Posted 8 years ago
Haha, sure! Is it £700 fixed payment? I guess this one would be 550eur+150-200 eur in winter months / 550+50-70 in summer months. Quite a lot for Latvian standards, but I'm ambitious person! Smile
It's 10 min walking distance from Riga Old town, and I can't even imagine how sick it would be to live there!

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Started the year with -4 BI session (-2BI EV). Got on tilt and spewed 40-50bb at the end, so quit. Felt rusty after ~2 week break, but played OK, just was on the wrong end of variance in the crucial pots.
Posted 8 years ago
Got in almost 8h of play today, and I'm getting back into the flow! It kinda feels that my game has became stronger after the break, not sure why. Maybe what I learnt from coaching absorbed in my unconsciousness, idk. Anyway, year has started rough for me, quickly got like 400-450 eur in a hole, but I recovered and am at -120 eur or so (EV is +100 eur).

Posted 8 years ago
Wow that is sick and yeh it is £700 a month all year round fixed PLUS bills which include

- £100 council tax
- £100 Sky TV/Internet
- Gas/Water/Electricity £120ish

Then everything else there is.

Your place looks amazing and sure you will get there bro! Send more pics of any other places you see. Love seeing what you can get in other places!
Posted 8 years ago


Posted 8 years ago
Smashed 9.5h today. 888 still wants me to eat noodles.

Winner hand... oh yes, I did not win... #1outer

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Plan is to keep smashing volume, and eventually I'll win smth.

Posted 8 years ago
#PrayForMG love it!! Great looking place man hope you smash it!! I've been loads recently on self improvement and it feels amazing. Running a lot, working hard on things. One thing I advise is go 100% at EVERYTHING!!! if you wanna crush you gotta have it built in to you that you crush EVERYTHING.

Hope you get on the better side of varience soon!
Posted 8 years ago
#PrayForMG let's get this trending!!!

Nice words there from @CrazyCookie . Could not agree more
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate it!

Bad day volume wise, just 5h. A very good friend of mine from my hometown, who just became a father (and got married) came to stay the night, so that cut off my 2 evening sessions.

Won a bit, and I'm out of my -500 eur hole I was in. I can feel, that this month is gonna be HUGE for me, super motivated to grind the hours!

And yes, #PrayForMG is legit! BTN typed 'I'm all in blind' after he squeezed, and he wasn't lying. Smile And I truly deserved that turn!

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
6 Players

UTGHero $51.79
UTG+1 Player7 $52.20
CO Player9 $17.60
D Player1 $42.42
SB Player2 $61.96
BB Player4 $50
6$0.75Hero is UTGAK
Hero raises to $1.50, Player7 calls $1.50, 1 fold, Player1 raises to $4, 2 folds, Hero raises to $12, Player7 goes all-in $52.20, Player1 calls $38.42, Hero calls$39.79
3$147.16, 1 all-in 498
3$147.16, 1 all-in K
3$147.16, 1 all-in 7
Final Pot$147.16
Player1 shows 59
Hero shows AK
Player7 shows QQ

Hero wins$142.75 (net +$90.96)
Player7 collects $0.41 (net -$51.79)
Player1 lost $42.42
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
haha gotta love the 59s blind jam. Kids still have that gamble in them.

Really cool speaking with you last night on Skype and shooting the shit. I deffs believe this year is going to be a big one for you and sick to see you loving every bit of it.

Posted 8 years ago
Aaand another 7.5h in my pocket! Very swingy, very tilting day, and another 2 BI below EV. I'm so far 7 BI below at 888, and probably 2-3 BI below EV at TonyBet (might be wrong, don't have tracking there). Got like 200e in a hole at one point, but recovered to +150e or so.

Winner hand from midday session, in which I couldn't win a shit.
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Player9 $51.62
CO Player2 $30.73
D Player4 $50.79
SBHero $55.98
BB Player7 $69.29
5$0.75Hero is SBQQ
Player9 raises to $1.31, Player2 calls $1.31, 1 fold, Hero raises to $6.50, Player7 calls $6, Player9 folds, Player2 folds
Hero bets$8, Player7 raises to $16, Hero goes all-in$49.48, Player7 calls $33.48
2$114.58, 1 all-in 5
2$114.58, 1 all-in 6
Final Pot$114.58
Hero shows QQ
Player7 shows 48

Player7 wins $110.58 (net +$54.60)
Player2 lost $1.31
Hero lost$55.98
Player9 lost $1.31

Basically, this is what keeps me going
Posted 8 years ago
Love that speech. One of the best ever made and Sly acts it out perfectly.

7.5 hours of i miss being young.

Posted 8 years ago
Back in 2008!

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Player1 $48.92
CO Player2 $53.53
D Player4 $56.55
SBHero $52.89
BB Player7 $20
5$0.75Hero is SB8T
Player1 raises to $1.50, 1 fold, Player4 calls $1.50, Hero calls$1.25, Player7 raises to $2.50, Player1 calls $1, Player4 calls $1, Hero calls$1
Hero checks, Player7 goes all-in $17.50, Player1 calls $17.50, 1 fold, Hero goes all-in$50.39, Player1 calls $28.92
3$124.31, 2 all-in 4
3$124.31, 2 all-in 9
Final Pot$124.31
Player1 shows JA
Hero shows 8T
Player7 shows KT

Hero wins$124.28 (net +$71.39)
Player1 lost $48.92
Player4 lost $2.50
Player7 lost $20
Posted 8 years ago
Bang bang, just won the biggest pot of my life! +133.5eur profit from a single hand.... #PrayForMG helps! Laugh

It was on TonyBet, so hh looks like this. Few orbits back the same action occurred, and SB put in a cold 4bet with KJs. BU is 3betting wide, so both of their ranges are wide (weak), therefore my jam seemed fine. Thoughts?

TonyBetPoker Hand #16066740: Hold'em No Limit (€0.25/€0.50 eur) 2016/01/10 20:59:10 GMT
Table 'Laredo (Straddle) I' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 2: SB liolikk (€73.81 in chips)
Seat 4: BB mizl (€103.99 in chips)
Seat 5: CO Hero (€67.75 in chips)
Seat 6: BU PokerGirl91 (€100.44 in chips)
liolikk: posts small blind €0.25
mizl: posts big blind €0.50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Hero: raises €1.00 to €1.50
PokerGirl91: raises €3.50 to €5.00
liolikk: raises €8.00 to €13.00
mizl: folds
Hero: raises €66.25 and is all-in
PokerGirl91: calls €62.75
liolikk: raises €60.81 and is all-in
PokerGirl91: calls €6.06
*** FLOP *** [5c Jh 4s]
*** TURN *** [5c Jh 4s] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [5c Jh 4s 6h] [3c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
PokerGirl91: shows [Ad Kh] (Ace high)
liolikk: shows [As Ah] (a pair of Aces)
liolikk collected €12.12 from side-pot 1
Hero collected €203.75 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot €215.87 | Rake €0.00
Board [ 5c Jh 4s 6h 3c ]
Game ended: 2016/01/10 21:00:00 GMT
Seat 2: liolikk (small blind) showed [As Ah]
Seat 4: mizl (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Hero showed [Jd Js]
Seat 6: PokerGirl91 (button) showed [Ad Kh]

I'll write a report with a graph later or tomorrow. Hint - I did what seemed impossible when I was -500e! Smile
Posted 8 years ago

Testify! He rises from the red like a Rostucko Jesus. Hallelujah!

Posted 8 years ago
So, yeah. I caught some heat, and got into 1.5k eur upswung! Therefore, I've crossed 1k eur mark, and had my 2nd ever 1k+ week (+1.2k eur - lost 200 last Sunday, but I count it as the same week)!

Graph from 888: Pretty lines, huh? I've never had that sexy red line before - benefit of coaching? +440 eur from TonyBet. 45h week.
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I've got 8.79bb/100 w/r (EV 13.53bb/100) in this graph. My total EV w/r is 7.35bb/100 over 125k hand sample at NL50, and I think I'm capable of sustaining 10bb/100 win rate at 888. So 50k hand grind would result in 2.5k profit (1.83k with 7.35 w/r). +200 or so in RB. Sounds pretty good, so gotta keep pushing volume, and good things will happen eventually!

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Posted 8 years ago
Awesome graph, well done. And 45h play in a week is pretty impressive, keep it up! Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Great upswing, keep it up!!!
Posted 8 years ago
That flat is well within sites what a god damn sick upswing. This is exactly what makes peoples years getting off to such a sick start. The motivation, confidence and everything else which comes with that can seriously propel you onto a huge 2016.

Posted 8 years ago
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