Posted 8 years ago
Oh no i guess it was some friend or friend of a friend who offered you some Skrill payment thing or something like that?

Jep, a friend (also got scammed) connected me to this Belorussian (making coaching vids for some Russian sites), and this friend was connected to him via some high stakes player, idk. Monthly extra RB to Skrill. But hey, at least new life achievement - got scammed for the first time in poker world haha. [X]

I'll be back with full details when it's clear, but for now I've cashed out my Terminal balance, and will be back on the Hive on Yatching via PokerVIP in a few days. Meanwhile, 888 it is. Back to the table to recoup the loss! Ninja
Posted 8 years ago
Took me an hour to recoup the loss..

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Posted 8 years ago
Meh, met my long time no seen friend mr Tilt Friday night after losing 70/30 for 170$ pot while simultaneously my AK lost to KK aipf. Proceeded to spew ~2 stacks unnecessarily, called it a day and took Yesterday off as well. Now I just ordered some sushi and wok for breakfast / lunch, and will put in some quality grind!
Posted 8 years ago
Week started out well, was looking forward for my 2nd 1k$ week in a row, but poker Gods thought different. Nothing much I could do. Lost 2-3 stacks unnecessarily in that downfall. Volume got a hit as well, since I got on tilt Friday night and quit early + took Saturday off. Hit ~200$ upswing after midnight, so will have a decent head start for the next stretch.

28.5h, 9.4k hands.. Damn tilt Sad Btw I'm running EV 6bb/100 at 888 NL50 after 31k hands. Could be like 8/9 bb/100 without tilt? I should start coaching lol.
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BONUS: from todays session (after midnight). Some of you already know that my table selection is based on me starting tables. Sometimes when there are many regs open sitting, I'm too lazy to wait for new tables, so I just sit to the direct right to the regs. Usually they sit out and leave the table for me, but sometimes they get fed up of me and try to teach me a lesson not to sit in against them.

1. This is somewhat new lolReg in the market. After this hand table gets filled.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
2 Players

SBHero $51.15
BB Player4 $50
2$0.75Hero is SB3A
Hero raises to $1, Player4 raises to $3, Hero calls$2
Player4 bets $4.50, Hero calls$4.50
Player4 checks, Hero bets$7.50, Player4 calls $7.50
Player4 checks, Hero bets$15, Player4 calls $15
Final Pot$60
Hero shows 3A
Player4 shows TT

Hero wins$59 (net +$29)
Player4 lost $30

2. Right after the previous hand I sit at another of his tables and this happens. I started to laugh laudly on the flop when I saw what happened. Laugh Poor guy. I don't think he'll play me again..

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
2 Players

SB Player4 $50
BBHero $51.50
2$0.75Hero is BB37
Player4 raises to $1, Hero raises to $3.50, Player4 calls $2.50
Hero bets$4.50, Player4 raises to $9.50, Hero goes all-in$48, Player4 calls $37
2$101.50, 1 all-in K
2$101.50, 1 all-in J
Final Pot$101.50
Hero shows 37
Player4 shows AA

Hero wins$100.50 (net +$49)
Player4 lost $50
Posted 8 years ago
The old 37 suited...welcome to poker in 2015! Nice stuff dude

Unlucky with the downswing but as your graph and hands show it is just one of those variance things and nothing can be done. Just gotta be sure you don't react differently in situations and so on. Forget 1k weeks.....what about a 10k month? LEGO
Posted 8 years ago
In addition to 2 previous hands.

Danny boy hunted me today wanting to get his money back (he plays awful HU). Not hunting me anymore tho.

Damn river Sad

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
3 Players

D Player7 $50.75
SBHero $61.79
BB Player4 $51.15
3$0.75Hero is SB75
Player7 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, Player4 raises to $4, Hero calls$2.50
Hero checks, Player4 checks
Hero checks, Player4 bets $4, Hero raises to $11, Player4 calls $7
Hero bets$10, Player4 calls $10
Final Pot$50
Hero shows 75
Player4 shows AK

Hero wins$47.50 (net +$22.50)
Player4 lost $25
Posted 8 years ago
Shit 1K weeks. I'm just trying to hit 1K bankroll.

As soon as I blogged I was close I went in to free fall, lol.

I'm hoping to get there and be able to consistently put in profitable weeks though, though nothing like 1K.

Well done.
Posted 8 years ago
Such a nice feeling when you have someone who you can just relentlessly beat up and they are just super happy for it to be happening.
Posted 8 years ago
Sunday Mmmm... More coolers today than all September. Week at +330$.
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Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Sunday Mmmm... More coolers today than all September. Week at +330$.
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I went through a 12 month period losing pretty much every Sunday i played. Became a real nightmare and glad those days ended are behind me. You have the same issue?
Posted 8 years ago
I usually have 1 terrible day in the weekend, not necessarily Sunday. Btw I didn't have any losing sessions prior Sunday last week.
Posted 8 years ago*
There can not be a better way to finish the month than 7 BI downswing in the last day!

September: -100 from RB scam, so approx +1.3k$ month.
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Stakes: +~35$ in PLO
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So pissed atm. I got trial for Snowie, and it said I played correct in the losing pots, so at least some relief. But I want to punch myself in the face anyway. So disappointed of myself after yet another mediocre month.
I'm left with just 1 room with almost no RB - 888. I wanted to go for Yatching, but read some very bad things about it, and I'm not sure I want to risk with it. No Skrill as well at Yachting. Rake race would be a great addition to my motivation though. I thought of Party as well, but I have to use VPN for it, and I don't want to risk playing on 888 simultaneously since VPN's are not allowed there. I can't go on with just 888, since I can't get enough good tables during day time. ACR works without VPN, but it doesn't seem that soft at NL50 + no traffick at day time.

What is the gto here?
1) Yacting? Trouble getting money in + hand converter expense. Fishy games. Rake Race.
2) ACR? Haven't played there, but games look's a bit tougher from what I've seen in Jon's videos. No rake race.
3) Terminal? I could angle a new acc in there. I very liked the games, and it offers some different networks than Yachting (Hive + some other)? No rake race.

I really don't know.

The plan is to keep grinding NL50. I've got maybe 4k$ to my name, and I want at least 50 BI's for NL100 shot, so realistically I can't make it, but can get close to it and set myself up for a shot take by beginning of November.

Main focus will be volume. There was a great discussion in Staking thread, and also what @CrazyCookie said in his recent video of inefficient studying made me think. I can clearly optimize my time! I should make a plan of what is my task for the next day (e.g. 30 min work with Snowie + 30 min coaching video). It's hard to come up with these tasks without a coach, but I will try.
I played 117h in September. Played 23 days. Avg 300 hands/h. And it is a problem. I do some aggro table select and often I'm open sitting at 3 tables and have just 1 running. It can be solved with adding another room, which I will.

So here goes my first ever freeroll - If I don't make 50k hands next month, I'll ship 25$ (I'm poor) to a random person who comments "In for the freeroll" during October.
I can make an OK living at NL50. Nobody in my family makes more than 800e/mo, and they are highly educated. I shouldn't feel bad with my 1.3k month, but I just want to make it sooo badly. You know, there was a time when I was grinding NL5 as my only (almost) income. Sometimes I had money for food (pasta + ketchup), sometimes not. I never asked for help although I'd have received it. I've gone through so much shit to be where I'm at now, and I can almost feel the goal (NL100)! NL100 is the stake that theoretically can make me baller. If not baller, than comfortable living for sure. My life is pretty much a mess right now, but reaching (and beating) NL100 is my priority. When I reach it, I won't think of moving up asap anymore. Started from the fucking bottom!
I'll take tomorrow off, get sorted a new room, go for a longer work out. Lets go!
Posted 8 years ago
I would take $1k at 50nl in only 30k hands! That is in the top range the winrate I think is likely possible at this stake Smile (although you may disagree when you are table selecting like you are Wink )

I would say that as you are a professional player however, that 30k hands is suah a small amount of hands. I mean say you are studying for 1 hour a day and playing 4 hours, say sleeping 9 hours then what are you doing for 10 hours everyday????

If there are not many great games going at 50nl why not open up the 30nl and 20nl games also. That way OK you may not have the same $100 over the month but it means you won't ever only be playing 1 table and you'll still be making money.

If I was able to turn pro (and I play the same stakes as you they just aren't quite as lucrative in the UK Wink ) and was only playing poker and not sports betting or trading, then I would set my day like this:

10:30am wake up
11:00 have had breakfast and a shower and be ready for the day. Have a flick through the games and see if there are some good games going which they are sometimes but often not. If not then go over the previous days marked hands and pick a topic for the day to improve on.
13:00-16:30 household chores, any exercise I want to do, meditation, shopping etc.
16:30- I want is when I would want to be playing. I would start with 30mins focussing on the area I wanted to improve on based on the previous days play and for my first 2hour session would focus on that. I'd have dinner at around 19:00 then go again 20:00 and from there I would just grind till I felt I needed a break. My final session would be untill I needed sleep.

All in all I would be playing around 7-8 hours each day which is the amount I work full tim in an office now BTW :P. I play around 600hand/hour but if I am game selecting a little more like yourself that will likely drop to 500. Assuming I take a day of each week we will say we'd play maybe 25 days/month. That should mean 90k-100k hands is our target for the month.

I know a lot of people who want to be pros would see you play 30k (which is my goal next month with a fill time job and living with my girlfriend) and say wtf how lazy is this guy! :')
Posted 8 years ago
Fuck making plans @CrazyCookie!!! You guys should know better by now: Wake up, grind the shit out of everything, keep grinding it then pass out. Wake up and repeat. LDO!!!

Really nice month there and a nice bunch of targets for the month ahead. Whole aim is to make money and improve as a player...seems pretty solid man and you seem like the type of guy who can do it. Just don't punch yourself in the face too much.

BTW have you checked out this thread yet? Really nice prize up for grabs but also just the motivation to really work on studying. So many pros replying to hands and getting in the rhythm of replying to others just makes you think about the game way more than you ever would.
Posted 8 years ago
In for the freeroll

But I hope you have no need to ship it, and I'm sure you will smash it. I would not be punching myself in the face for only making $1300 in 30k hands in a game most people can't beat.
Posted 8 years ago
Small update:
1) Set up ACR account with 10 BI's for NL50. Busto in a few days probably. Now it's almost 4am, and there is ton of action while 888 is dead. ARC will help with getting tables going at my late sessions + some RB, but I think I will have to add another room to help getting tables at 3-7pm my time (1-5pm UK time). Will see how it goes tomorrow and I will re-evaluate then. Now it seems that adding the 3rd room is gto.
2) More important thing - I hid my account balance, removed every monetary / bb/100 stat out of my HM2 'sessions' report. As long as I don't click on cashier and click other reports, I won't see how I'm doing money wise. Would be cool if I can force my self not to look at results like... ever. This way I could focus on volume much much more and avoid those days when I hate myself for no actual reason.
3) I will go for the free coaching session!

Tomorrow the grind starts!

p.s. Didn't punch myself in the face.
Off topic - anyone playing on the Hive (or knows someone) who uses planetwin converter (converts to PokerStars format), and are using NoteCaddy with badges n'stuff? Are the badges working after recent HM2 update? Badges and some other things are banned on Stars and Tilt since 28th of Sep, so I wonder if the Hive is affected.
Posted 8 years ago
Great to see you have hidden all the $ everywhere! I did the same a few days back and before each session I write down areas I want to focus on in the session and mark down every time I make a clear mistake. Once I've made 5 clear mistakes I end my session. This forces me to make as few mistakes as possible and I bass my session success by the number of mistakes I made.

That being said the last few days I have run as shit as I have ever run, without looking at my results I would guess its in the region of -$900 and running $600+ below all in adj. Then ofc had the doomed AK v AA and people making everything in the world v me. I tilted really hard my last session where I lost AK v AQ aipf, one guy turned a GS on me in a big pot, one guy rivered a boat (the worse 4 outer kind) I lost AK v KK aipf and had a guy call any two preflop v my huge 3b and each time I wiffed with AK and he flopped something.

At the time I realised it is just varience and I made good plays but it still fucked me over mentally. Will be interesting how the both of us improve re mental game Smile
Posted 8 years ago
3) gogogogo

As for the change in HUDs i have no idea how this will affect things when you are running through the converter. I imagine the converter company and PT4 will make it just go through a different form or hh or something as a quick fix. Just make sure you are always updating it all.
Posted 8 years ago
Day 1 without cashier went well! It feels so much better when you don't know how much you're up / down! Smile
Averaged 430h/hour, so almost 50% more than last month. Gotta keep it up! Going out tonight, got bunch of hands marked and will post tomorrow if hangover.
ACR - it's not that soft. At least at NL50. Dropped ~3 BI's I think, but was running bad there. Snowie approved my losing pots. I think I won bunch at 888, so not sure if I'm up or down today, and not knowing is sooo good for me as I'm mental fisssshhh (not just mental tho).
Posted 8 years ago
I might copy you on that one actually. See if it helps me. Danger is though first I'll know of busto is when I can't reload anymore!