Posted 8 years ago
Decent hangover day! Usually I'd take day off, but instead I took morning / midday easy, replying to some hands here, went for a run, overdosed coffee and managed 5h of play with 375h/hour. Still haven't checked results, but felt like I won a bunch.

Finally won a stack at ACR. This hand is against a regular, what do you guys think of his move? Haven't seen that kind of play before. I've got a feeling these guys are trying to run over the newbie (me). Finally saw some fishier players there as well.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem PartyPoker
6 Players

UTGHero $55.77
UTG+1 Player5 $56.66
CO Player6 $42.36
D Player1 $53.25
SB Player2 $52.52
BB Player3 $51.34
6$0.75Hero is UTGKA
Hero raises to $1.50, 2 folds, Player1 raises to $4.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $10.50, Player1 goes all-in $53.25, Hero calls$42.75
2$107.25, 1 all-in K6T
2$107.25, 1 all-in 2
2$107.25, 1 all-in 3
Final Pot$107.25
Player1 shows Q5
Hero shows KA

Hero wins$104.25 (net +$51)
Player1 lost $53.25
Posted 8 years ago
Ahh, there was a funny hand today. HU against a reg. Start of my 2nd session, got bunch of HU action.
So I got 98r, flop 924ss, I cbet, he x/r, I call. Turn blank, he bets, I call, river 9 for trips (FD bricks), he jams, I call, he has A9, oh well.
I keep playing and after some time I wonder how the hell he has 100bb on that table. How can you reload back to 100 bigs at ACR? So I search for the hand history and realize board ran out 92429 and we actually chopped haha. Good for me!
Posted 8 years ago
Bleh, noticed that I can actually see results in session tab anyway in the bottom below hands, so I saw my results from Yesterday. Sad Gonna avoid looking back at hands and will just mark hands in play, so it will only show results of marked hands instead of all. Anyway, got 7h of play Yesterday, 2x2h+1x3h session which was a bad idea - 2h should be tops without a break, after 2h I don't play my best.

Also, ACR is not treating me good. Regs are overly aggressive - like every open gets a 3bet on top, standard sizings differs from 888, and I've got no info on regs. Also, when odd stack sits HU with me, I'm not even sure it's a fun player or just a reg leveling me. Variance also is not on my side, so what can I do, gotta play more.
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Bleh, noticed that I can actually see results in session tab anyway in the bottom below hands, so I saw my results from Yesterday. Sad Gonna avoid looking back at hands and will just mark hands in play, so it will only show results of marked hands instead of all. Anyway, got 7h of play Yesterday, 2x2h+1x3h session which was a bad idea - 2h should be tops without a break, after 2h I don't play my best.

Also, ACR is not treating me good. Regs are overly aggressive - like every open gets a 3bet on top, standard sizings differs from 888, and I've got no info on regs. Also, when odd stack sits HU with me, I'm not even sure it's a fun player or just a reg leveling me. Variance also is not on my side, so what can I do, gotta play more.

Watched any of my ACR coaching videos? I speak a lot about the regs and how to handle them along with the random recreational players.
Posted 8 years ago
I've watched some parts of those series, but will re-watch properly. Anyway, these games will help me to get better by taking me out of my comfort zone, as I feel like a fish in a water at NL50 888 games.

Seems like I'm falling behind in coaching competition. I don't get into that many spots I need help with, and I don't really like replying hands when there is already a decent answer; + other guys will probably get more value from a single coaching session than me (not that I don't need coaching). Not giving up though!
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: I've watched some parts of those series, but will re-watch properly. Anyway, these games will help me to get better by taking me out of my comfort zone, as I feel like a fish in a water at NL50 888 games.

Seems like I'm falling behind in coaching competition. I don't get into that many spots I need help with, and I don't really like replying hands when there is already a decent answer; + other guys will probably get more value from a single coaching session than me (not that I don't need coaching). Not giving up though!

I have this battle with quite a few people when they say about replying to the hands. Always remember it is not about you teaching someone it is more about you learning or just saying how you would play it. You know you can question them, question the coaches, ask people to expand on what they said or just ask if the play XYZ would make any sense. Basically it is just to program your mind in a better more efficient way. If you keep writing and replying to hands your brain will just store so much information and no spot will seem complicated to you going forward as you would have seen it before and know the best play.

Just my 2 pence anyways.
Posted 8 years ago
Bleh, another off table hit. PokerVIP support guy (dunno his name) assured me ACR deal consists of 27%+~20% deposit bonus on top. I asked few times if he's sure about it. Well, apparently there is 27% RB cap, if I'm not missing smth...
Posted 8 years ago*
So tilting day. Couldn't help myself to look at today's results since was running really bad (and some spews ofc).. EV-just - 1BI and volume was good though, I'm ahead of 50k target pace, so will aim to 65k mark.

I don't really post coolers, but this villain has a big Heart ... so do I.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player1 $50
UTG+1 Player2 $75.55
CO Player4 $43.60
DHero $62.14
SB Player7 $49.98
BB Player9 $50
6$0.75Hero is BTNQQ
2 folds, Player4 calls $0.50, Hero raises to $2, 1 fold, Player9 raises to $6.75, Player4 calls $6.25, Hero raises to $16, Player9 folds, Player4 calls $9.25
Player4 checks, Hero checks
Player4 goes all-in $27.60, Hero calls$27.60
2$94.20, 1 all-in 6
Final Pot$94.20
Player4 shows 46
Hero shows QQ

Player4 wins $90.20 (net +$46.60)
Hero lost$43.60
Player9 lost $6.75
Posted 8 years ago
How was this guy playing? Assume you had a big reason to flat pre and just call off turn?
Posted 8 years ago
Odd stack fun player from UK, general read is that they will spazz out with any pair / picture cards when they think they can buy the pot. I was expecting a hand like 77/88.
Posted 8 years ago
Almost busto at ACR. 80% of deposit gone. Running very bad. Just lost with 98s on Q88ss F 3bet pot vs AA. The stupid part is that if the PokerVIP guy hadn't assured it's 47% RB there, I wouldn't play there. If I didn't run that bad I wouldn't be pissed probably. I have very low expectations of 90+% people. I try to avoid being dependent on someone else even just a little, because from my experience they will always fuck it up or will do their part poorly. Am I a bad person because of that? :/

At times like this I wonder why am I even wasting my time in a game with such a low expected return. Why don't I just move to trading instead while doing some 30e/h coaching to busto micro stake players...

Hopefully tilt runs out and I get back to tables later today.
Posted 8 years ago
Tilt cleared out, and I'm back on track. Still running bad, but what can I do.

They got 0 respect for me. Against bad reg. Good value bet on river?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player1 $67.90
UTG+1 Player2 $37.44
CO Player4 $57.61
DHero $68.35
SB Player7 $65.35
BB Player9 $35.98
6$0.75Hero is BTNQA
Player1 raises to $1.50, 2 folds, Hero calls$1.50, 2 folds
Player1 bets $2.81, Hero calls$2.81
Player1 checks, Hero bets$6.50, Player1 calls $6.50
Player1 checks, Hero bets$11, Player1 calls $11
Final Pot$44.37
Player1 shows 87
Hero shows QA

Player1 wins $42.16 (net +$20.35)
Hero lost$21.81
Posted 8 years ago
This is the proper way of bluffing riverzz #888ftw

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTGHero $50
UTG+1 Player7 $45.14
CO Player9 $46.59
D Player1 $22.93
SB Player2 $50
BB Player4 $50.75
6$0.75Hero is UTGAA
Hero raises to $1.50, Player7 calls $1.50, Player9 calls $1.50, 3 folds
Hero bets$3.50, Player7 calls $3.50, Player9 calls $3.50
Hero checks, Player7 checks, Player9 bets $15.75, Hero calls$15.75, Player7 folds
Hero goes all-in$29.25, Player9 calls $25.84
Final Pot$102.34
Hero shows AA
Player9 shows QA

Hero wins$101.75 (net +$51.75)
Player7 lost $5
Player9 lost $46.59
Posted 8 years ago
Going to my hometown tomorrow to compete for the military. Not sure I'll get to play tomorrow, but will try to squeeze 1x2h session. Back on Sunday evening.

Meanwhile I checked the results. I'm at 17.3k hands, played 6 full days, 41h of play, avg 421 hands/hour, which is 40% improvement compared to last month. I'm mixing in NL20-NL30 tables to get it going, and I must say NL50 seems softer. Regs are probably stronger, but there are those UK/AU/CAN/GER fun players handing free money. Maybe I'm just not used to the nitty play at NL20/30 since 50 plays quite loose.

Anyone coach not getting sucked out? Probably I should be happy with EV+RB close to 800 at this point.
Attached Image


For your pleasure and making my mood better I present you my 50k+ hand sample of NL50 @888. 7.6 bb/100 EV adj.
Attached Image

Posted 8 years ago
Just had a super interesting hand you guys might like.

This is my thought process during the play. What do you think of it?
Villain is unknown, just 3 hands on him.
Pre - standard.
Flop - very wet flop, so I cbet on bigger side, nothing special there.
Turn - 9c complicates this hand. It brings double FD and gives a straight for 10X. I can't really value bet so I decide to check and evaluate. Villain insta bet 3/4 of pot, which brings my suspicion. He reps a straight here, but would he insta bet his straight..? And make it so big after I show I'm capped? I decide to call and evaluate river.
River - I x and he insta jams. If I didn't believe he had 10X on turn, I don't believe it on river. Is he good enough to value bet KQ/QJ? I doubt it. He only value bets 10X, and his line was unusual to rep 10X. So I bluff catch and pick up on AQ which villain turned into a bluff on river.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
4 Players

CO Player1 $29.12
D Player2 $50
SBHero $53.17
BB Player7 $50
4$0.75Hero is SBAA
1 fold, Player2 raises to $1, Hero raises to $3.50, 1 fold, Player2 calls $2.50
Hero bets$5, Player2 calls $5
Hero checks, Player2 bets $13.12, Hero calls$13.12
Hero checks, Player2 goes all-in $28.38, Hero calls$28.38
Final Pot$100.50
Player2 shows AQ
Hero shows AA

Hero wins$96.50 (net +$46.50)
Player2 lost $50
Posted 8 years ago
Watched podcast with Ben86 today while playing. Oh man, the best podcast I've ever seen! Everything he says just makes sense! I highly recommend watching it!

Poker wise things are not going too well. Running very bad, and I'm just 600$ below EV this month. Waiting for some heat, but just keep running below ev every session. EV+RB around +1k, so I shouldn't beat up myself.

Volume - 51.2h of play, 21.5k hands, 430h/hour. I can push more!
Posted 8 years ago
Man i have heard about 5 people talk about this podcast over the last few days. Any cliffs on it?
Posted 8 years ago
I just watched the first half off it and there are some interesting things in it. Like how he explains the though process of a 3b pot:
- If the board is very dynamic, like T97ss we have to be checking a lot as the PF3B, since a lot of turns can greatly devaluate the top of our range (AA-QQ). But when for instance the turn comes a 6 and brings a second flushdraws and he checks, his range is pretty capped (though GTO he should maybe check some straights OTT) and we are very polarized between air, maybe topset/straights. Than OTR we want to bet as big as possible with all our valuehands, so that we can squeeze in as many bluffs as possible to balance it out. The bigger the betsize, the more bluffs we are allowed to have. That way we can steal a lot of equity% of the pot.

Will watch the second part later.
Posted 8 years ago
He also tells why they don't auto top up - playing with a very short stack has higher EV since when you get in multi way, opponents might fold out others. But all in all he's just a very happy person what you can't often see in the poker world.

I'm still on my bad run, getting tilted somewhat fast, therefore volume is suffering. Not playing that well either. I will try cutting down tables to gain back my momentum - it doesn't take much to turn it around, just 2 good sessions in a row. Winter kickin in is also not helping my already somewhat depressed mood. Not sure how long I can keep up with my current routine without going nuts. I'm really considering moving to Valencia or Bari for a while, but doing it before I beat NL100 would be very risky move, and I'm not much of a gambler. Month is halfway done, I'm kinda BE with 14 BI's up in Sklansky bucks. Fun game, huh?
Posted 8 years ago
Sucks man. I would be open to discussing some hands, if you like. Also playing 50NL on Microgaming (I think I came across your name a few times). PM if you like.