Posted 8 years ago
That is like my dream graph. I love a straight up EV line while the winnings line kicks you in the balls. I think keeping the line going up when the green line is up to is easier. This shows skill and mental strength. The green line will turn but the fact you have not started spewing is huge. I have had this before but in the end the orange line started going down too as I began to play like a chimp.

Really well done. I'm jelly.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks Paul! Usually my lines pikes down at the end, but I've pushed my tilt threshold quite a bit. It's just a matter of time until you'll get there eventually.

Meanwhile, 3rd time in 2 days. Really?
p.s. Sorry for posting coolers, I know it's not good to do it.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.15/$0.30 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player4 $32.41
UTG+1Hero $47.49
CO Player7 $24.61
D Player9 $47.05
SB Player1 $10.79
BB Player2 $30
6$0.45Hero is UTG+1AT
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.90, Player7 calls $0.90, Player9 calls $0.90, 1 fold, Player2 calls $0.60
Player2 checks, Hero bets$2, 1 fold, Player9 calls $2, Player2 folds
Hero bets$3.85, Player9 calls $3.85
Hero bets$8, Player9 raises to $17.10, Hero raises to $26.20, Player9 goes all-in $40.30, Hero calls$14.10
Final Pot$96.05
Hero shows AT
Player9 shows QQ

Player9 wins $92.05 (net +$45)
Player2 lost $0.90
Hero lost$47.05
Player7 lost $0.90
Posted 8 years ago
OK, now I'm fucking pissed and tilted (insta quit before started to spew). 8 BI below EV today. That's 400 fucking dollars!!! More than I spend in a month.

Month, yo. +80$ from few hands HM2 didn't pick up for some reason. Helloo nooodles 3x a day! MY EV w/r at 888 this month is 6.81 bb/100, but actuall w/r is 0.9 bb/100.
Attached Image
Posted 8 years ago
Gotta pull that trigger! Against reg.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
3 Players

D Player1 $51.50
SB Player4 $51.50
BBHero $50
3$0.75Hero is BBK8
Player1 folds, Player4 raises to $1.65, Hero raises to $4.85, Player4 calls $3.20
Player4 checks, Hero checks
Player4 bets $6, Hero calls$6
Player4 bets $14.50, Hero goes all-in$39.15, Player4 folds
Final Pot$75.35

Hero wins$97.47 (net +$47.47)
Player4 lost $25.35
Posted 8 years ago
Love your blog ! Smile Best wishes from Lithuania Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Got my new phone today, so spent some of my poker time in setting it up. Thanks again to @MattVIP for suggesting moto g, first impression is good!
Also, went for a run and put my heart rate belt as well for a change.. Fuuuck I'm so out of shape. The 7-8km loop I ran 4:45 min/km with avg heart rate 130-140 bpm in my Golden days, today I ran like 6:30 min/km with avg HR of 157, and HR keeping at 170 at the end + super long recovery time. So basically, walking would be much more GTO for me atm, but not sure I care enough to go for that extreme measure. I'll run 3.5k xc race in 18th of November, and I want to be in somewhat decent shape not to embarrass myself - I'm one of only 4 people who has ever managed to finish below 11 min there after all! Cool
Poker today went well, so maybe I'll be able to afford some food haha
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Got my new phone today, so spent some of my poker time in setting it up. Thanks again to @MattVIP for suggesting moto g, first impression is good!
Also, went for a run and put my heart rate belt as well for a change.. Fuuuck I'm so out of shape. The 7-8km loop I ran 4:45 min/km with avg heart rate 130-140 bpm in my Golden days, today I ran like 6:30 min/km with avg HR of 157, and HR keeping at 170 at the end + super long recovery time. So basically, walking would be much more GTO for me atm, but not sure I care enough to go for that extreme measure. I'll run 3.5k xc race in 18th of November, and I want to be in somewhat decent shape not to embarrass myself - I'm one of only 4 people who has ever managed to finish below 11 min there after all! Cool
Poker today went well, so maybe I'll be able to afford some food haha

the question is...what food did you get? lol
Posted 8 years ago
What do you mean what food?

Here is another super podcast I recommend everyone to watch (just play on background while grind, it's a long one), guest is Haralabos Voulgaris - pro sports bettor, he even has a betting dream machine which generates scores with around 5% ROI.. Anyway, the best part is when he asks 'why the fuck do you play poker.. you can do something useful with your life' or smth like that. I've said it before and will say it again - if you're not living in a busto country like I am - poker is a waste of time if you're not just playing for fun and care if win/lose. It's very tough to actually make money since even at NL5 you'll find bunch Romanian grinders, bot rings jadajada. Poker is not a pleasant ride anymore, it's mostly downs.

Last 7 days to go in October! It seems that I can deliver 60k hand mark - I'm at 44k now.
Posted 8 years ago
Yet another great session.. Got 1 and 2 outered on riverzz yey. I'm running so bad not only EV wise but also river wise..It's sick that I manage to show some profit after all this bs I get. Only way I can win at SD is by bluff catching, and 888 regs probably already know that Bluff-catching is my 2nd name! Crossed 1k mark for running below EV as well, now I'm just 1070$ below this month, and yet beating NL50 for 3bb/100 anyway..

Attached Image

Some fun handzz.
1) I got this baby!
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Player9 $49.07
CO Player1 $51.62
D Player4 $66.72
SBHero $85.88
BB Player7 $56.30
5$0.75Hero is SBTT
1 fold, Player1 raises to $1.50, Player4 calls $1.50, Hero calls$1.25, Player7 raises to $6, Player1 calls $4.50, Player4 folds, Hero calls$4.50
Hero bets$6.50, Player7 calls $6.50, Player1 folds
Hero bets$14, Player7 calls $14
Hero goes all-in$59.38, Player7 folds

2) Cool story bro
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player9 $51.38
UTG+1 Player1 $63.20
CO Player2 $53.13
D Player4 $53.82
SBHero $59.66
BB Player7 $52.24
6$0.75Hero is SBAA
Player9 raises to $1.50, 3 folds, Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, Player9 calls $3.50
Hero bets$6.25, Player9 calls $6.25
Hero checks, Player9 bets $13, Hero calls$13
Hero checks, Player9 bets $27.13, Hero calls$27.13
Final Pot$103.26
Hero shows AA
Player9 shows 22

Hero wins$99.26 (net +$47.88)
Player9 lost $51.38

3) Cuz I always have it! #TeamPussy

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player7 $50
UTG+1 Player9 $53.02
CO Player1 $48.25
D Player2 $25.20
SB Player4 $33.25
BBHero $69.28
6$0.75Hero is BBAJ
2 folds, Player1 raises to $1.50, 2 folds, Hero calls$1
Hero checks, Player1 checks
Hero bets$2, Player1 calls $2
Hero bets$4, Player1 calls $4
Final Pot$15.25
Player1 shows JJ
Hero shows AJ

Player1 wins $14.49 (net +$6.99)
Hero lost$7.50
Posted 8 years ago
Can relate to the run bad, ran over 1k below EV over the last 12k hands and took a break as a result. I also lost over that so OK -EV but could also be bad play by me (I don't think it was but very possible).

I don't think listening to a podcast while playing is or ever will be a good idea. You will be loosing focus from your games and won't take in the info from the podcast.

Also I totally agree, playing poker professionally in the UK imho, iant possible unless you are crushing 100nl+. I was going to try but even if I was able to beat 50nl for 5bb/100 after rb for 80k hands/month I'd only make $2kk. That is about £1,350. That is currently £150 more than I make from work but I know with certainty that in 5 years time I will be on 34k-50k. I cannot guarantee that with poker and taking that risk IMO is stupid.

My new approach to all of this (sports betting, poker, trading etc) is to take it as part time for fun and if you ca n make money from it bit of extra for savings or new stuff Smile

Hope your EV turns round!
Posted 8 years ago
@CrazyCookie That's the sad truth about poker nowadays most people don't / don't want to understand. I mean, it is impossible for busto NL2 player to grind the way up to high stakes, IMPOSSIBLE. Getting to NL100 will take a year +, realistically 2-3 years, not even taking in account that the games doesn't get softer.. Unless USA market opens. And if you play for fun on weekends, it's possible that variance will rip you off for a straight year, so where's the fun?

Yeah I know I shouldn't do other stuff like listen to podcast, check facebook etc., but this is how I try to keep my sanity. Clicking buttons in zombie mode 6 days a week is not an easy task. I'm fine with sacrificing some fractions of bb/100 for this purpose. Smile
Grr, I'm 71.5% for Platinium star, which comes with 2250$ monthly rake, so I'm 640$ in rake away from it. Platinium would double my RB from 9 to 18%, which is worth maybe 180-200 extra dollars for next month. It means I got to rake 130$ for next 5 days in a row... Today I played 7h40m and raked 112$, so I'd have to play like 9 hours each day to make it. I'm not sure I can do it, so realistically I'll be some 150-200$ short, which sucks very much. I could jump into Snap games, but I'll donk away more than those extra 200, so not very sure if it's a good idea.
Daily fun hand

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player2 $11.50
UTG+1 Player4 $40.39
COHero $50
D Player7 $50
SB Player9 $50.69
BB Player1 $50
6$0.75Hero is COQT
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, 1 fold, Player9 calls $1.25, 1 fold
Player9 checks, Hero bets$1.85, Player9 calls $1.85
Player9 checks, Hero checks
Player9 bets $3.60, Hero raises to $9.50, Player9 folds
Final Pot$20.30

Hero wins$25.48 (net +$12.63)
Player9 lost $6.95
Posted 8 years ago
The whole making money at poker convo is always an interesting one. I think you can make a living at 50nl if you grind hard. For example if you play 50k hands per month you will rake around $2000 (maybe more) of this if you play on a huge selection of sites you will then get back $1200 ish just from that. Then on top of this you have your win rate so you are already talking double that amount. I said 50k btw IMO if you play 50nl for a living and you are serious it should be twice that so yeh do the maths.

Also it really depends on what your circumstances are and what you want to get out of life. If you live at home and have very little outlays then making $2000 a month playing poker when your under say 21 years old sounds like a pretty good time for a year or even more. Obviously we want to make more but that comes from grinding more hands, moving up, chasing deals and improving. You have the time to do this as long as you do it properly. Also there is a lot more to a poker player nowadays imo - so many revenues to make more money including coaching, creating content for training sites, twitch, youtube and so on. You can easily make an extra $1000 a month if you just do a certain few things.

Rant over Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Well, I'd like to have that 60% RB deal. As far as I know, mortals can get 60%+ just on few iPoker skins, which basically means BE play + RB.

Sure, 2k$ for 20 y/o is ok, but if you start from nothing, getting to that 2k/mo point is insanely difficult. And the fact alone, that poker crushing coach has to do all those additional stuff to make some extra income speaks about the current poker economy. Smile
Daily fun hand

River was intense even for me, but gotta fire

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Player4 $57.89
COHero $61.16
D Player7 $58.61
SB Player1 $50
BB Player2 $53.75
5$0.75Hero is CO4A
Player4 calls $0.50, Hero raises to $2, 3 folds, Player4 calls $1.50
Player4 bets $2, Hero calls$2
Player4 bets $2.50, Hero raises to $7.50, Player4 calls $5
Player4 checks, Hero bets$14.50, Player4 folds
Final Pot$38.25

Hero wins$51.57 (net +$25.57)
Player4 lost $11.50
Posted 8 years ago
It is not something someone has to do but another way to make money. You know its like a shop which just sells light bulbs - why not sell the lamps as well? It all depends what you want out of work/life/business and so on. For most it is all about working super hard and getting the max returns.

And yeh my example was based on what you and cookie said...ofc there is a ton more to go into it and all depends on age etc.
Posted 8 years ago
I guess i was just trying to give examples of how to turn poker into a long term career as you all mentioned how the game changes and so on
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah, I'd love to get into coaching / content making etc stuff as well, but I doubt anyone needs NL50 grinder for that, since there are a lot of guys from higher stakes in the line.

Anyway, I'm not quitting!
Posted 8 years ago
Had my day off, so no daily fun hand unfortunately haha.

Great success with getting in shape - today I could run ~6 min/km with avg HR 142, so it's a massive improvement in just few days. When you start from nothing, you improve exponentially, so it's not a big surprise for me. I'm not afraid to say it anymore - I WAS A BEAST just 1.5 years ago and I have a huge base inside of me, so will be interesting to see how fast I can get in 1 month time with just fitness approach. If tomorrow HR will be low as well, I'm gonna start adding some specific interval training. bang bang
Posted 8 years ago
Bleh, made a stupid call for a stack. Villain is loose.

I called because of the fact that he had taken this flop jam line twice in my sample, and only with draws (note that red circled dot is this hand, so the dot wasn't there during the hand). Didn't think it thru - only gutters and backdoors possible (maybe he jams 109s/98s w/ BDFD, but I doubt it), so my logic was off, and I should have realized he might take this line with AK.
Attached Image

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player4 $60.90
UTG+1Hero $67.80
CO Player7 $22.94
D Player9 $50
SB Player1 $26.75
BB Player2 $50
6$0.75Hero is UTG+15A
Player4 raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $5, 1 fold, Player9 calls $5, 2 folds, Player4 folds
Hero bets$6.50, Player9 goes all-in $45, Hero calls$38.50
2$102.25, 1 all-in J
2$102.25, 1 all-in 3
Final Pot$102.25
Hero shows 5A
Player9 shows AK

Player9 wins $98.25 (net +$48.25)
Player4 lost $1.50
Hero lost$50
Posted 8 years ago
Very tilted. Running like aids today. Noodle option opens again. Need a perfection tomorrow and Saturday! Or maybe just get blind drunk 2 days in a row..

Nevertheless, THIS happened today! Villain was rec, and he went bananas in chat afterwards haha

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
4 Players

CO Player9 $54.08
D Player1 $42.82
SBHero $50.25
BB Player7 $50.27
4$0.75Hero is SBT9
1 fold, Player1 calls $0.50, Hero calls$0.25, Player7 raises to $2, Player1 folds, Hero calls$1.50
Hero checks, Player7 bets $4.50, Hero calls$4.50
Hero checks, Player7 checks
Hero checks, Player7 bets $13.50, Hero goes all-in$43.75, Player7 calls $30.25
Final Pot$101
Hero shows T9
Player7 shows 34

Hero wins$97 (net +$46.75)
Player1 lost $0.50
Player7 lost $50.25
Posted 8 years ago
Very nice pot would like to win some like that!!

What was said in the chat box lol??