Posted 9 years ago
mattusko: @Jon-PokerVIP, You won our bet. I think I managed to play only 25K hands. I sent 20 to your skrill. enjoy Smile

Haha pleasure to do business with you. Want to do anything this month?


I wont be very active online this month. It looks like summer arrived to Amsterdam this year as well so wil lspent a lot of free time outside.

Plus I found one very nice place where guys play CashGame twice per week. They are playing nl50 from 21:00-24:00 and nl100 from 00:00 to 03:00. I already played one session there and the game was AMAZING.
Imagine all types of fishes sitting together with you at one table (no regs there). I am going to play this game again today to see if i am right or was just lucky :D

This is normal for live poker. At least it is in the UK.

Which is why it annoys me so much that I can't beat live poker.
Posted 9 years ago
You can beat it. Its just so damn slow that losing one big suck out takes months of grinding your edge out to win back. You'll go on a heater one day and end up degening at WSOP on the proceeds.
Posted 8 years ago
My dear followers.
Not much to update. I really dont have time to play atm. weather is super nice for Netherlands last two weeks, so trying to spend as much time as possible outside. I spent some time also playing Pool and I am feeling very happy about it. I LOVE THE GAME.

Poker related nothing special happend past days, maybe worth to mention that my adventure in BV was kind of fail. I've lost 150e there and cashouted the rest. I will deposit back to Ipoker I guess and will continue with nl20.

I played 3 session of live poker. down 2BI there. Unlucky in big pots where I am loosing big pots against gamlers.

I have one hand to mention. Game is 0.5/0.5 in eurosmy stack is 80e, 8 players at the table.

I forgot to post straddle so I open 3e with black AA. action behind me is: everybody calls except nit in BB. At the moment pot is 21.5e and we are 7 OTF.

Flop is Kh7h4c

SB check and I continue with bet 11e, guy behind me calls, then few folds and SB guy calls as well. Pot is 54.5e

Turn is 6h.

SB Shows rest of his stack which is 45e. I decided to FOLD. guy behind my calls.

River is 2s

Showdown. SB folds. Guy behind me shows KQ withouth FD.

GG, WP, next hand pls Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Haha fair fold man but yeh this is something which happens in these cash games a lot but in the long run i think its profitable. Sigh call it off with AAh tho!

As for enjoying the summer there aint nothing wrong with that. Not sure what its like in Amsterdam but for us in the UK we get the odd day of it so you have to make the most of the time.

Surprised you didn't crush MPN and if you ever want to give it a go say as a staked player i would snap roll you on there!
Posted 8 years ago
Some news. I redeposit at iPoker and lost 6bi in 1st session Smile . I played one live session as well and won 1bi.

Played some hours of pool-biliard and become a member of local club. Played one tournament there with fine results won 3 games, lost 2 games. Planty of room to improove, but very happy that i can still feel how to play. Now i only need more practice. Good thing about club is, that lot of players of differents skill level play there. This is awesome, because i always will be able to find a better player than me for trainings. At least for few couple of years.

@Jon-PokerVIP I would go for it very happy atm i guess. but there is no way how I can play 30K hands per month.(ofc i can spew your money while 16 tabling, but it doesnt make any sense) So I unfortunately I don't meet 1st and main condition.
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: Some news. I redeposit at iPoker and lost 6bi in 1st session Smile . I played one live session as well and won 1bi.

Played some hours of pool-biliard and become a member of local club. Played one tournament there with fine results won 3 games, lost 2 games. Planty of room to improove, but very happy that i can still feel how to play. Now i only need more practice. Good thing about club is, that lot of players of differents skill level play there. This is awesome, because i always will be able to find a better player than me for trainings. At least for few couple of years.

@Jon-PokerVIP I would go for it very happy atm i guess. but there is no way how I can play 30K hands per month.(ofc i can spew your money while 16 tabling, but it doesnt make any sense) So I unfortunately I don't meet 1st and main condition.

Well the door is open for when you think you can.

Unlucky on your first day back on iPoker....bad play or run bad? Games still good?
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: Some news. I redeposit at iPoker and lost 6bi in 1st session Smile . I played one live session as well and won 1bi.

Played some hours of pool-biliard and become a member of local club. Played one tournament there with fine results won 3 games, lost 2 games. Planty of room to improove, but very happy that i can still feel how to play. Now i only need more practice. Good thing about club is, that lot of players of differents skill level play there. This is awesome, because i always will be able to find a better player than me for trainings. At least for few couple of years.

@Jon-PokerVIP I would go for it very happy atm i guess. but there is no way how I can play 30K hands per month.(ofc i can spew your money while 16 tabling, but it doesnt make any sense) So I unfortunately I don't meet 1st and main condition.

Well the door is open for when you think you can.

Unlucky on your first day back on iPoker....bad play or run bad? Games still good?

Little bit of both. Lost couple of stack in PF AI when I run into Aces with KK/QQ/AK, Some standard spots where overpair lost againn draw/set on the flop etc. Also spew a bit in some situations. This happens from time to time but i will fight back!

I am thinking if it would be better not to stack off AK and QQ preflop against avg tight reg. It looks like they always have AA/KK Laugh could be variance but will think about it a bit during next session. At the moment i stack off if I have an oportunity agains everybody.

Posted 8 years ago
small update after few days...

running bad + playing bad + feeling bad = losing money.

I am feeling that I lack motivation for playing last 1-2 months. Not sure why, but also missing powers to fight it. It is hard to fight downer when I know I can play only 10-15K hands per month. Will focus on Pool-Biliard next couple of weeks and we will see if I'll start missing poker a bit more.

Will update once I hit tables again.
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: small update after few days...

running bad + playing bad + feeling bad = losing money.

I am feeling that I lack motivation for playing last 1-2 months. Not sure why, but also missing powers to fight it. It is hard to fight downer when I know I can play only 10-15K hands per month. Will focus on Pool-Biliard next couple of weeks and we will see if I'll start missing poker a bit more.

Will update once I hit tables again.

Sorry to hear brah! Enjoy your break and good luck on the tables (the pool tables that is). Get some pics in here!!!
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: small update after few days...

running bad + playing bad + feeling bad = losing money.

I am feeling that I lack motivation for playing last 1-2 months. Not sure why, but also missing powers to fight it. It is hard to fight downer when I know I can play only 10-15K hands per month. Will focus on Pool-Biliard next couple of weeks and we will see if I'll start missing poker a bit more.

Will update once I hit tables again.

Sorry to hear brah! Enjoy your break and good luck on the tables (the pool tables that is). Get some pics in here!!!

Thanks mate! I will try to take sopme pics sooner or later Smile

At the end I finished at live nl50 yesterday after pool Giggle . Cashouted +3BI. Today is pool tournament for beginners. Last time I won 3 games and lost 2. Todday my goal is to win at least 4 games.

Posted 8 years ago
Good luck man! Lets us know how you get on and deffs get some pics of it all!
Posted 8 years ago
Played another live session of nl50. Ended -2bi. Lost 530bb pot JJ vs QT against awesome gambler, who sat down and start pushing everyhand preflop for 100/200bb...
Posted 8 years ago
Update for last 5 days. Not a single hand of poker. I have a visitors at the moment at my place, we are basically smoking/drinking all the time when I am not in the work so there is not time to sit and play. They are leaving on Saturday 1.8. and this is also the day where I start small new journey. Already missing playing this lovely game...
Will try to keep you updated.
Posted 8 years ago
mattusko: Update for last 5 days. Not a single hand of poker. I have a visitors at the moment at my place, we are basically smoking/drinking all the time when I am not in the work so there is not time to sit and play. They are leaving on Saturday 1.8. and this is also the day where I start small new journey. Already missing playing this lovely game...
Will try to keep you updated.

Came to hear some stories of poker winning, pool degenning and living the dream......all i got was the living the dream part. Nice rest bro and good luck when you hit the tables.
Posted 8 years ago
I kinda agree with @CrazyCookie. When your win rate is high you're almost always better of increasing volume than making a shot higher since when you're close to 10bb/100 or even above you're making buy-ins at such a fast rate that it makes sense to accumulate as much of them as possible so when you finally decide to move up it's going to be way safer.
Posted 8 years ago
I hit the tables today, played 1.5K hands. Was up 4bi after 1.2K hands, but manage to lose it in last 300 hands #asusual maybe one more session in the evening.
Posted 8 years ago*
Its been a long time. Two weeks without update, such a shame. Unfortunately nothing intresting happened, alt least poker wise. In my personal life, thats another story, shitloads of thing happened. I am sitting at the airport, my flight has delay 55 minutes. Hope this wont grow. I am heading to La Coruna (Spain) for one week long business trip. Finally from this shity Dutch weather to a better place

Some highlights, what happened past two weeks:

- I won beginners pool-biliard tournament
- My ass kicked in advanced pool-biliard tournament
- Extended my contract, in same week received 4 new job offers (1x Amsterdam, 1x Vienna, 2x Prague)
- Assigned to new New Project
- Awesome bachelor party of one of my mates in Hungary. We promote drunk stupidity to next level.

Upcoming weeks:

- Spain adventure
- one week journey.
- My own bachelor party
- My wedding

I will post some awesome pictures with some short stories later this week, when I remember to do it before I go to sleep.

Good luck and Have fun guys.
Posted 8 years ago
As it goes on business trips, I am very busy with work and drinking. More updates later.
Posted 8 years ago*
Still busy. Not a single hand of poker Crying I would like to play a bit again but need to find some free spots in my week schedule. And also I am not sure if it makes sense to play 2-4h per week. To be able to make some solid sample with this volume it will takes me one year...
Posted 8 years ago
if you only play 2hours and win each time it will add up over the year man but follow ur dreams an play when you can