Posted 8 years ago
Ok, week is over for me. Managed 39.5h of play, which is good. Got on tilt last night, and day before. Not sure how much I spewed, maybe 100 or so. It just frustrates me so hard when I can't win anything for hours, and since I'm mental fish, I don't like quitting when down, therefore I end up spewing before I insta quit after the spew.

Anyway, won 610 eur last week.

MTD: +431 eur from TonyBet in unknown number of hands.
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I've been eyeing NL100 games for some days now. Some regs are the same from 50 field, and so are some recs. Games are probably not much tougher. I know I should take that shot, but as I plan to donk 20-25% of my roll for the flat, failed shot can leave a very big damage both for roll and my confidence.

So gotta keep pushing hours!
Posted 8 years ago
This is so sick man! Thinking back a few months when you are getting like 20-30k hands MAX/month to now aiming for 70k and winning a great chunk!!! Should be very proud my man! Makes me want to get back on the horse after a few months out Cheeky

Regarding the mental game: a good book I'm reading (listening to on audible actually) is "The Power Of Now". It is a great read and when I have read it from the perspective of a poker player it ticks sosososo many boxes. Can't recomend it enough.

Keep crushing man Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh @CrazyCookie said it well this is massively impressive and you should be so proud.

It's so nice to just watch a player grow and thanks for also showing your life stuff with the apartment. Really sick to watch progression.
Posted 8 years ago
Crushing poker, flat and life. No more #prayforMG. Now its #prayTOmg. He is my new deity.

Milfgrinder, who art in the Baltics,
Hallowed be thy winrate.
Those fishies come.
Those fishies be done,
On Tonybet as it is in Stars.
Give us this day our daily Buy In.
And forgive us our spewshoves,
As we forgive those who spewshove against us.
And lead us not into raketraps,
But deliver us from Amaya.

MG have mercy on my redline. Amen.
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: Crushing poker, flat and life. No more #prayforMG. Now its #prayTOmg. He is my new deity.

Milfgrinder, who art in the Baltics,
Hallowed be thy winrate.
Those fishies come.
Those fishies be done,
On Tonybet as it is in Stars.
Give us this day our daily Buy In.
And forgive us our spewshoves,
As we forgive those who spewshove against us.
And lead us not into raketraps,
But deliver us from Amaya.

MG have mercy on my redline. Amen.

@thetallpaul Oh man, this is just amazing! Massive respect!

Had a look at that flat, and basically gave it a go. Gotta sign the contract, meet the owner and shit, but probably moving in next week!
It isn't as baller as it looks in pics - it's a bit smaller IRL I guess, but still pretty cool and it's in the heart of Riga. Gonna have some epic parties there! Laugh

Poker - had a day off Yesterday (after 13 days of grind), and today got in just 3h as I took care of flat business (had to travel to Riga) and some other shit. Gotta push harder if I want to meet my 40h target! Also, I've decided to move away even more %'s of my volume from 888, and get a 3rd room going (a secret one for now Laugh ). You know, there are some talks that BBC is going to make a story about Bots at 888, so even recs will find out that they play against computers. And 888 don't give a f about bots, even though there are some overwhelming evidence of EEuropen bot ring.
Posted 8 years ago
Haha that is completely epic @thetallpaul. Love it #prayTOmg

Congrats on the flat and hope you really enjoy it. 2 months until I move out of my one and know idea where I want to go or what i want to do.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Haha that is completely epic @thetallpaul. Love it #prayTOmg

Congrats on the flat and hope you really enjoy it. 2 months until I move out of my one and know idea where I want to go or what i want to do.

Pvip baller house surellyyyyyyyyyyy!! Be like the guys in 2m2m!!
Posted 8 years ago*
@CrazyCookie Better not, those guys were nerds! Laugh

I'll try to take a look to one more flat tomorrow, which in better location and ~40% cheaper utilities. It isn't that baller overall, but it has epic living room! And to be fair, I'm no baller yet Sad
Posted 8 years ago
Personally, I'm kinda big on the sustainability aspect of things, but then again those pictures that you posted looked pretty damn sexy. Besides, a good-looking place is not just a vanity thing, the appearance of your surroundings can actually boost your productivity. It's obviously not a huge thing but everything matters in a game of small edges Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Awesome thread man! Let us know when you will take the NL100 shot Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: @CrazyCookie Better not, those guys were nerds! Laugh

I'll try to take a look to one more flat tomorrow, which in better location and ~40% cheaper utilities. It isn't that baller overall, but it has epic living room! And to be fair, I'm no baller yet :(

Yeah but wouldn't have to be a nerd Cheeky

I've often thought about trying to set one up, like wouldn't have to be 4 high high stakes players, 4 50nl-100nl grinders who get 80k hands in and win at 4bb/100 make on average $10k/month between them. Obz varience kills sometimes but combined they probably won't have a loosing month. You could get a pretty dope place for £4k/month then bills probably get to 5k. Would be an epic atmosphere and potential to improve loads!
Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP Those are exactly my thoughts! In addition to that, atm I live in a snall, private house (owned by my dad) which has manual wooden heating system, therefore every morning I wake up in freezing cold (in winters), then I have to get the heating going (takes ~30 min) + there are tons of other trivial work to keep the household going. I piss a lot of my time taking care of these things! Smile If I convert this time to $, it would probably cover the rent +/-.

@Exposured Thanks! Shot is delayed due to donking chunk of my roll on flat haha.

@CrazyCookie It sounds very suicidal. I don't think spending much more of 30% of income on flat is a wise move. And on the other hand - if you live in grindhouse, everything you do is poker related. Poker talks 24/7 and no chance of separating poker and free time. Yeah, it's probably +EV from poker perspective, but I wouldn't do it as at the end it ain't about the money.

Looks like I'm going for this one! Can move in next week. Have to sign the contract - it's very bad one. Owner can rip me off so hard, so I'll have to negotiate some terms. I guess it's standard that most firms use, and people just don't give a f about all those possible angles (probably just can't see them).

Flat is not that baller except living room, but it felt good in there, and it's located in very nice place (50m away from only casino in Latvia where you can play poker haha), and just 500m outside of Old Town.

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Posted 8 years ago
arent you worried that living in so center can take a lot of time from your grinding . distractions and so on
have read some solid stories where big city life was just too much for someone and they could not take a step back from their "baller days"
Posted 8 years ago*
F U 888
Posted 8 years ago
MilfGrinder: F U 888

Bad Saturday?
Posted 8 years ago
Yep. Actually having like 30k break even stretch there and constant run below ev. So f u 888!

Posted 8 years ago
lennuk: arent you worried that living in so center can take a lot of time from your grinding . distractions and so on
have read some solid stories where big city life was just too much for someone and they could not take a step back from their "baller days"

Nah, not worried at all. I'm not a degen, I don't like gambling, I don't even like the city life. I've got strong power of will, and I can easily say no to many things. One thing what I will have to do, is start waking up earlier so I can get in enough hours and have a free evening.
Posted 8 years ago
lennuk: arent you worried that living in so center can take a lot of time from your grinding . distractions and so on
have read some solid stories where big city life was just too much for someone and they could not take a step back from their "baller days"

Nah, not worried at all. I'm not a degen, I don't like gambling, I don't even like the city life. I've got strong power of will, and I can easily say no to many things. One thing what I will have to do, is start waking up earlier so I can get in enough hours and have a free evening.

solid plan.
how is the month ?
Posted 8 years ago
Not. Good.
Posted 8 years ago