Posted 8 years ago
Today, this Russian reg won the award for the most GTO sizing of 2015! Much respect! Smile

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player9 $50.38
UTG+1 Player1 $64.08
COHero $101.44
D Player4 $60.15
SB Player6 $55.63
BB Player7 $60.22
6$0.75Hero is CO5A
1 fold, Player1 calls $0.50, Hero folds, 2 folds, Player7 checks
Player7 bets $0.50, Player1 calls $0.50
Player7 bets $50, Player1 calls $50
Player7 goes all-in $9.22, Player1 calls $9.22
Final Pot$120.69
Player1 shows AT
Player7 shows 32

Player7 wins $116.69 (net +$56.47)
Player1 lost $60.22
Posted 8 years ago
LOL my gooooooooooodness that is a thing of beauty.
Posted 8 years ago

I really love how he overbets so huge and leaves a little bit left for the river bet.
Posted 8 years ago
No money in hold'em, everyone is solid!
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: Whaaaaaaatttttt??!?!??!?!

I really love how he overbets so huge and leaves a little bit left for the river bet.

Just setting it up beautifully for the river shove Rolling on the floor laughing
Posted 8 years ago
How the fuck did I managed to just break even today?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Player9 $43.87
CO Player1 $105.22
D Player2 $106.03
SB Player4 $50
BBHero $50.79
5$0.75Hero is BB6A
Player9 raises to $2.50, Player1 calls $2.50, Player2 calls $2.50, 1 fold, Hero calls$2
Hero checks, Player9 checks, Player1 checks, Player2 bets $7.68, Hero folds, Player9 folds, Player1 calls $7.68
Player1 goes all-in $95.04, Player2 calls $95.04
2$215.69, 1 all-in T
Final Pot$215.69
Player1 shows 72
Player2 shows JA

Player2 wins $211.69 (net +$106.47)
Player1 lost $105.22
Hero lost$2.50
Player9 lost $2.50

Ahh, yes I know why. Lost w/ AK BBvBU aipf which is w/e, but I spewed a stack very next hand. This is somewhat a pattern for me. When I lose a big pot, I switch into higher gambling mode and gladly will take high variance spots.

Here is the hand I spewed. Villain is fun player, and posted bb+sb, and raised +1$ as first to act (total 1.5$ including posted blind) - can't see it in HH. My squeeze is standard, but I usually let it go vs 4bet. Here I just assumed he could do it wider as he posted blinds pre, and just jammed.
Can anyone justify it?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTG Player9 $46.92
UTG+1 Player1 $28.54
CO Player2 $96.25
D Player4 $50
SBHero $50
BB Player7 $20
6$0.75Hero is SBAQ
Player9 raises to $1, 2 folds, Player4 calls $1.50, Hero raises to $6.50, 1 fold, Player9 raises to $17.50, Player4 folds, Hero goes all-in$50, Player9 calls $28.67
Posted 8 years ago
Had my 2nd coaching session with w34z3l today! I wasn't that nervous this time, so I think I won't sound retarded haha. Session wen't well - we looked more at my BB play, but main object was cbetting. Man, I had no idea my cbet OOP should be just 40%! I've been cbetting there too much, and x/raising just 1/3 of what I should. I feel coaching will improve my game a lot, so thanks @Jon-PokerVIP for throwing this competition! I think I'll be able to close in the current edition as well before going into massive drinking fest for the rest of this year haha!
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: Had my 2nd coaching session with w34z3l today! I wasn't that nervous this time, so I think I won't sound retarded haha. Session wen't well - we looked more at my BB play, but main object was cbetting. Man, I had no idea my cbet OOP should be just 40%! I've been cbetting there too much, and x/raising just 1/3 of what I should. I feel coaching will improve my game a lot, so thanks @Jon-PokerVIP for throwing this competition! I think I'll be able to close in the current edition as well before going into massive drinking fest for the rest of this year haha!

So sick to hear you are getting a lot out of it! Plan is to run 1-2 of these each month in 2016 also so gogogo. I might also make it top 3 if the competition gets tougher or the same keep winning. Want to spread the love as much as possible.

W34z3l is the best out there especially when it comes to database analysis so i am not surprised he found such big leaks.

Keep it up and gl in this current one. 6 days to go then party time Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah, this competition is pretty good for driving traffic and increasing activity in this forum in general, so I guess it's beneficial to the both sides.

I realize I do have a massive advantage over the field since I play full time, therefore it's actually quite easy for me to win it if I'm going for it. Sorry guys, but that's the truth! Wink But don't worry, I'm gonna let others win as well when I finish work with my DB. And yeah - making it top 3 would be awesome.

Had very tilting HU battle over at TonyBet NL50 table. I mean, I didn't tilt, but the guy was just sunrunning over me. I had an edge ofc, but he kept taking down bigger 4bet pots in ugly fashion. Final pot was pretty nice as I finally hit smth! Took a while haha.

No tracking there so will try to remember. (not sure about pf if I opened/4bet, or limp/raised on BU - limping buttons is the nuts against those over aggro villains Laugh ). Villain had seen hero 4bet light and he's been calling light, and has caught hero bluffing before (by hero calling).
(150bb eff) Hero SB with A3o, min open to 1 eur, get raised to 3.5 (villain 3betting a lot), so I 4bet bluff to 8.5 and he flats.

Flop Jc3h5c or so. Villain checks, Hero bets 1/3, villain calls.

Turn 3d (binkkkk) check, Hero bets 1/2, villain calls.

River 8x (pot like 50 eur, got 38 behind) check, hero jams, villain calls J10. Got him! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Just saw the best poker video I've ever seen! Laugh

Posted 8 years ago
Damn, sat down for a qick session 00:00 last night.. It somehow lasted till 6am. I hate loosing when games are good! Laugh Got a juicy NL50 game at TonyBet - 4 ppl 300-400bb deep (incl me). Very loose, very aggro game. Unfortunately didn't win any 200+ eur pots, but finished as slight winner (dropped 70e at NL25 vs a decent, aggro HU player, so won maybe 90e at NL50 there). Fun night! Smile

Just for a preview, a hand from middle of session:

TonyBetPoker Hand #15404102: Hold'em No Limit (€0.25/€0.50 eur) 2015/12/17 02:57:18 GMT
Table 'Laredo II' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: Silentium (€50.50 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero (€114.68 in chips)
Seat 5: bytheway25 (€133.42 in chips)
Seat 6: malinka (€204.46 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind €0.25
bytheway25: posts big blind €0.50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
malinka: folds
Silentium: folds
Hero: raises €1.00 to €1.50
bytheway25: calls €1.00
*** FLOP *** [9h 2c Th]
Hero: bets €1.50
bytheway25: calls €1.50
*** TURN *** [9h 2c Th] [5s]
Hero: bets €2.00
bytheway25: raises €7.50 to €9.50
Hero: calls €7.50
*** RIVER *** [9h 2c Th 5s] [5c]
Hero: checks
bytheway25: bets €15.00
Hero: calls €15.00
*** SHOW DOWN ***
bytheway25: shows [Js 8h] (a pair of Fives)
Hero: shows [Qs 9s] (two pairs, Nines and Fives)
Hero collected €55.00 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot €55.00 | Rake €0.00
Board [ 9h 2c Th 5s 5c ]
Seat 2: Silentium (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Hero (small blind) showed [Qs 9s]
Seat 5: bytheway25 (big blind) showed [Js 8h]
Seat 6: malinka folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Posted 8 years ago
Could you post up some screenshots of the Tony Bet games?
Posted 8 years ago
Hello! It seems the year is over for me (since Friday already). Can't see when I'll be able to grind a day without hangover, as my bro arrives from UK tomorrow, then I'm heading to country side for Christmas with family till 27/28, and NY eve will take couple of days (if you know what I mean haha). I was in a very good party on Sat - girl turned 18, so a lot of puking youngsters haha. Mmm, I remember when I was that age. No milf's tho.

I won't post graph yet, but I can tell that I cleared tables pretty good compared to volume I put in.

@Jon-PokerVIP , here is a shot from TB - can't get much more than HU.
Attached Image

As someone of you have already noticed, my 1st session of coaching is out. 2nd will be more enjoyable - at least I wasn't nervous. Not sure I've put in enough effort to take down 3rd session, but will see about that.
Posted 8 years ago
Oh nice the layout looks pretty enjoyable tbh. Clean and easy i like it!

Yeh it is never easy grinding at this time of the year that is for sure!!! Enjoy your rest and get drunkkkkkkkkkk

Pics of the night outs?
Posted 8 years ago
Hello, I'm still alive! Got some time, so will post December numbers.

Looks like I played only 13 days.

My 888 graph: +~45$ missing in graph.
Attached Image

Did good at TonyBet as well. No idea how many hands. 0 losing days so far! Cool
Attached Image

So, I made ~1.2k$ in like 20k hands. Good enough. Feels good to finish the year with a decent month!

I hope all of you had great Christmas time, and I wish you an awesome New Years eve with loads of pussy and substances!
Posted 8 years ago

Posted 8 years ago
Intro for the 2016 massive heater Cool

Posted 8 years ago
LOL 0 losing days on Tony Bet! IM ON MY WAY

haha loads of P & S - Classic NYE oioiiiiiiiiiii
Posted 8 years ago
[few] GOALS OF 2016

1) Move in my own apartment. Gotta be min 3 rooms, so I can have an office there. Can get a bad ass 2-level apartment for 550 eur/month without commodities.
2) Buy my own car. Saving up takes too long, and I can't get a lease (no official income haha). Maybe I can get someone to get a lease for me though.
3) Make NL100/200 as my work limit.
4) Use my time more efficient - gotta optimize my working hours, so I can work 40h/week, and also have a life away from poker.
5) Be a better person. Try not to hurt anyone around me, and show support to others when it's needed.
6) Meet new people, and also work on keeping close those who I already consider friends.

There's much more to it of course. I know I'm capable of reaching these goals! Just gotta stop fucking around, and really go for it! I'm not setting any monetary goals, as I see it more and more clearly that money ain't worth a shit really. Tomorrow I'm starting my 2016 grind! I CAN DO IT!
Posted 8 years ago
Can you smash some pictures in of what the apartment looks like?

Price sounds insane - want a room mate? lol

I pay £700 for a one level 2 bedroom apartment in the UK. Its pretty big but not a 2 level bad ass apartment that's for sure.

Tons of cool stuff coming up on the forum to help you hit those levels - stay tuned Smile