7.38 (net -$26.80)

Not a massive hand sample on the guy but he seemed solid and I had just one a decent threebet pot against him on a different table prior in the same dynamic (blind v blind). When he jammed at first I was pretty sad, but when I gave it a bit of thought it seemed nearly impossible that he doesn't raise his two-pairs or sets on this board. Ballsy turning AQ here into a bluff, but fortunately I found the call to get back to that beautiful state.

Posted 7 years ago

First of all: nice topic and nice to see you are running up a nice BR!

I've watched a video (Part 3/4 of a 20NL session you play on Guts, Tips for crushing). A few questions, on spots that I would play different. I'm curious to hear your reasoning, if you could care to elaborate a few spots:
1. I always fold offsuit broadways in the earlier positions for RIO's and I think my range gets very wide in these spots if I have to defend a lot vs. 3bets. I saw you open QTo in MP for instance and KJo UTG. Do you make a profit playing these in the long run?
2. In contrast to these hands you fold stuff like T9o and 97o on the BTN. These hands I would open for a minraise, so here I'm looser than you are?
3. Whats your range for flatting in the Small blind vs. a BTN open? I see you flat KQs for instance (I 3bet this 100%). Also, I saw you flat 22 vs a UTG open, where I would normally fold this hand, to keep my range vs UTG tighter.

I'm most of all curious to your strategy in the SB vs BTN opens. I only 3bet for value with a wider range (around 15%) and fold some of these hands vs a 4bet, call other OOP and rip the top x%....
Posted 7 years ago
May I ask why hero doesn't barrel? I would nearly always barrel with more outs is all. If we think we might get raised off it then why do we cbet?

Thanks, interesting hand for me because I think I'm getting a bit aggro.
Posted 7 years ago
Turn is a pretty trivial check back here IMO. When flop bet gets called we're going to get called on the turn a lot IMO, I'm happier to check back and realise equity here rather than continuing.


1) Opening these broadways from EP will be a fairly EV neutral play, I like to include them as it widens my overall range vs perceptive opponents using positional stats within their HUD.

2) Generally I would be opening these hands from the BTN, not sure why I didn't in the video in question.

3) Like any poker situation, a lot will depend on villain in this dynamic. If we have a tight BB and BTN overfold, I will three bet incredibly wide. Against other opponents I tighten up. In general I use a mixed strategy with a lot of hands, I will three bet PP's with some frequency as well as flat them, same goes for the suited broadways.
Posted 7 years ago
Also, alcohol and poker do not mix well. I believe I lost ~$200 last night while hammered drunk. Not wise Laugh